Banking – the Greatest Scam on Earth
October 17, 2011 | Filed under: : Videos | Posted by: True Activist
The Greatest Scam on Earth – The Money Scam! The Money Scam is hidden right out in the open, yet buried in complication and confusion. A retired banker describes simply, the world’s Money Scam and the reason every country is now going bankrupt.
Private bankers have stolen the money creation process, and whereas once our money was created by the governments, debt-free, it is now created out of thin air and issued as debt with interest charges. In today’s banker controlled world, money = debt, debt = slavery and therefore money = slavery — our monetary systems have become systems of enslavement.
Money is created out of nothing, issued as debt, not enough money is created for the future interest payments and inflation steals our savings. The money creation process should be taken away from the banks and given to the governments who can create money debt-free, interest-free. This is how it used to be done and we needed no income taxes. Finally, it is explained what we should do to stop supporting the money scam.
menepati kata2 bos ku seorg yahudi
bank is the greatest crook
kalau org tak greedy nak mewah2 dan tak berhutang, sistem bank akan collapse
then di tambah pula dgn org2 yg nak melabur dgn beli emas dan perak
real money Vs fake money
akibatnya 70% kekayaan dunia yg di monopoli yahudi yg akan susut
yahudi pula hanya kurang dari 1% penduduk dunia
so beli rumah kos sederhana je kalo tak mau terjebak
pakai pun kereta proton n proton not bad now dah kan?
duit lebih simpan n enjoy life
ada lebih beli tanah tinggalkan kat anak2
as long as duit kita bole enjoy dan enjoy life tgk negara org
ada developer intro non mortgage scheme
blacklist pun bole beli
bayar 30% upfront then baki settle in 5 yrs time
interest 4% p.a
tapi harga rumah aku tak sure berapa dia inflate
but style ni bole kacau bank hehe padan muka
org jahat bunoh org jahat
bak kata @kazaraf
oooo tak bayar rumah, bank nak lelong.. lepas lelong sennag2 je lepas tangan..
tp kereta lambat bayar, bank boleh pulak upah 'samseng' utk tarik kereta... haha..
kesimpulan nya bank ni selagi bole squeeze dia squeeze
pastu kerja nya bankrap kan org
bila ramai org tak bole ambil loan padan muka ko bank
nak survive mcm mana
kedian pekerja2 korg kena MSS ke VSS dan operasi pun down size...