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Susu Lembu Ada Darah Dan Nanah
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If Pus, Blood, Hormones, Antibiotics is what is in our milk then it is not worth and also not fair neither for you nor for the cow.
Many people In diary farms inject cows with hormones to increase milk production which in turn makes cows produce lot of milk and also their milk bag becomes v large. this results in problem and internal injuries due to which the pus and blood also gets mixed with the milk.
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owhhh |
Nasib aku tak minum susu |
euwwww... takleh minum suu lagi la nampaknya... kena tuko jenis susu... |
lembu jadi-jadian......sebab nakkan pertumbuhan lembu yg cepat atau nak hasilkan susu lembu yg banyak, macam2 cara n eksperimen dugunakan. sampai pengguna juga terkena kesan.... |
isk! betul2 ker nie? 
sebab tu kot nabi minum susu kambing...? |
Kembalilah kepada susu ibu ...  |
so macamana lepas nie nak pilih susu yang selamat diminum?.................. |
saya suka mkn cereal.....camner lps ni? Nak mkn cereal dgn apa? huhuhu |
a'ah patut buat siasatan lebih terperinci.. |
adoi lah dah lah aku baru beli susu tepung  |
da la suke mkn cornflake ngn susu.... |

seram la plak susu
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