Assalamualaikum semua!
Saya dapat conditional offer from Manchester Univesity , Sheffield, Edinburgh dan Glasgow utk Software Engineering.
Not yet to decided nak accept uni mana satu.
So nak tanya sesiapa yang from these universities tentang living cost kat Manchester, Sheffield, Edinburgh and Glasgow
Saya nak tahu jugak pasal teaching method kat these universities mcm mana, (eg accent dorang etc etc), univesity mana yg korang leh suggestkan (yg terbaik utk software engineering)
And also boleh tak suggestkan scholarship yang rare2 utk sy mohon.
Actually dah cari dah mcm dana KCM dll , tp kot2 korang tahu lebih lagi kan.
So boleh la share2.
last but not least, tips utk excel IELTS hehe.
Thanks korang.
May Allah bless.
Zaman akak da habis..
Dulu kehidupan agak ok..scholar kan
Sekarang taktau la dik
Dah nak 7 8thn meninggalkan
Accent of coz la british. Soklan apakah ini?good luck. Apa maksud cari dana ye and cari scholar ye? Takde scholar ke? Kalau x de scholar semangat nk kerja tambahan pergilah. Ataupon parents boleh support.. j |
Bukan niat nak patahkan semangat engko nih dek....
cuba engko tenong grammer ekau nih....."Not yet to decided" nak accept uni mana satu......HANCUS...BOCOR.....
Adoi.....baik engko study kat mesia under 1st degree, lanjuran improve English....Postgrad sok....fly sambung study....
lagik satu....correct spelling..."further"....bukan "futher" |
Adoi.....baik engko study 1st degree d mesia, lanjuran improve English....Postgrad sok....fly sambung study....
Edited by merrissa at 6-11-2015 09:12 AM
kahkahkah.....kesian ....tapi best gak jadi kelas OME kat sini.....
macam mana nak cakap ye.....
cer hang tukaq conditional offer ke unconditional offer barulah hang leh menyakinkan memana scholarship yg hang nak....n banyk blog yang ader iklan kan pasai scholarship...kene rajin godek....
n tips IELTS ialah....kalo hang bertutur bahasa melayu memanjang...hang kene la rajin berlatih hari2....wat latihan....banyak juge soalan bocor untuk ielts di blog2....tapi kalo hang memang bercakap omputeh dari kecik....hang study hari ni esok amik ielts pon ok dah kot....berdasarkan pembacaan di blog2 org yg dpt band 9...
n aku rasa manchester okey kot untuk computer science
n bahasa deme gune....ialah bahasa jawo....wkakakakaka...cer hang tengok cter downton abbey...cm gitu ler accentnya....harry potter ...tapi harry potter tak kuat sgt accent nya...
pasal kos hidop....kalo hang bukan jenis memanjang online shopping, jalan sana sini, makan besar sana sni....campak la kat celah mana pon....kos hidup takkan mahal....siap leh saving lagi
sekian dari pelajar pondok |
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Post time 6-11-2015 06:32 PM
From the mobile phone
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lorelai replied at 5-11-2015 11:18 PM
Zaman akak da habis..
Dulu kehidupan agak ok..scholar kan
Sekarang taktau la dik
Thanks for your feedback sis.
All I want to know is about the enviroment over there. I just wanted to know more. That's why I put the etc etc after the accents . And I know they used british accents, and I bet you know they have a lots , don't you? So I wanna know if they accent can be understand by many or not.
I hope it is crystal clear, sis.
I am still waiting for my final result so I want to be someone ahead of schedule. I want to secure any scholarship, to complete and get some tips to do ielts if I managed to excel my final examination anyway.
But all these feedbacks get myself into crestfallen. Massive thanks , sis
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Post time 6-11-2015 06:35 PM
From the mobile phone
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merrissa replied at 6-11-2015 09:06 AM
kahkahkah.....kesian ....tapi best gak jadi kelas OME kat sini.....
macam mana nak cakap ye.....
Massive thanks, merrisa.
That javanese joke is totally super hilarious somehow |
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Post time 6-11-2015 06:39 PM
From the mobile phone
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saza_sz replied at 5-11-2015 11:53 PM
Bukan niat nak patahkan semangat engko nih dek....
cuba engko tenong grammer ekau nih....."Not yet ...
Im sorry for my mistakes ye . I was typing so fast the other day.
It was typographical error, indeed.
Anyway thanks for your feedback that somehow it doesn't let me down.
Oh last but not least, don't be so grammar nazi's , dear so called urm judgemental prick society. Even the native speakers wouldnt judge me like that.May Allah bless. Thank you.
Now you may judge my grammars |
f27 replied at 6-11-2015 02:32 PM
Thanks for your feedback sis.
All I want to know is about the enviroment over there. I just wante ...
I rest my case. Good luck.
Edited by merrissa at 7-11-2015 12:35 AM
lor nak terbang tinggi jangan la cepat sentap
kan omputeh kata first impression tuh penting...kalo awai2 hang tulih betoi2 xde la deme menjatuhkan semangat hang...
to be honest, kalo nak belajar ni...hang kene rajin cari info...kekadang bile hang baru nak start ni....hang rasa macam xde sapa nak tolong hang, kekadang rasa eh kedekot ilmu nya deme ni......
tapi sebenarnya soalan2 hang dah ramai jawab pon
cer hang masuk group facebook seperti Biasiswa Dalam dan Luar Negara (Undergrad,Postgrad & PostDoc), Pasca Siswazah Luar Negara Tajaan MARA
n pasai accent tu....memula ko akan penin dengar deme cakap....tapi last2 ko akan adapt sendirik...kekadang kalo yang pekat sangat tuh...ko dengar ^*&^@£@(*!^(Y!(*&H...then ber pardon2 la ko....if dah give up, angguk berpure2 paham je la...wakkakakakaka....tak susah pon hang nak survive ....manusia di lahirkan untuk adapt kan...belajar dan teruslah belajar
pelajar sekolah pondok
Tak sentap pun kak.
Cuma sedih sikit je sebab sy tanya dan mengharapkan jawapan yang membantu dan alhamdulillah ada segelintir yang membantu.
Sy dah cari dah segala information all through internet
Sy post kat forum ni pun sebab nak tahu lebih lagi huhu
It has been my dream to further studies abroad since I was a little and I was struggling hard to excel my spm tp rezeki tak sampai.
Ni sy work hard utk diploma and nak futher abroad.
Even before dpt conditional offer ni sy dah explore sikit2 , tapi sy nak tahu lebih and response yg cpt from society kat sini.
Thanks atas nasihat2 dan tips2 sis.
Appreciate it so much.
Thanks sgt2!
satu lgi.jgn jadi sundal kalau dh adapt diri kt sna nanti.ikhlas dri iolls |
ni kalo ahkak tunjuk kat examiner ielts writing, mau dia geleng2 tepok dahi .... but bolehlah ... band bape nk kene skor? 7? 7.5? u shd b fine with the accent ... budak kg pon boleh survive ... juz jgn jd mcm some msian students suke dok memerap x campo org, blurlah jd nye. kalo byk contact ngan locals, u will get used to the acccent.
think manchester is cheaper dr scotland .... but i prefer scotland .... lawa lg .... beza blajo uk n msia? u need to learn to be independent, do things sendiri. less contact hours ngan lecturers, x mcm kat msia. baguslah kan? xde berkepit memanjang ngan lecturers, n classes. how high u fly will depend on how high u wanna go.
gud luck ... u will have fun.
Masuk class untuk exam ielts tu dulu. Jangan terus seat exam, buat rugi bayar fee je nanti. Untuk degree kena brapa lepas ielts tu? Dah confirm lepas ielts tu baru senang cari sponsor.
Cost of living bukan slalu uni ada state dalam offer letter ke? Atau pon dalam website boleh tengok selalu dorang ada cerita pasal tu.
So I wanna know if they accent can be understand by many or not.
THEIR bukan they... saja nk tlg bgtau...
i pun english makin karat..
nak amik ielts gak tp blurrr sgt2...
Edited by midori888 at 23-11-2015 12:44 PM
for undergrad, cuma perlu score 6.0 jer in IELTS...bole amik test terus, atau kalu kurang confident, amiklah course dulu seblum amik test...minimum module kena amik 3, satu module 2 weeks...class daily, Monday to Friday..bole pilih kelas pagi or petang....
Pasal cost of living, biasa kalu London monthly budget GBP1000+, kalu tempat2 lain, budget GBP800+, nie dah campur accommodation. My bro baru jer gi UK further study, so far nie dia bole survive dgn UK400 per month, nie tak termasuk accommodation. Uni dia bukan kat London.
I pnh gi Manchester, to me boring tempatnyer....
Manchester dgn sheffield lg murah kos hidup dari edinburgh, glasgow..mungkin sbb lg senang nak carik makanan halal n murah...kalau duduk london boleh kopak jugak koceknya...bergantung pada zon mana lau duduk...sewa rumah kawasan london double triple lagi mahal dari kawasan lain...kalau biasiswa kau boleh try biasiswa komanwel, khazanah, kpm, tpm... |
kenapa tak apply Newcastle? One of the cheapest places in UK for living. Aku baru habis study kat sana. Sewa bilik just 130 pound per month (exclude bills) while my friends dekat sheffield kena bayar 200-300 per month exclude utility bills. Makan pun kalau masak sendiri, just +-100GBP per month. Tu pon macam dah banyak lah jugak. Ramai jugak yang self funded dkt Newcastle, maybe sebab living cost yang boleh tahan rendah.
Glasgow lagi murah dari Edinburgh, Sheffield dengan Manchester lebih kurang tapi Edinburgh dengan Sheffield air percuma. |
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