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Global Developmental Delay
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I have a niece (my cousin's daughter) who was diagnosed as having this GDD.
Now dia buat physiotherapy kat HKL. She cannot crawl (almost 2 years), cannot talk, can only cry whenever she wants something (of coz, since she can't talk yet), and poor eye coordination.
I would to find info from other parents yg mempunyai anak istimewa macam my niece ni and share experience like who do see for treatment, any alternative or integrated medicine yg u all cuba etc...
thank you... |
secondary to cerebral palsy ke? |
doctor blom confirm apa2 sebab masih buat test sana test sini. tau lah buat kat gh, appointment nya lama2 sekali, tak macam private.
takde nak buat apa2...just nak dptkan input from other parents yg sama keadaan macam ni . if i help relay the info the parents, at least diorang boleh tumpang belajar, they'll know what to expect and can start asking and fishing for more info when they see their doctors.
GDD is the general diagnosis. lebih letail dr tu belom ada sebab some test masih belom buat, some test masih menunggu result |
Originally posted by Delifrance at 20-3-2009 09:03 
takde nak buat apa2...just nak dptkan input from other parents yg sama keadaan macam ni . if i help relay the info the parents, at least diorang boleh tumpang belajar, they'll know wha ...
Sama keadaan tapi tak serupa deli. why I say this?...very simple......penyakit mungkin sama tapi the main reasons doctor sedang menjalankan berbagai tests and what not are solely on the fact that they need to know what kind of medications or further steps that are BEST for the kid.....bearing in mind all the probable conditions of the body itself......that may differ from satu pesakit dgn pesakit yang lain yang may have the same diagnosis......
To know a little bit about penyakit itu is always good for the prepare them psychologically...tapi my strong advised is jangan terllalu rely on informations yang kita dapat dari teman2 ataupun dari internet tentang penyakit itu dan kita mengambil langkah "pro active" dgn mencari alternative lain...contoh......berubat secara traditional ........sebab like I said.........bersabar lah...dan tunggu kata putus dari may just be surprised apa yang kita dengar dari orang lain tentang penyakit yang hampir sama yang mereka alami may not just really be the same after all........ |
Originally posted by <i>manakautau</i> at 20-3-2009 09:27 <a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" onload="if(this.width>screen.width*0.7) {this.resized=true; this.width=screen.width*0.7; this.alt='Click here to open new window\nCTRL+Mouse wheel to zoom in/out';}" onmouseover="if(this.width>screen.width*0.7) {this.resized=true; this.width=screen.width*0.7;'hand'; this.alt='Click here to open new window\nCTRL+Mouse wheel to zoom in/out';}" onclick="if(!this.resized) {return true;} else {;}" onmousewheel="return imgzoom(this);" alt="" /></a><br />
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Sama keadaan tapi tak serupa deli. why I say this?...very simple......penyakit mungkin sama tapi the main reasons doctor sedang menjalankan berbagai tests and what not are solely on the fac ... <br />
i don't blame you for giving that advice becoz u don't know me. tp i definitely don't heavily rely or trust whatever information i gather from the internet or other places.
maksud first posting aku tu..kalau sesapa ade anak yg macam ni boleh la cerita how they handle the baby, how they cope with work, therapy etc.. kat mana dorang pegi..who knows aku leh bawa my niece go see the mentioned doctor for second opinion ke... any remarks they get from family, friends, any frustrations etc. I can get this from international websites like babycentre etc - but now i want to know experiences from local parents.
my cousin husband and wife are not well to do with many other problems to handle . parents kat kampong sakit la, itu la ini la... so i am actually planning to bring the little girl to see a paed who practices integrated medicine - location - dekat plaza 138 -satu building dgn hotel maya. I believe he offers good advice to parents with problematic kids. I went to see him once - brought my son who was not reading and not paying attention in school. he lectured us for almost one hour plus ..bla bla bla..gave something to boost my son's brain, to reduce his hyperactivity etc etc etc and alhamdulillah he can ready everything now and his focus is a lot better. he has stopped taking half of what the doc initially suggested but at least the advices he gave keep us on the right track. |
deli, cuba masuk kat sini ... &extra=page%3D1
ada info byk pasal autisme, adhd, gdd etc. all menunjukkan simtom yang sama ie. delay in development, poor eye contact, cannot communicate verbally.
if money & time is not an issue, i'd suggest go thru proper steps i.e. buat pemeriksaan yang sepatutnya. from there the experts will advise what to do.
my son was diagnosed ada gdd but on the mild-side. after a few sessions, he is identified as having adhd with autistic features. he is attending 2 therapies ie speech and occupational. alhamdulillah nampak improvement. not much but still... dari takde apa2 kan.
kalau your cousin join support group lagi baik (in my opinion lah). boleh share experience, dapat further info etc. but to apply or not, absolutely terserah kpd parents to sendiri. |
Reply #8 ummimon's post
ummimon..dulu i selalu masuk dlm tu...ade byk gak menyelit kat situ... tp situ more towards autism kan.. |
Originally posted by Delifrance at 20-3-2009 10:00 
ummimon..dulu i selalu masuk dlm tu...ade byk gak menyelit kat situ... tp situ more towards autism kan..
a ah. tp mgkn blh apply certain things.
like my son pg occupational therapy kan. budak2 yang down syndrome, hyper pun ada gak buat the same thing. speech pun sama.
deli, ni pesanan dr to me masa my son first diagnosed dulu, dia kata dont ever give up on him. be prepared mentally and emotionally.
walaupun anak saya tahap mild saja, itupun dah taxing bagi saya.
apapun, usahakan lah. kalau tak boleh back on track pun, sekurang2nya kita mencuba. |
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