The consumer boom in Iran
During his visit to Cuba in 2012, the former president of Iran, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad said: "Fortunately, we are already seeing how the capitalist system is in decline ...". However, the changes that have taken place in Iran over the past few years seem to contradict this. Trends "decaying capitalism" and came to Iran, and a consumption boom is gaining strength.
![]() 1. Despite the slow mobile internet and the high price of imported equipment, as well as ongoing censorship in the media, Iranians desperately buying smartphones, tablets and flat-screen TVs. In the photo: June 29, 2014, Shiraz, Iran. The woman in the shop «Hyperstar», in the Persian Gulf Complex - a huge shopping center, built a few kilometers from Shiraz. (Photo: Thomas Cristofoletti / Ruom). ![]() 2. Shoppinng became obsessive ritual among young people, especially among women, for whom the purchase of luxury goods Western brands became fun, replaces the lack of other entertainment, and a kind of "protest" against the constraints they face. In the photo: June 19, 2014, Isfahan, Iran. Portrait of Ayatollah Seyed Ali Khamenei and Ayatollah Musavi Khomeini on the wall in the biggest shopping center of the country - Isfahan City Center Mall. (Photo: Thomas Cristofoletti / Ruom). ![]() 3. Even traditional markets - a popular place for shopping Iranians - are now facing competition from big shopping centers, which were built in the suburbs of major cities across the country. Photo: June 29, 2014 - Shiraz, Iran. Children play in Iran Land - an amusement park built in the Persian Gulf Complex - a large shopping center on the outskirts of Shiraz. (Photo: Thomas Cristofoletti / Ruom). ![]() 4. All of the new shopping centers in Iran were built in Western style, they feature the best international brands, except for elite shops there is also a colorful amusement arcade and many other temptations that all and will not list. Photo: June 12, 2014, Tehran, Iran. Two young girls walk on a street in Tehran. Iranian women are increasingly refusing to comply with government-imposed dress code, bypass the restrictions and wear clothes made of expensive fabrics fashionable western style. (Photo: Thomas Cristofoletti / Ruom). ![]() 5. June 11, 2014, Qom, Iran. Young pilgrims eating ice cream in a cafe in Qom - the second holy city in Iran. (Photo: Thomas Cristofoletti / Ruom). ![]() 6. June 19, 2014, Isfahan, Iran. The woman in the shop of electrical engineering at Isfahan City Center Mall, one of the largest shopping centers in the country. (Photo: Thomas Cristofoletti / Ruom). ![]() 7. June 19, 2014, Isfahan, Iran. Visitors to the «Kentucky House» - one of the fast food restaurants in Isfahan City Center Mall. (Photo: Thomas Cristofoletti / Ruom). ![]() 8. June 12, 2014, Tehran, Iran. Woman in traditional markets in Tehran. (Photo: Thomas Cristofoletti / Ruom). ![]() 9. June 23, 2014, Shiraz, Iran. Cars parked in Shiraz. Due to international sanctions, the purchase of foreign cars in Iran is very expensive, so the Iranians prefer to buy domestic cars. (Photo: Thomas Cristofoletti / Ruom). ![]() 10. June 18, 2014, Isfahan, Iran. Two girls something to check on Facebook smartphone. Despite the slow mobile Internet, more and more Iranians are buying smartphones. (Photo: Thomas Cristofoletti / Ruom). |
melinda_kerr replied at 25-1-2015 11:39 PM
Beruntung juga rs dirini sbb pernah dapat masuk Iran. Hidup diaorg sama aje mcm kita. Cuma u takkn j ...
Artemesiaa replied at 23-1-2015 10:42 PM
Sampai Malayisa terus berubah penampilan mereka siap bermini skirt berhot pants bagai
Teru2Bozu replied at 27-5-2015 09:45 PM
Yupe..ex-boss aku pun mcm tu. Pastu dia x praktik islamik dorang kat sini. smayang ka, puasa ka..s ...
airisa replied at 27-5-2015 07:29 PM
bukan boikot .. iran ni di bawah US Sanction so, takde product US dijual secara legal .. sebab tu ...
Teru2Bozu replied at 27-5-2015 09:45 PM
Yupe..ex-boss aku pun mcm tu. Pastu dia x praktik islamik dorang kat sini. smayang ka, puasa ka..s ...
melinda_kerr replied at 27-5-2015 10:40 PM
U kawin dgn org sana ke u?
airisa replied at 28-5-2015 02:05 PM
diorg kan ramai yg syiah .. kalau musafir tak perlu puasa mcm tu la ... ada sekali bulan puasa, ke ...