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SLE + Pregnant

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Post time 8-7-2015 03:42 PM | Show all posts |Read mode
Assalamualaikum semua,
Aku nak share and minta pandangan semua tentang subjek di atas tu.

On 2012, my wife kene admit ke hospital dan disahkan menghidap SLE stage 3 masa tu. Prior to that, she was pregnant at that time, but tak menjadi & misccariage disebabkan SLE.

So, doctor advise not to get pregnant again until semua risiko dah berkurang and controllable. Of which she needs to follow up from every 2 weeks, 1 month sampailah every 3 months since she's getting better.

Mcmanapun, rezeki Allah nak bagi, early 2014, pregnant lagi, and aku suami isteri memang tak perasan pregnant. Kitaorg sedar pun bila my wife tergerak hati nak pergi klinik buat scan. And Alhmdulillah, masa scan tu we can see our baby physically. All those fingers, heart, kepala all look fine. And doc mentioned maybe dh 3 months pregnant. We went back to the doc yang treat SLE and he really pissed of since the medicine yang my wife consumed everyday is not safe for pregnancy, tapi he still positive and change to another medicine immediately yang boleh makan during the pregnancy period.

Everyday makan ubat and inject dekat tepi perut untuk cairkan darah and aku inject sendiri everyday. Kesian tgk wife punya after effect lepas inject tu sbb ada lebam2... imagine hari2 kene inject.  About 1 month after that, my wife suddenly rasa mcm nak terberanak, from every hour rasa sakit turn to every half and hour up to every 10-15 minutes sakit. Rushed to the hospital and the Doc confirmed the baby dah takde dlm perut and miscarriages happened.

Currently, we have been through 2 misscarriages, and now dengan Izin Allah, diberi lagi peluang untuk pregnant. Prior to that, my wife really works hard to follow doctor advise sampailah doctor bagi permission to pregnant. Skrg ni baru beberapa minggu, nak pergi Scan rasa mcm blum sesuai lagi, nak buat buku pink tu plak, tgh cari masa before raya ni. Kami harap sangat Allah izinkan kami untuk dpt 1st baby after 5 years married walaupun risiko tu sangat besar.

Aku ada baca few articles, tanya doctor semua. Basically those yang ada SLE xboleh pregnant. Bila aku dengar mcmtu, rasa nak jatuh terduduk tau.. sedih sangat. Tapi doctor jugak cakap, in order to pregnant, kene make sure they disease to controllable, tapi bile pregnant, the disease will come and attack again. So, doc ckp suruh betul2 jaga and be careful, ada sakit sket terus datang jumpa Doc.

Ok, itu aje nk share. both of us are 29 y.o. memang rasa masih muda lagi, but this is the right time to have a baby if Allah izinkan kan?


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Post time 26-10-2015 05:12 PM | Show all posts

so how yr wife now? well i pun SLE, but my SLE is more to skin problem,
cutenous lupus, n now i pregnant anak ke 3,
doctor mmg akan advice hanya boleh pregnant bile SLE well treat.
ubat doctor pun sy makan, habatussauda pun sy makan,
insyaAllah bnyk2 doa.

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