salam... hai, saya orang baru.. hehe..
nak tnya pendapat akak2 kat sini.. saya dah kawin almost 1 1/2 tahun.. tapi belum pregnant smpai sekarang..
sy ada terbaca pasal IUI semua tu..
memang boleh trus jumpa doctor untuk buat IUI or btter saya buat ujian lain dlu?
sebab sy sendiri mmg xpenah check apa2 setakat ni..
thnx in advance ;)
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hakak rasa baik hadek asmara lebih portion sket ngn hubby hadek..baru la lekat dek...hahah...hakak rase lorrr |
pakweneelofa posted on 28-4-2014 06:27 PM ![](static/image/common/back.gif)
hakak rasa baik hadek asmara lebih portion sket ngn hubby hadek..baru la lekat dek...hahah...hakak r ...
dh hagak dh
pakwe mesti ade sini....
amiraira posted on 28-4-2014 06:30 PM ![](static/image/common/back.gif)
dh hagak dh
pakwe mesti ade sini....
pakwe is everywhere..menegakkan keadilan...dan meruntuhkan kebatilan...dan mendedahkan kepunaian kekecilan tetapi tidak mengakuan oleh si pemiliknya..kihkihkih
pakweneelofa posted on 28-4-2014 06:32 PM ![](static/image/common/back.gif)
pakwe is everywhere..menegakkan keadilan...dan meruntuhkan kebatilan...dan mendedahkan kepunaian k ...
x baek tau
dnt judge the books by its cover tau ![](static/image/smiley/default/titter.gif)
amiraira posted on 28-4-2014 06:34 PM ![](static/image/common/back.gif)
x baek tau
dnt judge the books by its cover tau
i dont judge....but....i did infer
pakweneelofa posted on 28-4-2014 06:36 PM ![](static/image/common/back.gif)
i dont judge....but....i did infer
ok as pakwe wish la...
Author |
Post time 28-4-2014 07:25 PM
From the mobile phone
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Hahaha.. kerap je kami ON.. selang sehari mcm tu.. risau ada masalah lain je.. sbb tu ingat nk jumpa doctor.. tp xtaw test apa yg perlu buat dulu.. |
Pergi klinik sakit puan ct klinik hamid arshat.nnt gtau la dh kawen xdpt ank.die cek la ape yg patot. |
areefa posted on 28-4-2014 07:25 PM ![](static/image/common/back.gif)
Hahaha.. kerap je kami ON.. selang sehari mcm tu.. risau ada masalah lain je.. sbb tu ingat nk jumpa ...
gi jumpa obstetrician ye ... sebab kalau nak tanya tes ape you akan tahu selepas jumpa
cumanya benda yg crucial ialah
husband and puan = sihat ? ada tak history penyakit macam thyroid glands? mumps ( beguk in malay) , u sendir period cycle - okay ke tak? u have to knwo by now berape cycle type you ni 28 hari ke what not , ada history penyait ape ape ke tak
suami keje ape , lorry driver ke you know...that sorts ...u keje ape
stress level ?
ade tak operation dibuat - you ye a lady - ni kat bhgn abdomen etc etc ....that sorts lah
ada ambil any ubatan tak ?
so go and see the doctor
yg penting JANGAN STRESS kalau stress counter productive sebab hormon lain akan bantutkan time subur.
just relax , go and have vacation ...
but jumpa doctor pun i galakkan u pi
and i wish you well...
dan bila dah appoitment tu tanya apa persediaan
like any injection - u sendir kena update your tetanus status, rubella , anto whatever not ya
check darah rhesus ape ...
just read any books on pregnancy and parenting.
why not.
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Post time 28-4-2014 11:36 PM
From the mobile phone
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Sy n hubby sihat je.. mmg xde penyakit pon.. kami kerja sendiri.. hubby ada bisnes n sy tlg dia.. keje mmg relax n x stress pon.. hubby dlu sempat la stahun kerja berat sebelum ada pekerja..
Period so far normal.. 27 @ 28 hari sure akn period... sy jz ambik acid folid je stkt ni..
plan nk jumpe doc nex week.. tp takot la plak kn.. hubby pon ckp biar dlu.. xyah kalut2 lg.. huhu |
Pergiah check up
Just to make sure everything is normal wiz both of u
From there, u can plan yr next step |
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areefa posted on 28-4-2014 11:36 PM
Sy n hubby sihat je.. mmg xde penyakit pon.. kami kerja sendiri.. hubby ada bisnes n sy tlg dia.. ke ...
Tak pe aih jumpe doctor , it is ok. Just see...and then boleh tanya...or if u nak bebace dulu just pi nhs website type or have a read on 'fertility'...it's ok'. Ape ape tak faham boleh tanya terus...go to authorised medical wrbsite tak mo dengaq kate dr peekaboo here and there yaa. |
areefa posted on 28-4-2014 11:36 PM
Sy n hubby sihat je.. mmg xde penyakit pon.. kami kerja sendiri.. hubby ada bisnes n sy tlg dia.. ke ...
Folic acid is good. |
belum ada rezeki kot..xpe usaha lagi.. |
kalo tanya doktor apa masalah semua dia kasi tau.. |
normally yang pegi ni O&G ni bila dah 2 tahun kawen. sebab yang kurang dari 2 tahun ni doktor tak berapa nak layan. |
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Aku dulu 2 taun ++ ...selain check dgn gynae carila bidan2 yg pandai urut..depa pegang perut pun dah tau elok ka x dalaman tu ..kena pandai cari org lah ye..yg aku penah dgq kalau dlm bdn byk angin pun leh sbb kan susah nak peknen.angin beketui2 besarang dlm bdn..
mkn minum kena jaga n pantang skit lah..yg berangin2 sejuk2..bergas...punca jugak tu...
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klu masalah cm tt, byk jwpn kt forum ratuhati.. |
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