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[Tempatan] Kunci rumah dengan mangga elak pecah rumah - polis

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Post time 30-9-2014 10:17 PM | Show all posts |Read mode
JOHOR BAHRU - Polis Johor menasihati orang ramai agar mengunci pintu pagar automatik dan pintu gril rumah mereka dengan menggunakan mangga yang lebih teguh selain menyimpan kunci kenderaan di tempat lebih selamat dan tersorok bagi mengelakkan kejadian pecah rumah.

Ketua Jabatan Siasatan Jenayah Johor, Datuk Hasnan Hassan berkata, ini berikutan terdapatnya kes pecah rumah melibatkan kehilangan kenderaan baru-baru ini.

"Daripada siasatan polis, modus operandi suspek adalah dengan mencari rumah-rumah tiada penghuni yang menggunakan pintu pagar automatik tanpa mangga sebelum mengumpil pin pengunci pintu pagar automatik itu menggunakan pemutar skru atau mengangkat pintu pagar dari treknya,” kata beliau.

Penjenayah kemudiannya akan mencari kunci kenderaan yang biasanya disimpan di tempat simpanan kunci di ruang tamu dan melarikan kenderaan mangsa, kata beliau dalam satu kenyataan di sini hari ini.

Hasnan berkata, usaha giat polis Johor dalam pembanterasan jenayah telah menunjukkan penurunan kes pecah rumah di negeri itu tahun ini.

Bagi tempoh Januari sehingga September tahun ini, sebanyak 1,221 kes pecah rumah dilaporkan berbanding sebanyak 1,458 kes bagi tempoh yang sama tahun lepas, menunjukkan penurunan sebanyak 237 kes atau 16.26 peratus.

Sejumlah 475 penjenayah yang melakukan pecah rumah ditahan dan sebanyak 539 kes berjaya diselesaikan. - Bernama


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Post time 30-9-2014 10:30 PM | Show all posts
manual juga.....

ni nak raya kena berjaga2 la..
rumah saya dulu time raya cina..

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Post time 30-9-2014 10:39 PM | Show all posts
pasangla cctv, cap ayam version rm1xx lbih je, bole tgk realtime dari mana2..

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Post time 30-9-2014 10:43 PM | Show all posts
batmana posted on 30-9-2014 10:39 PM
pasangla cctv, cap ayam version rm1xx lbih je, bole tgk realtime dari mana2..

polis dah tangkap pun...
dia pecah 28 rumah..
boleh beli tanah,buat rumah sebuah atas tanah tu..

hukumannya,didenda 20K je..
esoknya dia p kl jual barang kemas..kena tangkap lagi..lepas lagi..

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Post time 30-9-2014 10:56 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
So betulla JB tak selamat.

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Post time 30-9-2014 11:09 PM | Show all posts
Iye ke..
rumah iols..
dia pecah masuk ikut bumbung..
tak pyh nak angkat pagar bagai..
keluar ikut pintu belakang yg ade 3 solex..
rilex je dia bukak..
takde kesan kopak lgsg..
dasar Mcgyver nye penyamun..

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Post time 30-9-2014 11:58 PM | Show all posts
sanggup pecah rumah utk mencuri kereta?sudahlah kereta dicuri...rumah jahanam dipecah.kehilangan brg2 lain juga.kemanusiaan sudah tidak ada lagi di dunia ini

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Post time 1-10-2014 12:05 AM | Show all posts
nak bela anjing, tapi takut ummah melayu sakai yang lain judge "eh awak bela anjing ni, awak islam ke?"

"bela anjing malaikat tak masuk rumah tauuuuu"

"anjing pengotor makan tahi sundili"

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Post time 1-10-2014 12:12 AM | Show all posts
tekoyong posted on 1-10-2014 12:05 AM
nak bela anjing, tapi takut ummah melayu sakai yang lain judge "eh awak bela anjing ni, awak islam k ...

bela je anjing
bukan haram pun
daripada dok duduk dlm umah dah mcm duduk dlm penjara bagai
segala grill besi solek tiga empat
kang ade kebakaran
tak sempat nak cari kunci solek, badan dah rentung


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Post time 1-10-2014 12:27 AM | Show all posts
asamfish posted on 1-10-2014 12:12 AM
bela je anjing
bukan haram pun
daripada dok duduk dlm umah dah mcm duduk dlm penjara bagai

tu la bro memang pun sekarang aku bela anjing

nasib baik jejiran aku majoriti cina, dorang tak kesah pon

mak aku pulak tak melarang aku bela, tapi dia takut anjing

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Post time 1-10-2014 12:42 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Saya prefer duk condo atau apartment yg ada far Takde kes pecah UMAH atau samun bsenjata nk masuk or kuar UMAH..

Dulu duk landed property nmpk jiran dpn umah kene samun time kuar UMAH..trauma. Pdhal UMAH ada CCTV,autogate bagai

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Post time 1-10-2014 12:58 AM | Show all posts
..rumah2 kat nugara kokesen kapir lehnat puaka tak perlu grill, tingkap kaca semua, takde pun kena pecah...adakah ummah kapir lehnat lubih moliya dan suci muruni kalbu nya...??


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Post time 1-10-2014 01:00 AM | Show all posts
poison_paradise posted on 1-10-2014 12:42 AM
Saya prefer duk condo atau apartment yg ada far Takde kes pecah UMAH atau samun bsenjat ...

betul tu bro

dulu tinggal kat kondo memang rasa secure sangat

walaupun kena bayar maintenance fee yang tinggi, tapi tiap sejam pak guard akan meronda koridor sebelah rumah aku

bila duduk balik rumah landed ni, rasa macam fragile sangat

last2 jiran sebelah suruh bela anjing, gua pun ikut jela

daripada dengar anjing dia yang menyalak malam2, lagi elok kalau anjing aku pun sama bersahutan berduet dengan anjing sebelah

walaupun gua dah jadi melayu urban kerana bela anjing, tapi atas didikan sedari kecil, gua tetap takut nak beli anjing... kalau mandi pun jiran sebelah yang mandikan

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 Author| Post time 1-10-2014 09:11 AM | Show all posts

Electric fences and spike pits - are they legal?

PETALING JAYA: A robber tries to break into a house in SS5, and as he scales the wall - he grips the wires of an electric fence, gets electrocuted and dies. Is the homeowner liable for anything now?
In Subang Jaya, a child falls into a homemade spike pit while climbing over a fence to pick up a football kicked into a neighbor's garden. Was the booby-trap legal?

With stories of home invasion circulating via chain mails and social media on an almost weekly basis, it is only a matter of time before a homeowner takes the adage of "my home is my castle" literally.

And according to Bar Council Human Rights Committee chairperson Andrew Khoo, that would depend on whether it is "proportional" for an electric fence to be installed.

"A response has to be proportional to the threat, you first have to ask what is the threat. And only then you can say whether the response is proportional to the threat," said Khoo.

Khoo, who also addressed the issue of home-made booby traps to keep burglars out, said that homeowners have a right to protect their home in a reasonable sense, and that proportionality was a test of reasonableness.

"You may have something to prevent people scaling your wall, but if a child gets wounded by whatever booby traps you've set while climbing in to retrieve a football accidentally kicked in your lawn, it is going to be a question for the courts as to whether you have criminally caused injury to the child," said Khoo.

Khoo said the courts would look at whether the booby trap was proportionate to a perceived threat of burglary if criminal charges were pressed against a homeowner in his example of the injured child.

He also cited the example of a child failing to see warning signs alerting passers-by that the fence was electrified.

"If the fence is within reach of a child who doesn't see the sign and runs their hands along the wall out of curiosity and gets a shock from touching the fence - the question is proportionality," he said.

Khoo said that those who install electric fences to protect their homes could face some liability if things go wrong.

"If I were someone who touched your fence while trying to pass a flyer, or if my dog gets killed running into your fence, you are looking at a lawsuit or other potential legal trouble," he added.

While acknowledging that homeowners have a right to protect their home, Khoo also said that Malaysian society was not ready for such home security measures.

"It is different if you were trying to protect an airport or a prison or an area as defined under the Prohibited Areas Act, because people will accept that as high security areas, but not private homes or residential areas," said Khoo.

Similar views were shared by criminal defence lawyer Sreekant Pillai.  "I don't think it's illegal to put spikes or glass shard on walls. But if you're talking about electric fences, there would some liability if an innocent person gets electrocuted from accidental contact with the fence," said Sreekant.

"It's like having a Rottweiler running out onto a street and biting a passerby, the dog owner would be liable. This would be different from a burglar being mauled by a guard dog protecting a house," said Sreekant.

Sreekant however cautioned the law might look at home-made booby traps differently.

"However, there is a fine line with such home defences as some rigged booby-traps could be interpreted as weapons," he said.

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Post time 1-10-2014 09:16 AM | Show all posts
R2D2 posted on 1-10-2014 09:11 AM
Electric fences and spike pits - are they legal?

teringat kisah dlu, ade org intip bini dia mandi, somi dia geram, dia psg wayar letrik keliling tandas, si skodeng tu pnjt, terus sentuh dgn wayar tu, 220 v tu..
wayar tu direct ke main plug. terus mampus.

tak taula pe jadi ngn somi dia..

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Post time 1-10-2014 09:20 AM | Show all posts
dah kunci pun pencurik leh masuk

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Post time 1-10-2014 09:21 AM | Show all posts
pyropura posted on 1-10-2014 12:58 AM
..rumah2 kat nugara kokesen kapir lehnat puaka tak perlu grill, tingkap kaca semua, takde pun kena p ...

sana beli pistol, senapang mcm beli cokodok tepi jalan la bang..

gila nk pecah masuk rumah derang, dorg ada hak tembak kepala mu sampai berkecai isi otak..

kt malaysia nk pakai paintball pun kene lesen kompeni berbayar ratus ribu, sapa la mampu..


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Post time 1-10-2014 09:26 AM | Show all posts
tekoyong posted on 1-10-2014 12:27 AM
tu la bro memang pun sekarang aku bela anjing

nasib baik jejiran aku majoriti cina, dorang tak  ...

bestnyeeee.... aku pon suggest mak aku utk bela anjing (utk rumah lama kat kg yg nk direnovate akn jadi banglo gah gitu )
tp mak aku xnk sbb keliling jiran melayu...   kang tetibe ade anjing menyalak la, isu itu ini... susah plak...
bkn apa, dulu pon slalu pencurik masuk, kalo dah renovate cantik, risiko kene pecah masuk tu lg tggi
rumah skg kalo nk bela pon ok sbb keliling jiran cina.. tumpang anjing dorg je la

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Post time 1-10-2014 09:35 AM | Show all posts
sekuat mana laa lock ko tue...taruk asid...settle ler...

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Post time 1-10-2014 09:57 AM | Show all posts
sian kt pencuri


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