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Teen girl 'gang raped by five Syrian migrants in UK care home'
AN 18-YEAR-OLD girl says she was gang raped by five Syrian migrants at a care home last weekend.
The vulnerable 18-year-old victim says she was subjected to a harrowing five-hour ordeal.
The girl was there along with young migrants who were housed under legal obligation by the local authority, it is reported.
Four youths, who are all purportedly under 18 and from Syria, have been arrested, while two have been charged with rape.
The victim, a vulnerable youth, is said to be "deeply distressed" by the horrific ordeal at the facility in Gillingham, Kent.
She has reportedly told authorities she believes five attackers were involved and has questioned why migrants were being housed there at all.
The pair charged have appeared at Medway Youth Court and were remanded in custody to appear at Maidstone Crown Court on November 20.
The other two arrested have been released without charge.
Thousands of refugees have fleed war-torn Syria to escape the bloody conflict involving ISIS, rebel forces and government troops fighting for Bashar al-Assad's ailing regime.
The UK has pledged to take in 20,000 refugees in the next five years, a figure criticised by some for being too low, with other countries taking in far more.
Britain is among the largest aid donors to refugee camps, with some estimates suggesting the UK has committed £1bn to help the crisis.
It is not known how long the youths involved in this case have been in the UK.
Sources say police fear the suspects may be older than they say.
One told the Sun: “They arrived in the country without documents claiming to be under 18 and from Syria.
“But the reality is they could be older.”
Medway Council and Kent County Council declined to comment on the rape claims.
manusia bukan lagi manusia bila hilang kemanusiaan dan...
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aku siap imagine gajah comel comel jalan kat bendang, cisssss!  |
aiyo.. gambar ko pun tak menahan sis, harus la kena gangbang  |
really sis????
wah imagine kuat ni.....
iols siap bayangkan betapa hancur musnahnya tanaman... lain hal pulak rupanya... |
jgn marah tuan mod...
ampunkan patil pecal lontong yg fakir ini.....
Iols msuk nk tgk pic gajah n bendang ghupa2nya hummmmm ....
Adoilaaaa tt nihhhh...cisssssss |
Sebab tu kebanyakan wanita di Austria dah mula beli senjata api dan paper spray demi keselamatan diri |
pabila gajah tak mampu nak control belalai.... |
gajah rakus dan pemarah je lost control.....kikiki....
kalau syiah plak tembak tabur benih merata
wahabi pulak gila kerabat bini org...anak dara...anak murid....
donya dah akher zamannnnn....
konpius jap .. sejak bila UK ada bendang  |
Ingatkan bendang gandum |
Ingatkan bendang gandum |
adoii.. serius igt gajah betul. |
ape laaa punye tajukk...hishhhh |
Tertipu dengan tajuk. Ini penipuan yang nyata. |
penipuan bersulam senyuman...
jangan jadi terok serupa monyet udah ler.....
ceh.... baru nak tanya kat UK ada bendang ke... |
cis viva betul..ingat gajah betul...tu la kat uk ada bendang apa je....hahhahaha |
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