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In an address to the "World without Zionism" Conference held in Teheran on October 26, 2005, Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad said: "Our dear Imam [Khomeini] ordered that this Jerusalem-occupying regime [Israel] must be erased from the page of time. This was a very wise statement."
The New York Times translated the statement as Israel "must be wiped off the map," a non-literal translation which nevertheless conveyed the meaning of the original - the destruction of Israel. Despite the international controversy that Ahmadinejad's language generated, a report on his October 2005 speech was still available on his presidential website as of May 2008.
International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) Director General Mohamad ElBaradei, will quit his position in the event of a military strike on Iran, according to a Reuters report Friday.
IAEA's Director General Mohamed ElBaradei gives a statement to the press.
Photo: AP [file]
Slideshow: Pictures of the week
The report quoted him as warning that any military offensive in Iran would turn the Middle East region "into a fireball." "I don't believe that what I see in Iran today is a current, grave and urgent danger. If a military strike is carried out against Iran at this time ... it would make me unable to continue my work," said the IAEA chief. ElBaradei, repeatedly stressing that a military strike would be the worst result for the region, added that an attack would give Iran more motivation to obtain nuclear power, Reuters reported.
Gilad Shalit
Thousands of Facebook, instant messenger, and blog users on Wednesday will change their identifying picture to that of Gilad Schalit.
Kidnapped IDF soldier Gilad Schalit
Photo: Channel 2
Slideshow: Pictures of the week
The day chosen for the worldwide act of solidarity marks two years since Schalit was kidnapped. According to the initiative's slogan, the aim is for individuals to express that "I too have been waiting for Gilad Schalit for two years." The Israeli Facebook group called "The petition for the release of Gilad Schalit" has been promoting the joint action and is backed by approximately 4,500 members. The group claims that Schalit is "one of us and his place is with us." Members are able to invite other Facebook participants to the group and post messages on the group's main page. Some of the messages include links to related Web sites and on-line petitions. Dana Lazar, an Israeli college student who plans to change her Facebook picture to that of Schalit on Wednesday, believes as a former Israeli soldier, it is her duty to do so.
"When you are a soldier you want your government and country behind you. By changing your picture you make other people stop their lives to think and care," she said. Like Lazar, others in the group consider their effort just a small way to reach out to other Israelis. "The purpose of posting Schalit's picture is not necessarily to impact the government, but to impact Israeli society," said Gery Klein, a political science student at Bar-Ilan University and a member of the Facebook group. "It's not a beginning and it's not an end - it's a continuation of a struggle," he said. |
Reply #1 redlightchaser's post
let's hope war is not what the outcome :flower: :flower: :flower: :flower: :flower: :flower: :victory: :victory: :victory: :victory: :victory: |
Possible senarios :
Senario 1:
Bila Israel lancar serangan ke atas instalasi nuklear dan militari strategik Iran, iran akan bertindakbalas dengan melancarkan peluru berpandu jarak sederhana dgn warhead konvensyenal ke atas kedudukan military dan bandar2 di Israel. Israel akan balas dgn senjata nuklear. Iran akan balas dengan peluru berpandu warhead senjata kimia dna biologi. Timur Tengah bakal bermandi darah. WW 4 perharps?
Senario 2
Selepas serangan Israel, Iran berpendirian USA dibelakang serangan Israel dan bertindakbalas secara menyerang kapal2 tangki yg melalui selat Hormuz dengan misile silkworm, yakhont dan c801 sekaligus sealing Selat tersebut akibatnya menganggu pergerakan bekalan minyak mentah. Harga minyak dunia akan melonjak melebihi USD300 satu barel. Infalsi melonjak dan world recession akan berlaku..
Sumer gara2 Yahudi laknatullah... |
Jika di takdirkan berlakunya peperangan antara israel dan iran. harap negara -negara islam turut membantu sepertimana U.S dan Eropah membantu israel. Kekuatan negara islam sebenarnya amat kuat disokong dengan sumber bahan mentah yang tinggi. Kalau diteliti banyak negara OPEC adalah terdiri drpd negara negara islam. Yg sepatunya boleh dijadikan senjata untuk menghentikan atau menghidari peperangan. Negra negara yang mencetuskan dan menyebabkan perang disekat utk mendapatkan minyak atau minyak dijual dengan harga yg mahal. Apa yang menjadi tanda tanya sekarang ini adalah pembangunan senjata nukler oleh iran yang belum pasti kesahihannya tetapi pemillikan senjata nuklear oleh israel dipandang enteng oleh semua masyarakat dunia sedangkan israel merupakan sebuah negara agresif jka dibandingkan iran..... |
ahhhhhhh...jgn la perang....nanti minyak naik lagiii
diaorg ne xde keje lain ke?
ne mmg dasar jajjud n makjud la ne....:@ |
Reply #1 redlightchaser's post
Ko ni belajar lagi ke? Nak buat dissertation ke?
Komen aku, kalau asyik dok cakap pasal perang, perang lah yg akan jadi. |
Originally posted by tempur at 23-6-2008 02:17 PM
Jika di takdirkan berlakunya peperangan antara israel dan iran. harap negara -negara islam turut membantu sepertimana U.S dan Eropah membantu israel. Kekuatan negara islam sebenarnya amat kuat di ...
harap-harap macam tu la..
jangan lak ada negara Islam ni sumbang tentera, pengkalan kepada US semata-mata nak amik ati US
dan nak hapuskan pengaruh Iran di rantau Arab..iran kan negara syiah tapi tetap islam kan? |
Reply #10 tok_rimau87's post
Isu utama di sana adalah Syiah dan Sunni. Bagi aku, kumpulkan semua ulamak-ulamak supaya bincang isu ni. Barulah masalah pepecahan itu dapat diselesaikan. Dari 1980an hingga sekarang memang diketahui ada unsur-unsur pertandingan; Arab Saudi mengetuai sebelah Sunni dan Iran sebelah Syiah.
Isu perang ni digembar-gemburkan lebih sgt. Bila ko dok terikut sgt dgn isu perang, ko dah terjebak dlm agenda US. Isu dan sentimen berbeza.
[ Last edited by RainbowSix at 23-6-2008 06:05 PM ] |
Bank Terbesar Iran baru saja dibekukan dari beroperasi di Eropah. Iraq pun kena sekatan macam ni jugak sebelum Perang Teluk 1. |
Kalau kita lihat kepada pelbagai sekatan yang dikenakan kepada iran kemungkinan besar peperangan akan berlaku. taktik kotor negara negara barat sentiasa gunakan semasa dan sebelum menyerang Iraq. Lepas tu akan disokong oleh negara negara islam dengan menyediakan pangkalan hadapan dan sokongan moral. loji nuklear dibuka untuk siasatan selepas sudah tidak tahan dengan pelbagai sekatan. perisik asing menyeludup masuk melalui Organisasi khas untuk mengenali loji 2 yg penting yag bukannya untuk disiasat tapi dimarking untuk dimusnahkan. apabila semua kelemahan sudah diketahui....operasi memusnah dijalankan.... yang merana semua negara negara islam yang miskin kerana harga minyak yang naik.....
Kita lihat bagaimana org barat ingin menguasai minyak sehinggakan sanggup memusnah sebuah tamadun lain.... siapa yang sebenarnya agresif....
Apapun pakat pakat la kita berdoa agar tidak ada lagi negara negara islam dibuli oleh negara 2 bukan islam demi menjaga kepentingan atau kelangsungan hidup negara mereka. |
Aku rasa takder la Zionis nak serang Iran..depa tu saja je nak buat gempak.. |
Ice Mungkin ada kebenaran yg mcm ko cakap ni...
BAca ni dari Stratfor analysis on Possible Israel Bluff
By George Friedman
On June 20, The New York Times published a report saying that more than 100 Israeli aircraft carried out an exercise in early June over the eastern Mediterranean Sea and Greece. The article pointed out that the distances covered were roughly the distances from Israel to Iranian nuclear sites and that the exercise was a trial run for a large-scale air strike against Iran. On June 21, the British newspaper The Times quoted Israeli military sources as saying that the exercise was a dress rehearsal for an attack on Iran. The Jerusalem Post, in covering these events, pointedly referred to an article it had published in May saying that Israeli intelligence had changed its forecast for Iran passing a nuclear threshold |
Yg ni pulak Iran meroyan response kpd exercise Israel..
TEHRAN: Iran on Sunday dismissed reports that Israel had been practising for air strikes against its nuclear drive as "psychological operations" but warned of a limitless response to any attack.
The New York Times on Friday cited US officials as saying that a major Israeli military exercise over Greece earlier this month appeared to be a dry run for a potential strike against Iranian nuclear facilities.
"It seems that a series of psychological operations have been taken to intimidate the Islamic republic and force it to renounce its absolute and legitimate right" to nuclear power, Defence Minister Mostafa Mohammad Najar said.
"But Iran will not be intimidated by these threats and will not renounce its right," he added, quoted by the Fars news agency.
The United States and its ally Israel fear that Iran could use its programme of uranium enrichment to make an atomic weapon, and have never explicitly ruled out launching a military strike against it.
An official with the Greek air force's central command confirmed the substance of the report, stating that it had taken part in "joint training exercises" with Israel off the Mediterranean island of Crete.
"Iran will not begin any conflict but will punish any aggressor with force. With determination and using all the options -- without limit in time and space -- we will give a destructive response to any hostile action," Najar said.
His comments came after the UN atomic watchdog chief Mohamed ElBaradei warned on Saturday that an attack on Iran would turn the region into a "ball of fire."
Israeli parliament foreign affairs and defence committee chairman Tsahi Hanegbi said on Saturday that Western diplomatic efforts to halt Iran's nuclear programme had failed and "next year and the year after that will be crucial."
Tehran vehemently denies charges that it wants to develop a nuclear weapon, saying it wants atomic energy only for a growing population whose fossil fuels will eventually run out. |
Reply #11 RainbowSix's post
okeh bro..
aku cuma harap solidarity diantara negara islam je |
negara2 yg dalam kategori 'alertness' tinggi
tahap gaban macam US n israel ni,
kalu takde krisis atau perang, derang akan
dihinggapi semacam sawan or gila khinzir
atau sewaktunya, heh |
ok, apa faktor Iran menyatakan mustahil bagi Israel utk menyerang negaranya? Ia yakin memiliki peralatan terbaik dan secukupnya utk menangani semua ancaman yahudi tersebut? dan respons yg dijanjikannya tanpa mengira batas masa dan ruang.... boleh ke ia bertindak sedemikian rupa? siapa yg boleh analisiskan keupayaan Iran utk buat begitu sila la jawab... |
Iran needs to be honest and stop its nuke program. Then there will be no war |
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