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From 60 to 16 again (8pics)
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Sixteen year old Zara Harshorn English town of Rotherham during his short life managed many suffered a great deal from ridicule and insult others. This stems from the rare genetic disease that hurt the girl. The fact is that due to lipodystrophy, which Zara has inherited from his mother, all the skin looks wrinkled girl and saggy. In his 16 Zara looks at 60 years old!
(8 photos)

But thanks to new technologies girl got a chance at a new life. She agreed to help the chief surgeon of a hospital in the United States and make a girl free plastic surgery. Today "rejuvenated" Zara does not hesitate to show up in crowded places and enjoy walking many busy streets with her ​​boyfriend Ricky Andrews. It is with great joy plans for the future and plans to go to college. 1. More recently, Zara life was filled with fear and constant ridicule by all who saw her. And for the fact that she looked at 60 in his 16 times its chafing from the school bus because they do not believe in the fact that her children's card is valid.

2. Due to the operation done today Zara does not differ from their peers. It is no one else keeps the evil plans in the future and open up your beauty salon.

3. Life girls has changed dramatically. Today she is happy in a relationship with 22-year-old Ricky, who believes that Zara has always been beautiful and only its uncertainty did not allow her to understand it.

4. The diagnosis of lipodystrophy Dawn set when she was 4 years old. The disease she inherited from her mother.

5. She said that the worst thing she lived from the age of 8 to 10 years, as this is when it is most teased, called names, and sometimes even beaten because she is unlike the others. For some time the girl refused to go out, because she was afraid of questions about his age.

6. A particularly unpleasant moments she believes those when it was taken as a teacher at the school.

7. This operation has made Zara truly happy man.

8. Although the disease has gone nowhere, she can now feel like a real teenager and live a full life, that all life was deprived of her mother. And although today Zara looks at 16, she still feels older than their years because of all that she had to endure.
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mcm Benjamin button la ni |
ingatkan cerita benjamin button tu tipu2 je, rupanya mmg ada kes mcm ni  |
ada hikmahnya....harap tabah |
Caucasion selalu ada kes sebegini |
maksudnya nnt makin dia tua makin dia muda lah ye dan nnt jd baby kemudian ninggal mcm cite benjamin button tu?
sedih betul cite tuuuuu.. |
AcikLijah posted on 4-12-2014 12:20 AM 
mcm Benjamin button la ni
benjamin button bukan die makin lamer makin comel ke?
yg jadi makin mude tu aku rase tipu je...cume penyakit ni mmg ade la kot....cume sgt jarang.... die ni jadi mude sket sbb operate kan? pic ke3 tu agak scary.... tapi kesian lah die....
one more thing aku nak tau, adekah hanya bahagian muke je or totally 100% of her looks 60? I means skin, energy, body capability and so on.... |
AcikLijah posted on 4-12-2014 12:20 AM 
mcm Benjamin button la ni
the curios case of benjamin button
love that movie
ntv7 dh 2 kali tyg thn ni
tu lah kt belah2 negri omputih byk penyakit yg mcm nie.. |
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