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  • New year...2014   Reply
  • Ref: 52-Week Money Challenge - Week 43;  Min total amount: 946   Reply
  • Ref: 52-Week Money Challenge - Week 37;  Min total amount: 703   Reply
  • Ref: 52-Week Money Challenge - Week 34;  Min total amount: 595   Reply
  • Ref: 52-Week Money Challenge - Week 33;  Min total amount: 561   Reply
  • Ref: 52-Week Money Challenge - Week 31;  Min total amount: 496 Reply
  • A small but sufficient amount is better than what is plentiful but causes distraction   Reply
  • Ref: 52-Week Money Challenge - Week 29;  Min total amount: 436 Reply
  • Ref: 52-Week Money Challenge - Week 28;  Min total amount: 406 Reply
  • Ref: 52-Week Money Challenge - Week 27;  Min total amount: 378 Reply
  • Ref: 52-Week Money Challenge - Week 26;  Min total amount: 351   Reply
  • Ref: 52-Week Money Challenge - Week 25;  Min total amount: 325    Reply
  • Ref: 52-Week Money Challenge - Week 24;  Min total amount: 300   Reply
  • Ref: 52-Week Money Challenge - Week 23;  Min total amount: 276   Reply

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batu kikir 22-10-2014 11:11 PM
Saya ada buat thread baru meminta Cari LOCK threads yang berkaitan FX yang tak dibenarkan olih BNM. Kalau moderator rasa ragu2..........hubungi BNM dulu untuk dapat kepastian. Jangan nanti bila BNM buat tindakan, Cari Forum terbabit sama. Harap maklum.
lcs5581 14-3-2013 12:44 AM
MYInvestor 2-3-2013 05:16 PM
baby_pingu : Hi, You only paste a link to your blog. Although the information there is only for reading, however pasting links to own blog is considered as advert ... Hi there Pingu, thanks for the explanation and I can understand where you are coming from. Rest assured I will be participating in discussions and sharing what I have. It's great to read your response in a civil and understanding manner. I appreciate that. :) If there are any opportunities or project that I can off ... ...
MYInvestor 2-3-2013 11:01 AM
Hi there baby_pingu, I not sure why is my thread Is moved to the Lain-lain section. All the topics posted in the thread is not selling anything but more of financial education for readers. Do let me know if the thread can be moved back as I feel the thread is more suitable in the economy and bursa saham category then the lain-lain category. Thanks See ...
Sam79081035 11-2-2011 10:55 PM
恭喜發財喔~新年快樂~ 想出國遊玩嗎?想多陪陪親人嗎?想賺取更多的額外收入嗎? 每天只需要在家努力工作2-4小時,你就會有滔滔不絕的收入 只要填資料立即有90天免費體驗網路創業 還在等甚麼,心動不如馬上行動 → 【 】無誠勿試 PS:謝謝您的閱讀。如果您不感興趣,很抱歉打擾您!! ...
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