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budak_gemuk91's space [Favorites] [Copy] [Share] [RSS]


Visitors: 24

  • Memory Corrupted  Reply
  • sahabat sejati takkan berubah hati walaupun musim bersilih ganti  Reply
  • Kun Anta ~ Be Yourself  Reply
  • Ahlan Wa Sahlan Ya Ramadhan  Reply
  • ~Andai itu Takdirku~ Reply
  • Di manakah letaknya diri ku ini   Reply
  • aku xusik ko, ko jgn nk usik aku  Reply
  • Sesal Separuh Nyawa  Reply
  • Sepi itu Indah... Reply
  • EXIT!!! Reply
  • Protect Your Spirit From Contamination..Limit Your Time With Negative People  Reply
  • nampak or tak?? apa beza pada aku?? Reply
  • menikmati "kebebasan"  Reply
  • ID ni HAK aku...suka hati aku la.... ~feeling : ANNOYING~ Reply
  • Berilah aku kesembuhan  Reply
  • BioMummy of one sweet little boy
  • Birth Day1991 - 9 - 10
  • GenderFemale

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Yoongie 10-8-2014 01:58 AM
waa.. santek space !! thumbs up
budak_gemuk91 7-3-2014 09:08 AM
hehehe kite ni tlebih rajin kalo bab2 habiskn masa ni
ladyfree 7-3-2014 08:58 AM
budak_gemuk91: dia da cntik   
tak reti sgt sebenarnya....
ok jugak la drpd xde lgsung...
berforum dah bertahun tp baru godek2 smlm benda ni.... heheh...
ladyfree 7-3-2014 07:55 AM
budak_gemuk91: klik at DIY space tu...
Tq dear :)
ladyfree 6-3-2014 10:13 AM
helo... camne buat wallpaper mcm ni? huhu blur
surfinv 7-2-2014 08:34 PM
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