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Beautiful news from the parents of MH17 victims
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God are great! May this couple live happily with their newborn..
Original article <here>
They Lost Their Children On MH17, But Something Beautiful Is Helping Them HealMAY 12, 2016 — By Madeline Distasio
When Malaysia Airlines flight MH17 was struck down over eastern Ukraine almost two years ago, the news came like a knife to the hearts of Australian parents Anthony Maslin and Marite Norris.[size=1.6]And that's because all three of their children were on that plane with their maternal grandfather Nick Norris. The tragedy left no survivors, claiming the lives of all 298 passengers on board. The couple had no idea that when they dropped Nick, Mo, Evie, and Otis off at the airport that day, they'd never see them again. [size=1.6]But on May 11, 2016, they were given the ultimate gift — a treasure by the name of Violet May who is helping them heal.
Meet Violet May Maslin. She was born yesterday, and as far as her parents are concerned, she's already proven to be a beam of light in an unspeakably dark time.
“We believe that Mo, whose 14th birthday was Saturday, Evie, 12 next week, Otis, 10 next month, and Granddad Nick have sent us an amazing gift," they explained. "Violet’s birth is a testament to our belief that love is stronger than hate.”
Although they're not here to meet their new sister, Mom and Dad know that they'd be so happy to welcome little Violet into the family.
[size=1.6]Just after the disaster, the couple released a statement. "Our babies are not here with us. We need to live with this act of horror every moment for the rest of our lives," they said. "No one deserves what we are going through, not even the people who shot our whole family out of the sky."
But now they have a chance to take a step forward and raise their new addition in honor of the three wonderful children who left big shoes to fill.[size=1.6]Although such horrific wounds never fully heal, Violet May Maslin has already helped her parents more than she could possibly understand. Best wishes to this family as they add to the beautiful house that Mo, Otis, and Evie built.
Tu dah dpt ganti...
Life goes on... |
semoga dapat mengurangkan penderitaan
mereka sekeluarga dan terubat rindu.. |
Kehilangan anak2 are parents worst nightmare. X dapat nak bayangkan apa yang dorang da lalui.
Hoping that the new bundle of joy will ease their pain even for a lil bit.
Bila Tuhan amik, pasti Dia bagi ganti yg lebih baik.. |
Ada juga akhirnya berita gembira untuk keluarga tu. Betul kata kebanyakan orang sesudah duka pasti akan datang saat gembiranya pula. |
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