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Rihanna exhausted and cried during CKB's performance @Jingle Bell Ball??

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Post time 6-12-2011 09:11 PM | Show all posts |Read mode
Post Last Edit by gogo at 6-12-2011 21:43

ok uolsss. iols fikir seploh kali nk bukak thread neh but news ni cam buggin in my mind gituh, so iols bukak jer lah Momod, klo rasa nk merge dgn thread yg dh ada, xpelah iols pasrah
Rihanna Almost Cancelled Gig After Meltdown
Beyoncé was left to save the day after RiRi nearly pulled the gig in Dublin...[size=0.8em]09:18, Monday, 28 November 2011

Rihanna reportedly almost scrapped a gig in Dublin on Friday after suffering a meltdown hours before she was due on stage.

According to The Sun, RiRi almost cancelled the Irish concert after feeling the pressure of her world tour and only decided to perform after making a tearful phonecall to mentorBeyoncé - who was able to persuade her to carry on with the show.

The We Found Love singer eventually went ahead with the gig, writing online after the concert: "I'm so light-headed!"

It is thought the 23-year old is suffering from exhaustion as a result of her huge ten month 101-date tour, with a source telling the newspaper: "She's just a young woman who just wants to have fun, but she was feeling pretty low."

"It's a mix of exhaustion and stress. She's been partying hard to take her mind off things, but there are days when she wakes up and doesn't even know where she is because of the travelling. It's no wonder she is feeling down."

Pregnant Beyoncé is thought to have advised RiRi to complete her tour commitments, then take a year off - much like she did in 2009 when Queen B took a break to spend some time with hubby, Jay-Z.

The insider added: "She knows Rihanna needs downtime or she'll burn out."

Despite feeling under the weather, it seems the Bajan babe's hard work is paying off after she topped both the official UK singles and album charts over the weekend. She has become the first female artist ever to top both charts at the same time twice in one year with different releases, as We Found Love stopped Olly Murs reaching the summit in the singles chart, while her new album, Talk That Talk took the album countdown No.1 spot.

credits : MTV UK

Then, timbul lak citer Rih call Katy in tears

Rihanna Reportedly Calls Katy Perry Crying 'She Just Wants a Loving Boyfriend'
By: iamkrystalh Posted 12-5-2011 10:34 am

Lately, Rihanna has been going in to work overload and as the days go by it doesn't seem to be getting any better. According to Showbizspy, Rih's friend Katy Perry is reportedly worried about her and begged to take some time off and get therapy,” a source said.

Rihanna has had a hard time letting go and moving on from ex-boyfriend Chris Brown and it was reported that she has been "self-medicating with booze ever since the split." Poor Rih! The pressure of being a socialite is taking a toll on her. “She calls Katy in tears, saying how down she is and that her life’s controlled by her label. She just wants a loving boyfriend.”

Even Katy's husband Russell Brand stepped in and “told Katy that she had to step in because Rihanna is on a very slippery slope,” said the source. She’s touched that they want to help, and she agrees that she must stop. She doesn’t want to be the next Amy Winehouse.”

Wow! While Rihanna continues her tour, we hope it doesn't come to an abrupt end with a Rih Rih meltdown. --Krystal Holmes

credits :

xtau nk percaya ke x citer neh. Ada byk questions bila baca 2 articles neh
1) Naper Rih call Beyonce instead of 'abang' sheols, Jay-Z?
2) Naper la Katy Perry & Beyonce nk kecoh kt media psl ni?? Klo btol Rih call theyols, means Rih percaya theyols utk simpan rahsia tu...but theyols g heboh kt media lak
3) Naper lak Rih nk call Beyonce & Katy Perry instead of her BFF, Mel or her manager, Jen?? Plus, ada yg ckp Katy Perry & Rih tu bknnya rapat sgt pun (bukan best friend).
4) "A SOURCE SAID..." aiseh. lbih kurg mcm reput kt msia la cuma theyols slalu guna ayat "mendapat maklumat dari adik kepada kawan kepada datuk kepada makcik kepada besan kepada ayah sedara bla bla bla..."

mula2 xnk caya sgt both articles neh but then, bila tgk video performance Rihanna at Jingle Bell Ball...

cer uols tgk video2 nih

ni 1st performance sheols, Only Girl. Mula2 ok jah after 1st chorus, sheols start penat dh

pas tu xtau dh order performance sheols so iols tepek in random order la yer

Umbrella. Some parts mcm sheols mumbling jah

What's My Name

S&M. Sheols salah part "Oh I love the feeling you bring to me...." tp sheols still lagik nyanyi "S S S & M M M"

California King Bed. Sepatutnya sheols masuk verse kt 0:22 tp sheols x start pom lagik. Then, sheols tgk blkg, mcm sheols tahan nangis or baru pas nangis If tgk video ni smpai abis, ada some parts cam sheols lap air mata gituhhh n sheols x byk nyanyi, sheols soh crowd sing along Yg iols tau, ni 4th performance sheols mlm tu

We Found Love. Rasanya ni last performance. Mula2 tu tempo out.

iols dgr crita Rih x tdo 2 hari b4 Jingle Bell Ball concert neh tp xtaula btol ke x And dlm 2 minggu lagik abisla LOUD tour sheols. Klo btol la Beyonce suruh sheols have a long rest after tour, sayangla sbb album Talk That Talk baru jah kluar. xkan sheols x buat promo, interview, shoot video clip lagik

Then, recently, Rih jadik guest on Ellen show. Ada article psl interview sheols dgn ellen

Monday, November 21, 2011
VIDEO: Rihanna Tells Ellen Being Single 'sucks'

Rihanna is on top of the world lately - she was a winner at Sunday night's AMAs, she has two songs climbing the charts ("We Found Love and "You Da One") and her highly anticipated new album, Talk That Talk dropped Monday.
But not everything is perfect in RiRiland. The pop star sat down with Ellen DeGeneres to talk about the sacrifices she's made for her job and why being single "sucks."

credits :

Ni video sheols on Ellen. iols ulang2 jah tgk bidio nih. esp part Rih ckp "not for her..." then ellen ckp "we'll talk to them..." lawak giler tgk reaction ellen

And time interview dgn ellen tu Rih ada ckp, sbb tu sheols slalu tweet dgn fans

Since iols ni ada follow twitter some of RihannaNavy and slalu jenguk RihannaDaily, so iols nmpk ada fans yg caya, ada yg x caya psl nih.



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 Author| Post time 6-12-2011 09:33 PM | Show all posts
iols as one of RihannaNavy, have to admit yg memang hazab lahhh performance Rih @Jingle Bell Ball tuh

but iols tau Rih bleh buat better dr tu. iols ingt lg some of her performance yg agak memorable for me laa
Russian Roulette @Nokia event

Mad House & Wait Your Turn @ AMA 2009

Mad House & Wait Your Turn @Nokia event

event 3 performances kt atas ni not her best but ntahla, iols still ingt lagik performance ni. maybe sbb Rated R is my fav album from Rih so far walaupun Rated R album Rih yg paling flop

What's My Name @ X Factor

California King Bed @ American Idol. Rasanya ni one of her best performance, vocal wise

Medley @ Brit Awards. iols paling suka time S&M

Medley @ American Music Awards 2010. choreography sheols sgt comel

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Post time 7-12-2011 08:41 AM | Show all posts
GaGa ok je
siap nak buat tour byk dates lagik

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Post time 7-12-2011 10:23 AM | Show all posts
seba die nih buat comeback cepat sangat kot....lepas satu, satu album....cuba ler bawak berehat setahun ker...lps tuh baru lah buat comeback.....tak luak pon duit kann...

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Post time 7-12-2011 11:35 AM | Show all posts
Aku tengok dislike bar video tu, aku dah tahu mesti ada something wrong. LOL

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Post time 8-12-2011 12:54 AM | Show all posts
sia nyer dia...dia mmg takleh nyanyi live lah...byk org dislike n kutuk dia.

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Post time 9-12-2011 09:15 AM | Show all posts
mcm2 laa

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Post time 10-12-2011 08:04 PM | Show all posts
hmmm rasanyer perfomance Riri utk lagu California King Bed mmg best
sore dia ok ...

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Post time 11-12-2011 12:06 AM | Show all posts
Lembik betol pompuan ni...

Bukan banyak lagu pun kena nyanyi.

Beyonce steady je berderet-deret tour I Am...Yours dia, x ada satu pun yg x bertenaga.

Die ni pikir pasal Chris Brown je gamaknye, yolah, gedabak katakan

sekali dapat x bole lupe...kuikuikui

*statement aku yg paling pprt*

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Post time 13-12-2011 04:15 PM | Show all posts
time to retire,  i guess?

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Post time 13-12-2011 04:22 PM | Show all posts
Reply 3# Beta

Gaga baru berapa 2-3 tahun noks...

Rihanna ni dh 5 tahun lebih...
aruslah sheols rasa bosan nari nyanyi bagai
non-stop plak tu...
dh ler taun lepas baru jek kuar album baru je setahun dh kuar plak album baru :@

dulu seingat aku even Madonna, Janet Jackson ade gak a break...
tak de memanjang kuar album

berkenaan katy Perry & BB tu
mgkn ckp atas dsr kepentingan diri sendiri..

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Post time 13-12-2011 10:19 PM | Show all posts
poor riri

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Post time 13-12-2011 10:21 PM | Show all posts
Reply  Beta

Gaga baru berapa 2-3 tahun noks...

Rihanna ni dh 5 tahun lebih...
aruslah sheols ...
dauswq Post at 13-12-2011 16:22

kalau tak silap i, gaga baru naik 2008 kan?i remember her performing at Miss Universe lagu Just Dance...time tu dia tak berapa famous kt Malaysia but nevertheless i love that song
thought this gonna be another one hit wonder singer

riri start famous time i kat japan dlu...circa 2005
maknanya dah 6 tahun dah kot?

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Post time 13-12-2011 10:23 PM | Show all posts
Lembik betol pompuan ni...

Bukan banyak lagu pun kena nyanyi.

Beyonce steady je berderet-deret ...
nameloo Post at 11-12-2011 00:06

pls refer to the news as wellriri tired bukan sbb selalu nyanyi+menari kot
but her mind mostly
inginkan kekasih dan perasaan dicintai
beyonce lainlah...suami sentiasa di sisi..and full support from jay-z
kadang2 kita yg biase2 ni pun, penat bekerja kalau ade bf kan lain sikit feeling dia

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Post time 14-12-2011 12:21 AM | Show all posts
Aku suka dia buat lawak pasal dia gersang tuh. Mmg the smart way for her to say that she's horny.

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Post time 14-12-2011 12:27 AM | Show all posts
Lembik betol pompuan ni...

Bukan banyak lagu pun kena nyanyi.

Beyonce steady je berderet-deret ...
nameloo Post at 11-12-2011 00:06

    Bagi aku, Rihanna mmg sangat2 perlukan rehat. Dia release album tanpa henti since 2005. Cuma ada relax sekejap jer (mgkin sebulan dua jah) waktu sebelum dia release Rated R tu (tahun 2008), lepas tu sambung balik berturut2. Kes dia tak sama mcm Lady Gaga n Beyonce. Beyonce ada masa rehat yg agak panjang. Tambah lagi Beyonce takder masalah dari segi jantan sbb dia dah ada laki. Lady Gaga pulak mmg committed celibate, jadi takder masalah di situ. Lady Gaga dia tak fokus pada perform saja, tetapi dia juga ada buat philantrophy works utk LGBT communities.

Jangan jadi mcm Mariah Carey dahulukala, 11 tahun berderet keluar album tiap2 tahun semata2 recording company nak kejar no. 1 kat Billboard. Akhirnya tersungkur jua dan meltdown. Nasib baik dpt bangkit semula. Rihanna bagi aku ialah Mariah Carey of the past, cuma dia mgkin lebih teruk, sbb kena jaga stamina utk dancing dan perform physically. Whitney Houston pun sama dulu, berderet2 keluar album tak henti2. Recording companies nie diorang tak belajar nak bagi rest kat artis2 nie ker? Kesian diorang kena peras mcm buruh kasar.

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 Author| Post time 14-12-2011 01:17 AM | Show all posts
GaGa ok je
siap nak buat tour byk dates lagik
Beta Post at 7-12-2011 08:41

gaga baru lagik kan

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 Author| Post time 14-12-2011 01:18 AM | Show all posts
Post Last Edit by gogo at 14-12-2011 01:20
seba die nih buat comeback cepat sangat kot....lepas satu, satu album....cuba ler bawak bereha ...
choolakaw Post at 7-12-2011 10:23

mmg ramai yg nk Rih rest. even fans pom nk sheols rest  

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 Author| Post time 14-12-2011 01:19 AM | Show all posts
Aku tengok dislike bar video tu, aku dah tahu mesti ada something wrong. LOL
evlinne Post at 7-12-2011 11:35

sian Rih iolssss

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 Author| Post time 14-12-2011 01:20 AM | Show all posts
sia nyer dia...dia mmg takleh nyanyi live lah...byk org dislike n kutuk dia.
hydrick Post at 8-12-2011 00:54

iols suka sheols nyanyi California King Bed

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