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Lelaki Meninggal Dunia Ketika Daki Gunung Pulai
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Seorang lelaki meninggal dunia selepas pengsan ketika mendaki Gunung Pulai di Kampung Sri Gunung Pulai di sini pada Ahad.
Komander Operasi dari Balai Bomba dan Penyelamat (BBP) Kulai, Pegawai Bomba Kanan II Mohd Khairil Buang berkata, pihaknya menerima panggilan kecemasan berhubung kejadian itu pada jam 9.49 pagi.
 Mangsa berusia 55 tahun meninggal dunia ketika mendaki Gunung Pulai di Kampung Sri Gunung Pulai pada Ahad.
Menurutnya, seramai tujuh anggota dengan sebuah jentera Fire Rescue Tender (FRT) serta satu Unit Bantuan Perkhidmatan Kecemasan (EMRS) dikejarkan ke tempat kejadian.
"Mangsa dikenali Tee Kok Soon, 55, dipercayai mendaki secara berkumpulan ke puncak Gunung Pulai, namun ketika lebih kurang 300 meter pendakian, lelaki itu pengsan.
" ihak bomba membantu membawa turun mangsa ke kaki gunung dan disahkan meninggal dunia oleh pasukan perubatan," katanya dalam satu kenyataan pada Ahad.
Mohd Khairil berkata, mayat mangsa kemudiannya diserahkan kepada pihak polis untuk tindakan selanjutnya.
Sementara itu, Ketua Polis Daerah Kulai, Superintendan Tok Beng Yeow dalam satu kenyataan ringkas mengesahkan menerima laporan kejadian tersebut dan sebarang perkembangan akan dimaklumkan kemudian.
Sumber: Sinar Harian |
Takut dgr umur 40an 50an meninggal masa exercise ni.
Akak nak sorok raket badminton shuben tp rupa2nya dia dah sorok dulu. Badminton ni ramai betul yg meninggal. |
Innalillahhiwainnailaihirojiun.. |
Kalau tau dah vaksin berdos2 tu pehtu selalu rasa tak sedap dada, jangan la nak aktif eksesais sangat, vley? |
dua_chzy: Kalau tau dah vaksin berdos2 t ...
Boleh tak jangan cuba kaitkan dengan air suci..??? Dah ajak khennnn.[em:22:] |
Belibis replied at 30-10-2022 01:40 PM
Boleh tak jangan cuba kaitkan dengan air suci..??? Dah ajak khennnn.[em:22:]
Baca komen #1 tu bikin ai ingat holy wateh. |
Daki gunung kena training2 dulu. Tak boleh main terjah je. Tak tau lah Uncle ni training ke tak.
Apa2 pun, sabarlah family |
rogayahtop replied at 30-10-2022 06:49 PM
Takut dgr umur 40an 50an meninggal masa exercise ni.
Ya trend badminton n bicycle rebah... Mungkin full swing energy.. Pastu main plak malam2x... |
Sakit jantung? Takziah kepada ahli keluarga |
Jaga makan, buat light exercise macam brisk walk. tapi kalau dah ajal dalam tidur pun boleh meninggal dunia |
invest beli fitness tracker yang boleh detect heart beat. Bawah RM100 pun dah ada. Bila tracker detect heart beat laju melebihi formula maximum heart beat (220 tolak dengan umur), maka berhentilah untuk rehat sekejap. Bagi heart beat tu normal semula. |
Takziah kepada keluarga mendiang.. |
dah dua kali kes hiking meninggal...kawan suami saya meninggal masa naik gunung tahan. sihat je sebelum naik...lepas meninggal post mortem covid.
apa2 la nk bersenam ke apa buat lah dalam moderation, kalau rasa tak mampu tak perlu push beyond capabilities |
kakikuDibibirmu replied at 31-10-2022 06:32 AM
Terpaksalah daki gunung bini atas katil
bini pun boleh daki bukit laki (refer gambar fazli kat bodgos tayang bukit ) |
Edited by blastoff at 31-10-2022 09:05 AM
Nampak nih, tengah dok relax2 kat pantai pungg ramai mati mengejut kat itali , inikan plak ketika terperangkap dlm banjir yg tentulah stressful kaw kaw yg boleh menyebabkan jantung yg dah kena MYOCARDITIS tuuu jadi terhenti truusss lah jawabnyaa lalu kiok .
So expect more deaths to happen in flooding situation once it get worse nanti lah ya ....boleh blame pada mcm2 perkara melainkan vaksin kekdahnyaaa, kat itali pihak berkuasa buat tak tau je samalah kat sini punggg camtu lahh pangai
Mati kamboih lepas tuu famili yg tinggal terpaksa berjuang cari makan setelah ketua kluarga tak de, ingat senang ka kalau selama hidupnya pung kais pagi makan pagi je ? Buat penaya kat manusia tak hengat dunia yg dok promote vaksin tuh especially yg bertaraf ulama !
[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[ ... talian-beaches.html
‘Sudden and unexpected’: At least 11 vacationers drop dead on Italian beaches in 24 hours
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( Natural News) While Italians prepare for their fourth Covid “vaccine” injections, the count of sudden deaths continues to rise inexorably – 11 under 60 years old in just the last hours.
Now that beach season is upon us, a new heartbreaking phenomenon is taking place, healthy vacationers dropping dead from sudden and unexpected “ medical emergencies.” Worldwide, beachgoers are collapsing while walking on the beach or swimming. Many of them suffer cardiac arrest and die. Blogger Tom Stahl reports, “At the beginning of July, in just 24 hours, at least 11 vacationers dropped dead on Italian beaches.” How many more cases occurred that have not been reported in the news?
While Stahl makes it clear that he does not want to automatically attribute the sudden and unexpected deaths to the experimental gene injections, the amounts of incidents seem worrying.
Medical emergencies on Italian beachesThe coast of Fondi, Italy: On July 4, 2022, on the coast of Fondi: a healthy 70-year-old man walking on the beach with his wife at around 5 pm dropped dead.
Beach of Grado, Italy On July 4, 2022, on the beach of Grado, an 85-year-old woman died. The woman felt ill while she was walking on the beach. The lifeguards and emergency services intervened immediately, but despite their attempts to revive the woman, there was nothing they could do. The couple had been on vacation in Grado since last weekend.
Island of Palmaria, Italy On July 4, 2022, an 85-year-old retired Marine died on a beach island of Palmaria from a sudden medical emergencywhile swimming in shallow water.
Alba Adriatica, Italy On July 4, 2022, an 82-year-old Apulian tourist dropped dead on the beach. It happened in Alba Adriatica on the Marconi seafront, near the Hotel Lido: the man felt suddenly ill. Despite being immediately rescued, he died during transport to the Giulianova hospital.
Marche coast, Italy On July 1, 2022, an 84-year-old Tuscan tourist on vacation on the Marche coast with his wife died while taking a short swim. Lifeguards discovered the man’s lifeless body.
Northern Rome
Ardesio, Italy
Silvi Marina, Italy On July 4, 2022, a 72-year-old from Ortucchio, on vacation with his family in Silvi Marina, felt ill while swimming. The man flagged the lifeguards down, who brought him back to sure. Sadly the man died while being transported to the hospital.
Campania, Italy On July 3, a man suffered healthy man suffered a medical emergency in the water. He was saved by a nurse who performed a cardiac massage with a defibrillator. He was transported to the hospital, where he was treated.
Adda River, Italy On July 3, 2022, A 36-year-old man from Senegal suffered a sudden medical emergency while bathing on a beach along the Adda River. The man was transported to the hospital but unfortunately died.
Basilicata, Italy On July 4, 2022, a man died on the beach of Terzo Cavone after a sudden medical emergency. The media reportsthat he died after a sudden medical emergency.
Cala Liberotto, Italy On July 4, 2022, a 79-year-old vacationer died while swimmingafter a sudden medical emergency. Resuscitation operations continued for a long time, but sadly, the woman could not be saved.
Marzocca di Senigallia, Italy An 87-year-old tourist had an unexpected medical emergencywhile at sea in Senigallia and died. It happened in the morning at the seafront in Marzocca di Senigallia (Ancona). The man was in the water about ten meters from the shore when he collapsed.
The death list continues to growMeanwhile, the list of “unexplained deaths” and “sudden deaths”continues inexorably. This phenomenon is so common it even has its own acronym: SADS, for Sudden Adult Death Syndrome.
While Italians prepare for their fourth Covid “vaccine” injections, the count of sudden deaths continues to rise inexorably – 11 under 60 years oldin the last hours. The youngest victim was 22 years old; another was a 52-year-old doctor. All the deaths were “sudden and unexpected”:
Elected Italian officials, police, and medical workers should be demanding investigations into these deaths. Are the number of people dying not “significant” enough for them. Authorities’ inaction is a slap in the face to the victims’ families
rogayahtop replied at 30-10-2022 06:49 PM
Takut dgr umur 40an 50an meninggal masa exercise ni.
i ada kawan yg suka hb dia mati cepat (komodo jinak) tapi tkde plak hb dia nak hiking ke main badminton ke. mmg terbongkang kat rumah phone melekat kat tgn. |
memang ramai yang meninggal bila naik bukit/gunung.
kat sini ada ramai kes meninggal,
padahal naik bukit tinggi cuma 150 meter ajer.
dan ada kes yang meninggal dia memang fit, biasa naik gunung.
aku rasa sama kes dengan main badminton,
dia terlalu penat, tapi paksa badan |
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