1910. Girl from Omdurman, Sudan
1910. Girl from Sudan
1900s. In the village of Ashanti

1900. Dervish. Sudan
1900. Processing cocoa Mungo, Cameroon. German West Africa

1905. Negrityata of German South-West Africa

1905. Zulu wedding dance, Transvaal, South Africa

1910. Hottentots German South-West Africa

1910. Two Sudanese armed with spears, Sudan,
1910. Women in the forest Bora, Sudan

1910. Circle of dancers, El Obeid, Sudan

1910. Blacksmith. Tanzania

1910. Smoker. Vampembe, Tanzania, Africa
1910. Bench ostrich feathers in Omdurman. Sudan

1910. Boy with bamboo flute, South Africa
1910. Young woman of German East Africa
1910. Men near a blast furnace, Tanganyika
1910. Negroes from a village in German East Africa

1910. Typical day in the mission, South Africa

1910. Weaving from twigs, Tanzania

1910. Aboriginal Settlement in South Africa

1910. Market Durr (grain sorghum) in Khartoum, Sudan

1910. Soldiers from Sudan
1910. Sudanese
1910. Fountain in Dakar, Senegal

1910. Huts in the Sudanese village

1910. Tribesman hadendauva. Sudan
1910. Schoolboy from South Africa
1920. Women dancers from the Zulu

1920. Granary near Bahr el Ghazal, Sudan

1920. Young dancers from Dongola, Sudan

1920. Students Catholic mission in Lula, Sudan

Waterboy from Rwanda
Zulu with son
Processing corn Zulu women in South Africa

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