No bius2 one, man... me kena spray jer with something... useless stuff... but the thing was... yg sakit tu was the process before the cut... the part yg nak stretch the foreskin... cut tu tak rasa apa pun (or maybe sebab pain stretch tu more powerful kot?). Neways tu bukan something to be scared of... no biggie actually (tapi tetap kecut giler before tu).
sama ahh.... sbb dr kecik dok dlm town, tiba2 kena pindah tempat yg kurang org, tu yg tension tu, tapi skang keliling da ramai org buat umah. so da ceria ckit la. tapi me mmg jenis tak campur org pun.
Originally posted by cluesan at 4-12-2008 08:49 PM
mula2 tu mmg kecut, tapi bila tgk boys sebelum aku kuar dr operating room, muka selamba je, baru la lega ckit.
OKlah gitu... time aku tu 2 ekor sebelum aku dok jerit2 cam nak kena cincang ngan kapak jer... mana aku tak kecut!
Originally posted by cluesan at 4-12-2008 08:51 PM
sama ahh.... sbb dr kecik dok dlm town, tiba2 kena pindah tempat yg kurang org, tu yg tension tu, tapi skang keliling da ramai org buat umah. so da ceria ckit la. tapi me mmg jenis tak campur org ...
clue kenal yr jiran sebelah tak?
kalau org sini .. we hardly know each other .. cuma hi and bye .. ala ala touch n go jer lah
Bius dah habis happened to me once... ada wood splinter masuk my upper gum kat depan... gosh giler nyer sakit masa doc still operating to get the pieces out... i grab tangan dia and told him bius gone... dia cam tak caya jer... idiot nyer doc... and i was like std 5 masa tu.
aku kena stitched kat behind my head. the scar still exist there. around two inch and a half.