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Post time 2-1-2022 09:52 AM | Show all posts
Indonesian defence minister Prabowo intensifies talks over weapons modernisation plan



Saturday, 01 Jan 2022 9:29 PM MYT

JAKARTA, Jan 1, 2022 (Jakarta Post/ANN): Defence Minister Prabowo Subianto held a string of meetings with chiefs of staff from the Indonesian Military (TNI) earlier this week to discuss plans to modernise the country’s primary weaponry system.

Recently, the minister held a meeting with Army chief of staff Gen. Dudung Abdurachman to discuss plans on modernizing the Army’s defense equipment.

“Defense Minister Prabowo discussed with the Army chiefs of staff and his aides on plans to modernize the Army’s weaponry system as well as the Army’s readiness to defend Indonesia’s sovereignty,” read a statement issued by the ministry’s public relations bureau.

The meeting came after Prabowo welcomed Air Force chief Air Chief Marshal Fadjar Prasetyo last Tuesday (Dec 28), during which strengthening the air force’s military capability and readiness were raised.

Following the meeting, Fadjar told reporters on Wednesday that the country had opted to back out of a US$1.14 billion deal to purchase Russian-made fighter jet Sukhoi Su-35, and instead had narrowed its choice to United States-made F-15 and French-made Rafale.

“Regarding the Sukhoi Su-35, with a heavy heart, we have abandoned that plan as the development of air defense is very dependent on the budget,” Fadjar said as quoted by

Since his appointment in 2019, Prabowo has considered strengthening Indonesia’s external defense capabilities one of the objectives of his mandate.

During his first 18 months in the role, he conducted 20 foreign visits to 14 countries in a bid to formulate a 25-year defense acquisition plan.

According to a draft presidential decree that circulated in June, the Indonesian government planned to spend $125 billion in the next three years to upgrade and modernise its military arsenal.


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Post time 2-1-2022 09:58 AM | Show all posts
Pembuatan Kapal Selam, PT PAL Terima PMN Rp1,28 Triliun .
APPROVED : Menteri Keuangan atau Menkeu Sri Mulyani Indrawati resmi menyerahkan Penyertaan Modal Negara (PMN) sebesar Rp 1,28 triliun kepada PT PAL Indonesia (Persero).

Menteri Keuangan atau Menkeu Sri Mulyani Indrawati resmi menyerahkan Penyertaan Modal Negara (PMN) sebesar Rp 1,28 triliun kepada PT PAL Indonesia (Persero). Anggaran tersebut dialokasikan untuk pembuatan kapal selam .

Direktur Utama PAL Indonesia, Kaharuddin Djenod mencatat, pihaknya tengah menyiapkan diri untuk menjawab kebutuhan alutsista nasional, khususnya kapal selam dengan melakukan strategi penguasaan teknologi kapal selam dan pengembangan teknologi kapal selam ke depan, termasuk kapal selam tanpa awak.

"PAL Indonesia akan bertanggung jawab penuh dalam pengelolaan dana PMN dengan mewujudkan cita-cita pembangunan kapal selam dari sebelumnya berfokus ke Joint Section untuk nantinya mampu melaksanakan Whole Local Production," ujar Kaharuddin di Jakarta, Jumat (31/12/2021).

Alokasi PMN senilai Rp1,28 triliun, lanjut Kaharuddin, digunakan untuk melengkapi kemampuan sumber daya manusia (SDM), fasilitas, dan peralatan yang dibutuhkan agar mampu melaksanakan whole local production. Adapun peningkatan kemampuan produksi baik hardware and software melalui fasilitas-fasilitas yang akan dilengkapi di antaranya yaitu pembangunan Ship Lift, Glassfiber Reinforced Plastic (GRP) Shop, Painting Shop, Blasting Shop,

Dari aspek peningkatan kapabilitas SDM diukur dari keikutsertaan pelatihan dan sertifikasi, dari aspek peningkatan kapasitas produksi diukur melalui realisasi pembangunan fasilitas produksi, pengadaan peralatan produksi sehingga mampu melakukan produksi kapal selam secara mandiri.

Sebelumnya Presiden Joko Widodo (Jokowi) dalam pidatonya di Hari Jadi TNI pada 5 Oktober 2021 menyampaikan bahwa kebijakan belanja pertahanan, harus berubah menjadi investasi pertahanan. Berdasar pernyataan tersebut, pemerintah memberikan kepercayaan yang lebih besar kepada industri pertahanan dalam negeri untuk berkontribusi dalam upaya modernisasi alutsista.

Pembangunan fasilitas produksi kapal selam memiliki nilai strategis yakni meminimalisir ketergantungan terhadap industri alutsista luar negeri. Harapannya pembangunan serta perawatan kapal selam dapat dilakukan di dalam negeri, sehingga Indonesia mampu secara mandiri dalam menjaga ketahanan matra lautnya. PMN yang diberikan pemerintah kepada PAL dan sejumlah BUMN berasal dari APBN Tahun Anggaran 2021. Suntikan dana segar itu untuk menguatkan struktur keuangan BUMN, karena harus melakukan beberapa program pembangunan fundamental.


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Post time 2-1-2022 10:20 AM | Show all posts
PT DAHANA Uji Coba Rudal Merapi Penembak Pesawat Terbang

PT DAHANA (Persero) bekerjama dengan Pusat Penelitian Center for Integrated Research and Innovation (CIRNOV) Universitas Ahmad Dahlan, melakukan uji coba Peluru Kendali (Rudal) Merapi di Area Weapon Range (AWR) TNI AU, Lumajang, Jawa Timur, 27 – 28 Desember 2021 (photo : Dahana)

Menurut Direktur Teknologi dan Pengembangan DAHANA, Suhendra Yusuf RPN, DAHANA bertugas untuk membuat bahan propelan untuk roket pendorong pada rudal dengan kaliber 70 mm tersebut, sehingga Rudal Merapi mampu melesat di atas kecepatan 650 kilometer per jam atau bahkan dapat melampaui kecepatan suara.

“Kecepatan rudal mampu untuk merontokkan pesawat baik pesawat tempur, helikoper militer, serta sasaran udara lainnya seperti drone,” ujar Suhendra. ... ak-pesawat-terbang/

PT Dahana dan PT Pindad Berhasil Uji Coba Spherical Powder Propelan Roket,Missile,Dan Munisi

Propelan merupakan bahan baku untuk membuat peluru, roket, peluru kendali (missile), munisi kaliber kecil, menengah dan besar.

Prototype propelan ini akan berkembang untuk jenis spherical powder yang dapat digunakan untuk munisi kaliber kecil berbagai macam varian di antaranya 5,56; 7,62, dan 9 mm.
Balitbang Kementerian Pertahanan RI dan PT DAHANA (Persero) melalui kolaborasi bersama PT PINDAD dan Institut Teknologi Bandung berhasil melaksanakan uji coba produk propelan spherical powder.
Uji coba dilaksanakan pada 22 Desember 2021 di lokasi uji PT Pindad Turen, Malang Jawa Timur.

Prototipe propelan yang diujikan merupakan hasil production trial yang ditandai dengan kick off meeting pada 22 November 2021 hingga pekan ketiga Desember 2021. Production trial berlangsung di BGP Miniplant Energetic Material Center (EMC) DAHANA, Subang, Jawa Barat.

Prototipe propelan yang diujikan merupakan hasil production trial yang ditandai dengan kick off meeting pada 22 November 2021 hingga pekan ketiga Desember 2021. Production trial berlangsung di BGP Miniplant Energetic Material Center (EMC) DAHANA, Subang, Jawa Barat.

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Post time 2-1-2022 10:51 AM | Show all posts
PT DAHANA Sukses Uji Coba Roket Smokeless Propellant.

PT DAHANA (Persero) menunjukkan keseriusannya dalam pengembangan bidang Alat Utama Sistem Senjata (Alutsista), terutama di bidang peroketan dengan membangun Roket Smokeless Propellant. Uji coba perdana roket tanpa asap itu dilaksanakan di AWR TNI AU, Lumajang, Jawa Timur, Selasa, 28 Desember 2021.

"Smokeless Propellant Komposit ini diharapkan mampu dikembangkan pada roket kaliber 70mm atau 80mm serta dapat diintergrasikan dengan warhead cal 70mm yang telah memperoleh sertifikasi sebelumnya sehingga dapat mengurangi ketergantungan impor," ujar Suhendra.

Selain itu, Suhendra juga menambahkan, smokeless propelan komposit dapat diaplikasikan pada roket-roket lain seperti RHAN 122B dan roket lainnya, sehingga roket-roket produksi DAHANA memiliki kemampuan dorong tanpa asap.

Hingga saat ini, DAHANA telah memproduksi berbagai macam kebutuhan Alutsista seperti, kendaraan peluncur dan propelan untuk RHAN 122B, RHAN 450, Roket Senjata Lawan Tank (SLT), Bomb P Live Series dan produk lainnya.

Usaha DAHANA untuk memenuhi Alutsista, merupakan upaya untuk meminimalisir produk impor, sehingga Alutsista Negara dapat mandiri dalam produksi dan tidak terpengaruh terhadap keadaan eksternal, semisal jika terjadi embargo. Selain itu, dengan inovasi-inovasi produk pertahanan, DAHANA menopang target Kementerian BUMN dan Kementerian Pertahanan agar Indonesia masuk ke dalam 50 Industri Pertahanan terbaik dunia.

Suhendra menambahkan, dengan memproduksi Alutsista, hal ini akan membawa keuntungan bagi Negara secara finansial baik dividen maupun peningkatan devisa. Poduk-produk teranyar DAHANA nantinya dapat diproduksi secara massal untuk memenuhi kebutuhan dalam negeri melalui user TNI dan dijual ke pasar internasional dalam rangka Go Global.

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Post time 4-1-2022 08:34 PM | Show all posts


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Post time 4-1-2022 08:37 PM | Show all posts
One more country is modernizing its naval fleet with Type 31 frigates

January 3, 2022, by Fatima Bahtić

In an effort to modernize its naval fleet, Indonesia plans to build two frigates based on the Royal Navy’s Type 31 design (marked also as Arrowhead 140) at Indonesian shipyards.

Babcock International, the UK-based firm building the Type 31 frigates signed an export design contract with PT PAL Indonesia (Persero), a state-owned enterprise that builds and maintains ships for military and commercial use.

PT PAL received a contract from Indonesia to build two Iver Huitfeldt class-variant frigates in April 2020. However, the contract became effective in May this year. The company plans to implement the Type 31 design on these vessels.

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Post time 4-1-2022 09:11 PM | Show all posts

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Post time 5-1-2022 08:03 PM | Show all posts
PAL Siap Wujudkan Kapal Selam Whole Local Production Melalui PMN 2021



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Post time 5-1-2022 08:04 PM | Show all posts
Spesifikasi Ambulance Boat, LPD Kapal Bantu Rumah Sakit (BRS) dr. Wahidin Sudirohusodo.



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Post time 5-1-2022 08:16 PM | Show all posts
Edited by rifa at 5-1-2022 08:32 PM

Nice PIC KF21 Boramae First Flight JULI 2022



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Post time 6-1-2022 08:54 PM | Show all posts
Indonesian new indigenous MALE UCAV Elang Hitam (Black Eagle).


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Post time 7-1-2022 09:56 PM | Show all posts

Kaplan/Harimau MT


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Post time 8-1-2022 10:05 PM | Show all posts
PT PAL seeks major upgrade of submarine building facilities

by Ridzwan Rahmat Jan 7, 2022, 10:20 AM

Indonesian state-owned shipbuilder PT PAL is seeking major upgrades to enhance its submarine building capabilities.

The company's public affairs office confirmed with Janes on 7 January that it has received the full allocation of funds promised by the government to undertake these upgrades and is seeking suitable vendors and partners who can assist the company with this objective.

Janes first reported in August 2021 that PT PAL will receive an IDR1.28 trillion (USD89.2 million) injection of state funds to support the country's submarine manufacturing ambitions.

The funds have been set aside under Government Regulation Number 84 for 2021, which seeks to establish a fully indigenous submarine building capability in Indonesia. The plan received the endorsement of Indonesian President Joko Widodo in August 2021.

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Post time 8-1-2022 10:34 PM | Show all posts
Industri Strategis Indonesia - PT INKA Ekspor Perdana 262 Gerbong Kereta ke Selandia Baru Dan 224 blizzard centre sills untuk BradkenRail Australia
Menhub Bangga Gerbong Buatan PT INKA Jadi Pilihan Negara Maju seperti New Zealand Dan Australia

Menutup tahun kalender 2021, produsen kereta api nasional PT Industri Kereta Api (INKA) berhasil melakukan ekspor perdana 262 gerbong barang jenis container flat top wagon ke Selandia Baru.

Pelepasan ekspor dilakukan oleh Menteri Perhubungan Budi Karya Sumadi di Madiun, Jawa Timur, Jumat, 31 Desember 2021.
Ekspor ini merupakan langkah besar Indonesia dalam hal ini khususnya INKA untuk kembali mengambil peran di pasar kereta api di wilayah Oseania. Sebelumnya, PT INKA juga telah melakukan ekspor sebanyak 224 blizzard centre sills untuk BradkenRail, Australia.


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Post time 9-1-2022 02:28 PM | Show all posts
Alap – Alap” UAV (Unmanned Aerial Vehicle) Tactical drones From Indonesia

Tactical drones Developed by Agency for the Assessment and Application of Technology (BPPT), with high wing configuration makes Maximum cruising altitude up to 12.000 feet & Max cruising speed 25.7 m/s.


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Post time 9-1-2022 02:31 PM | Show all posts
Edited by rifa at 9-1-2022 02:38 PM

2022 Medium Tank Harimau PT Pindad

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Post time 9-1-2022 03:11 PM | Show all posts
Edited by rifa at 9-1-2022 09:11 PM

Test the KF-21 Boramae, 14 Pilots Guide Indonesia and South Korea day and night to get the optimal cockpit shape

KF-21 Boramae is a joint development project of the KF-21 fighter aircraft, which was carried out by South Korea and Indonesia with development costs of 8.8 trillion won since 2015.

Indonesia has agreed to invest 1.7 trillion won, or 20 percent of the total cost of the project, by purchasing a KF-21 Boramae fighter from South Korea and transferring technology to produce 48 units of the next-generation fighter domestically be able.

Quoted According to the Defense Acquisition Program Administration (DAPA), KBS reduced its project costs from 8.6 trillion won to 8.1 trillion won on Monday (November 15, 2021).

Jakarta, which promised to meet 20 percent of the total cost in exchange for a prototype and technical information transfer, and the production of 48 aircraft, had to pay 1.6 trillion won, up from the previous 1.7 trillion won.

Thanks to Indonesia’s contribution to the KF-21 Boramae fighter jet project, South Korea has written a new story for its country.

Although there have been problems with payments from Indonesia, the KF-21 Boramae project actually continues to this day.

Now the development progress of the KF-21 Boramae fighter jet is said to have reached the stage of pilot tests and performance tests.

Day and Night Test the KF-21 Boramae, 14 Pilots Guide Indonesia and South Korea to Get the Optimal Cockpit Shape



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Post time 9-1-2022 09:20 PM | Show all posts
Indonesian Shipbuilder PT PAL Seeks Major Upgrade of Submarine Building Facilities

Indonesian state-owned shipbuilder PT PAL is seeking major upgrades to enhance its submarine building capabilities. The government has also allocated $194.7 million to the PT PAL shipyard to expand its submarine production capability. Therefore, considering the Indonesian defense industry law that requires foreign suppliers to provide countertrade, local content, and offsets, to promote skills and technology transfers, a future submarine acquisition program would keep the submarine powerhouse dream alive and in return support these boats across their full life-cycle. Indonesia had deployed five submarines, but lost one, the KRI Nanggala-402. Indonesian Navy is expected to operate at least 8 submarines by 2024.

Indonesian Navy has pride in being one of the oldest and most experienced submarine operators in the region, having operated submarines since 1959. For more than six decades, the “silent service” has been central in ensuring deterrence throughout the country’s vast waterways, and military and political leaders cherish its strategic weight.

The service has even attested to its value against foreign naval forces, particularly during annexing the Dutch overseas territory of Netherlands New Guinea (1961-62), Indonesia–Malaysia confrontation (1963–66), the India-Pakistan War of 1965 when Jakarta dispatched two of its Whiskey-class submarines to Karachi, and in 1999 when one of its Type-209 submarines successfully shadowed the fleet of the International Force East Timor.

PT PAL submarine building facilities. (Photo by PT PAL)

Indonesian Navy has cultivated decades of experience, traditions, and tactics on how to maintain and utilize submarine forces in support of the country’s national interests. For years, indigenous submarine production and maintenance, repair, and overhaul (MRO) capability have been included as one of the country’s seven defense industry priority programs.

The progress has already been demonstrated by the ability of the state-owned shipbuilding company, PT PAL, domestically to assemble KRI Aluguro, the third improved Chang Bogo class, also known as the Nagapasa class, and to overhaul the German-made Type-209 submarine KRI Cakra. Acquiring these new types of submarines would bolster the Indonesian submarine fleet’s underwater endurance, survivability, and firepower.

Indonesian Navy tries to get its hand on bigger and more advanced submarines that offer greater time on station and greater breakthrough capability than those that make up its current fleet. Submarines must be able to be deployed for at least 60 consecutive days to accomplish the aforementioned missions.

This type of submarine must also incorporate key technologies that are still politically and financially viable, such as the lithium-ion battery, Very Low Frequency (VLF) communications systems, and/or submarine-launched anti-ship missiles. To promote skills and technology transfers, a future submarine acquisition program would keep the submarine powerhouse dream alive and in return support these boats across their full life-cycle.

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Post time 10-1-2022 09:49 PM | Show all posts
AD Filipina Army  Gunakan Simulator Tank Gunnery Buatan Anak Bangsa Indonesia PT.iNDOCERTES

Angkatan Darat Filipina kini tengah menggenjot modernisasi alutsistanya, seperti di lini kavaleri, AD Filipina telah menerima batch perdana tank ringan Sabrah dari Israel yang mengusung meriam kaliber 105 mm. Dan masih terkait kavaleri, ada kabar bahwa AD Filipina juga sudah menerima kedatangan simulator tank gunnery.

Simulator tank gunnery sejatinya bukan ‘barang’ yang asing dalam dunia pendidikan dan pelatihan awak kavaleri. Namun, yang adalah tank gunnery simulator yang didatangkan AD Filipina ternyata terkait dengan perusahaan swasta dari Indonesia, PT Indocertes.

Dikutip dari Philippine News Agency – (18/2/2020), disebutkan pada 27 Desember 2019, Departemen Pertahanan Filipina telah mengeluarkan Notice of Award kepada Wolfberry Asia Pte Ltd dan PT Indocertes, dengan alamat bisnis di Singapura dan Jakarta, Indonesia. Proyek pengadaan simulator tank gunnery ini memiliki nilai kontrak PHP36,1 juta.

“Simulator (akan membantu) melatih pasukan kami dalam mengoperasikan meriam utama di tank dan senjata pendukungnya dalam berbagai skenario pertempuran yang realistis saat berada dalam lingkungan yang terkendali,” kata juru bicara Angkatan Darat Filipina, Letnan Kolonel Ramon Zagala dalam sebuah pesan kepada Philippine News Agency.

Dalam Indo Defence 2018, PT Indocertes memperkenalkan simulator M113 A1 produksi dalam negeri. Simulator berupa bagian muka (kemudi) ini terdiri dari bagian driver cockpit, simulator engine, dan motion based. Karena disasar untuk mengenalkan pengemudi pada instrumen di M113, maka cockpit platform pun dihadirkan dengan tools yang serupa dengan aslinya. Terdiri dari main switch, starter, horn, transmission, controller level, lower gas pedal, upper gas pedal, chocke (engine stop) dan pastinya kursi pengemudi yang dapat disesuaikan ketinggiannya.

Interaksi siswa pengemudi saat mencoba simulator menggunakan konsol Virtual Reality (VR). Semua silabus yang ditampilkan dalam pelatihan mengadopsi computer simulated environment untuk mewujudkan actual environment dalam moda imitasi. Beberapa pilihan medan pada pelatihan VR mencakup tropical country environment dengan kondisi tropical forest, solid ground, military basecamp, dan steep hillside.

Selagi siswa melaksanakan navigasi, segala aspek kinerja siswa pengemudi dapat dipantau langsung oleh pelatih dalam instructor console management system. Dari spesifikasi, simulator M113 A1 punya panjang 2 meter, tinggi 2,5 meter, lebar 1,6 meter, dan bobot keseluruhan 1000 kg.


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Post time 12-1-2022 08:54 PM | Show all posts
Latihan Ship Board Operation, Prosedur Helly Deck Party, dan Evakuasi Medis Udara yang merupakan rangkaian kegiatan KRI dr. Soeharso-990

Inspeksi performa mesin penggerak kapal pada Commodore Inspection Kapal BRS dr. Wahidin Sudirohusodo 10 Januari 2022.

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