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FPDA? benarkah malaysia dilindungi ?
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Salam Bahagia kpd semua warga MPSA.. Saya ada terbaca di thread CI bertajuk "Isu Digelar Malingsia - Berbaloi ker Nak Layan???" jadi di sini adakah benar Malaysia yg kita sayangi ini benar 2 dilindungi melalui perjanjian ini jika ada berlaku sesuatu ancaman peperangan dari Indonesia serta negara lain lebih lagi tgh panas isu ambalat ni ... maybe otai2 sini boleh cerita lebih lanjut
Five Power Defence Arrangements (FPDA)

The Five Power Defence Arrangements (FPDA) were agreed in 1971 and committed Australia, Malaysia, New Zealand, Singapore and UK to consult in the event of an attack on Singapore or Malaysia. The 30th anniversary in November 2001 was commemorated by the Defence Ministers of all five members and marked a significant milestone for the region抯 longest active defence agreement.
The most visible element of the FPDA is the Headquarters of the Integrated Area Defence System. The Headquarters, which is commanded by a Royal Australian Air Force Air Vice Marshal, comprises over 40 personnel, drawn from all 5 nations and now from all 3 services.
Having had its initial r鬺e firmly rooted in the air defence of Malaysian and Singaporean airspace, it is now regularly exercising FPDA forces in both Air Force and Naval operations and is moving towards the fuller integration of Army elements, as directed by the ministers in 2000.
HQ IADS controls a full and varied exercise and training programme, which sees significant assets deployed into theatre. Since 2000, the UK contribution has included a Royal Navy task group, Type 42 destroyers, support vessels, Nimrod maritime patrol aircraft, Tornado fighters and Rapier ground based air defence missile systems.
In 2000, the headquarters of the UK抯 16 Air Assault Brigade,complete with a helicopter, communications and command and control resources also deployed to Ipoh, as it was the UK turn to run the annual land exercise.
Smaller UK contingents participate in this exercise when it is hosted by the other members in their respective countries in turn. TheUK also hosts every other year a two week visit by HQ IADS staff to MOD in UK and to various formation headquarters and units.
The UK sees FPDA as a successful and enduring defensive arrangement, and contributes considerable resources to keeping it active and healthy.
[ Last edited by Mawlay at 14-6-2009 17:28 ] |
kalau depa honor perjanjian tuh, rasanya mmg depa kena tolon la kot.... kalu tak mampu bagi anggota, bagi eurofighter n superhornet n type 42 destroyer pon jadi ler.... |
rasanya tak terutamanya bagi negara jiran selatan..inilah peluang bagi dia org
masuk dan gunakan ruang udara kita sesuka hati tanpa apa2 tindakan..ciss.. |
Balas #3 zvicmorrow\ catat
tak gitu sgt saunders, perjanjian tuh dibuat utk dihonorkan kalu neccessary, hatta pesawat psk masyuk ruang udara negara sekalipon, kerna tugas depa cuma utk membalun aggressor2 negara, begitu juga kalu depa yg kena attack, kita sbg salah sebuah negara yg telah berjanji utk menolon, akan menolon...
masih ingatkah bagaimana kita honor perjanjian jualbeli air ngan psk? walaupon perit, kita masih honor perjanjian...
[ Last edited by windof at 14-6-2009 20:18 ] |
The Five Power Defence Arrangements (FPDA) were agreed in 1971 and committed Australia, Malaysia, New Zealand, Singapore and UK to consult in the event of an attack on Singapore or Malaysia
Hate to break everyone`s bubble. But here`s the truth.
This is not an alliance. These countries are not obliged to assist militarily. There is no agreement to honour saved diplomatic and military consultations. The deterrent effect is the possibility of joint intervention. However, that is just a possibility.
And that possibility is getting more remote by the day with persistent squabbles between Sg and My. And UK`s and New Zealand`s draw down of respective military strengths. The only two important partners in the grouping is Australia and Singapore. And the most important partner is the US; albiet "invisible"; surprising isnt it? |
harap2 begitulah...tapi bleh pecaya ker? |
Tunggulah Mesia kena attack nnt kita tgkla tp aku pernah baca kt 1 forum ni, DefenceTalk kot, ade sorg mamat Aussie ni ckp, klau either Mesia or Spore kena attack, they must oblige to respond the call, xtaula betul ke tak  |
Adakah RN dan Ozzie Navy ships akan bergegas datang untuk membantu TLDM jika diasak oleh PLAN atau Taiwan Navy?? Dari segi prestij, adakah Kerajaan akan minta bantuan bekas kuasa penjajah untuk membantu dalam keadaan darurat? Mmnglah mereka oblige to assist tapi tidakkah nanti pembangkang dan rakyat akan persoal in these times, kenapa ATM tak boleh take care of our own dn perlu mengharap bntuan org lain..Banyak persoalan dan parameter yg perlu dipertimbangkan berkaitan FPDA ni.. |
Agreement mcm tu dh tak relevan bagi MY dan SG. UK is too far away to help while MY and SG have better military equipment than NZ. And like belacan79 said, its not a binding military treaty.
Probably we should be looking for closer military co-operation which could lead to defence treaty with Indo, SG, Thailand and Vietnam, with MY, arguably the 5 strongest nation in SEA... |
Bag wa, FPDA ini sgt penting bagi defense Malaysia. wa tak boleh bayang apa jadi kat Malaysia keluar dari FPDA ni. SAF yg armed forces paling kuat di SEA masih mau kekal dlm FPDA ni sudah bayang nilai & benefit program ini boleh bawa. |
Reply #7 rastablank's post
Tu yang berbulu mat indon geng ganyang menganyang tu kata nya kita ni penjilat UK  |
Originally posted by areguard at 15-6-2009 10:08 
Adakah RN dan Ozzie Navy ships akan bergegas datang untuk membantu TLDMjika diasak oleh PLAN atau Taiwan Navy?? Dari segi prestij, adakahKerajaan akan minta bantuan bekas kuasa penjajah untuk membantu dalamkeadaan darurat? Mmnglah mereka oblige to assist tapi tidakkahnanti pembangkang dan rakyat akan persoal in these times, kenapa ATMtak boleh take care of our own dn perlu mengharap bntuan orglain..Banyak persoalan dan parameter yg perlu dipertimbangkan berkaitanFPDA ni...
itu la masalah geng2 masuk air ni....
bila kita nak kuat kan pertahanan kata membazir...
bila minta bantuan kata mengharapkan org lain..... |
Originally posted by areguard at 15-6-2009 10:08 
Adakah RN dan Ozzie Navy ships akan bergegas datang untuk membantu TLDM jika diasak oleh PLAN atau Taiwan Navy?? Dari segi prestij, adakah Kerajaan akan minta bantuan bekas kuasa penjajah untuk m ...
Dlm soai ni, wa rasa kena heret mini & ex-power untuk bantuan. mini power & ex power akan heret super power kalau tak boleh handle. Tanpa FPDA ni, macam mana Malaysia heret mini/ex power in protect interest selain dari buat komplain kat UN? |
Reply #10 IceMallet's post
Macam mana nak form SEA military alliance dengan sikap singapura & indonesia yg nampaknya bersifat hostile keatas Malaysia Lakki Kullu Mushtahil 
[ Last edited by Mawlay at 15-6-2009 13:28 ] |
Originally posted by <i>windof</i> at 14-6-2009 20:17 <a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" onload="if(this.width>screen.width*0.7) {this.resized=true; this.width=screen.width*0.7; this.alt='Click here to open new window\nCTRL+Mouse wheel to zoom in/out';}" onmouseover="if(this.width>screen.width*0.7) {this.resized=true; this.width=screen.width*0.7;'hand'; this.alt='Click here to open new window\nCTRL+Mouse wheel to zoom in/out';}" onclick="if(!this.resized) {return true;} else {;}" onmousewheel="return imgzoom(this);" alt="" /></a><br />
tak gitu sgt saunders, perjanjian tuh dibuat utk dihonorkan kalu neccessary, hatta pesawat psk masyuk ruang udara negara sekalipon, kerna tugas depa cuma utk membalun aggressor2 negara, begitu ju ... <br />
ye betul tapi kita tak tau kalau ada gunting dalam lipatan.. mana tau
atas sebab tertntu akan datang jiran selatan kita u-turn...tengok track record kita dah nampak
kita beli senjata utk tujuan pertahanan, tapi pembelian senjata mereka adakah utk tujuan pertahanaan?
budget senjata mcm nak menyerang bukan nak bertahan |
Reply #16 zvicmorrow's post
Most weapon depa semua jenis Aggressor macam mana nak percaya sama itu singa berpura2  |
For me,never trust anyone.Kalau nak harap diorang tolong kita masa kita kesusahan,rasanya memang 'susah' la kita nanti.We shud take our own defence very very seriously..
The FPDA is not without use tho..a lot of wisdom,experience and knowledge can be gained,tapi kena extremely hati-hati dgn PSK tu cuz I know mmg diorang amik peluang sebanyak mungkin utk gather info n intel,ini bukan benda baru.Samada intel yg diorang dpt tu 'genuine' or di'genuine'kan..well,I'll leave the matter open lah huhuhu.. |
Balas #16 zvicmorrow\ catat
kalu kita tengok the other way, kemungkinan senjata2 tuh bukan utk menyerang malaysia, tapi utk digunakan bersama malaysia utk membantai aggressor....dak gitu belacan? |
In our region,yg paling I mistrust is PSK..nuff said.Be very very careful.Oneday diorang akan habis tanah n air..'lu fikir la sendiri' huhuhu |
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