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Recommend sales & marketing course
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Siapa kat sini yang boleh recommend a good training course in sales & marketing for beginner?
Saya budak baru belajar dalam bisnes ni, so nak lah attend course2 yang bagus.
Kalau boleh a 1 or 2 day course/seminar.
Thank you. |
owhhh ade ke short course cenggini?? kalau ada memang menarik ni... kalo course marketing kat uni amek masa 3 taun baru abes...isk |
Saya dalam plan juga sebenarnya nak anjurkan short courses on marketing and basic in business..Oleh kerana saya ni free lance trainer saya x ler charge mahal2 macam buat di hotel yg charge sampai RM500-600 sehari.. Kelas saya buat dirumah saya aja where I have coverted the master bedroom into class..Tapi semua complete dengan air cond and Lcd projector..
Antara course yg saya plan ialah:-
1. Fundamentals of marketing for businesses in Malaysia.
2. Basic finance for small businesses and home-based businesses
Qualification wise saya ada Diploma in Banking n a BBA in Finance and expericence wise saya da pengalaman buat finance, banking, marketing, project management lebih 15 tahun di bank-bank tempatan dan IT company.
Do wait for the update from me soon!
[ Last edited by cikgutuition at 22-4-2008 01:53 AM ] |
Reply #2 lamka_13's post
3 tahun tu kalau nak specialized in mktg..
Short course ni biasanya straight to the point and akan sentuh aspek2 marketing yg relevant dengan local environment..So lebih effective, lebih cepat n of course lbih murah.. |
Menarik sekali cikgu!
Do update.
Ada lagi short course yang lain? Kalau search dalam internet, banyak. Tapi tulah, tak tau keberkesanannya. Tu yg nak mintak sesiapa forumer yang dah pegi mana2 course camni, recommendkan course yg bagus! |
Originally posted by lady_bizz at 22-4-2008 07:54 AM
Menarik sekali cikgu!
Do update.
Ada lagi short course yang lain? Kalau search dalam internet, banyak. Tapi tulah, tak tau keberkesanannya. Tu yg nak mintak sesiapa forumer yang dah pegi ma ...
Banyak sebenarnya course2 yg jangka pendek ni tapi kena ada budget besar le sebab dia org mmg charge mahal.Kurang2 RM300 sehari.. Saya nak buat pun sebab nak tolong kawan2 nak mahirkan lagi dalam aspek marleting and sales ni..Antara topik2 yang penting yang akan saya cover ialah:-
1. The 4 P's in marketing - The Marketing Mix
2. How to advertise and promote your product and services.
3.Marketing strategy
4. Branding
5, Using internet as a medium to advertise and promote your product and services.
6. Delivery channels
NAnti saya firmkan balik ttg course ni..Fee tak mahal sangat rasanya. Kalau course sehari x lebih RM150..
[ Last edited by cikgutuition at 25-4-2008 11:37 AM ] |
| Historically, the thinking was: a good product will sell itself. However there are no bad products anymore in today's highly competitive markets. Plus there are many laws giving customers the right to return products that he perceives as bad. Therefore the question on product has become: does the organization create what its intended customers want? Define the characteristics of your product or service that meets the needs of your customers. | Functionality, Quality, Appearance, Packaging, Brand, Service, Support, Warranty | Price | How much are the intended customers willing to pay? Here we decide on a pricing strategy - do not let it just happen! Even if you decide not to charge for a service (a loss leader), you must realize that this is a conscious decision and forms part of the pricing strategy. Although competing on price is as old as mankind, the consumer is often still sensitive for price discounts and special offers. Price has also an irrational side: something that is expensive must be good. Permanently competing on price is for many companies not a very sensible approach. | List Price, Discounts, Financing, Leasing Options, Allowances, | Place | Available at the right place, at the right time, in the right quantities? Some of the revolutions in business have come about by changing Place. Think of the internet and mobile telephones. | Locations, Logistics, Channel members, Channel Motivation, Market Coverage, Service Levels, Internet, Mobile | Promotion | (How) are the chosen target groups informed or educated about the organization and its products? This includes all the weapons in the marketing armory - advertising, selling, sales promotions, Public Relations, etc. While the other three P's have lost much of there meaning in today's markets, Promotion has become the most important P to focus on. | Advertising, Public Relations, Message, Direct Sales, Sales, Media, Budget |
In term of Product kita mesti betul2 pasti dan yakin dengan produk atau service yang kita nak offer kan kepada potential customers kita.
Yang penting at the end of the day, product kita boleh bring in the revenue needed to initially break even and then make small profit and eventually untung yg besar untuk expand our business. |
kalau nak suruh cikgu translatekan manuscripts bisnes
nak dijadikan buku
around 300pages from BM to BI
berapa kosnya ? |
Reply #9 bizsari's post
Saya kena tengok dulu content dia then baru saya boleh bagi anggaran. Saya kena tengok:-
1. Content
2. Technical atau tidak
3. Due date nya bila..
Rate saya minimum RM10 per page tapi kena tengok job yg involved jugak.. |
19hb Mei nanti cuti umum Hari Wesak so saya plan nak buat the following :-
Kursus - Fundamentals of Marketing for businesses in Malaysia.
Date - 19/05/08
Time - 10 a.m. - 4 p.m.
Fee - RM160 termasuk makan thari
Venue - Saujana Puchong. Berdekatan dengan Bukit Puchong 1n tak jauh dari Puchong Perdana. Dibuat di training room di rumah saya,
Facilities kelas - Complete facilities dengan air cond, bilik sembahyang and lcd projector.
Jumlah perserta - Maksima 10 orang sahaja.
Yang berminat boleh contact saya di [email protected] or 019-3090711. Saya tak iklan dulu di tempat2 lain untuk beri peluang kepada mereka yg dari Cari.Com
[ Last edited by cikgutuition at 25-4-2008 04:28 PM ] |
CV saya:-
1. Qualification - i. BBA (Hons) Finance, UiTM - 2nd Class Upper
ii. Diploma in Banking, UiTM Perlis - Best Student Overall for batch graduated in July 1993
2. Working and Training Experience
i. Full time free lance trainer and consultant for English n Business since July 2006
ii. Manager at an IT company for 7 years - Marketing, QA, Training and Project Management
iii. Assistant Manager at Affin Bank for 4 years - Operation, Marketing and Training. Trainer at Affin Bank's School of Banking.
iv. Officer at Bank Islam for 4 years - Credit and Operation.
[ Last edited by cikgutuition at 25-4-2008 04:50 PM ] |
Setakat ni ada dua peserta dari Cari yang brminat.
Kalau ada minimum 6 org saya akan proceed with this short course. |
tQ - due date tak tau
ni tengah do susun2 artical
campur2 60% in BI
akan maklum jika budget mencukupi.Originally posted by cikgutuition at 25-4-2008 15:59
Saya kena tengok dulu content dia then baru saya boleh bagi anggaran. Saya kena tengok:-
1. Content
2. Technical atau tidak
3. Due date nya bila..
Rate saya minimum RM10 per ... |
Originally posted by lady_bizz at 21-4-2008 07:10 PM
Siapa kat sini yang boleh recommend a good training course in sales & marketing for beginner?
Saya budak baru belajar dalam bisnes ni, so nak lah attend course2 yang bagus.
Kalau bole ...
Pelajaran or education yang paling penting ialah practical..
Refer pada lecturer universiti, ada double PHD pon, tapi just teori..
Suruh practic, hancus....
U attend courses yang mahal pon, just theory..
U minat sesuatu product, buat bersunnguh, sambil tu, study product knowledge intensively, and reading some marketing book.
Kalu u ada mentor, dampingi mentor anda, ambik yg positive dr dia..
[ Last edited by kirawang at 25-4-2008 08:49 PM ] |
Originally posted by cikgutuition at 25-4-2008 04:18 PM
CV saya:-
1. Qualification - i. BBA (Hons) Finance, UiTM - 2nd Class Upper
ii. Diploma in Banking, UiTM Perlis - Best Student Overall for batch graduated in July 1 ...
U ni ITM banking? sapa nama eh? satu batch dengan Mahsuri, awek cun tu...?
atau Bibi shariza, ADUN jelebu..?
saya DBS kat sana.. |
Reply #16 kirawang's post
Dah agak dah mesti ada budak Arau sini..
Saya junior one batch Bibi Sharlliza tu.. |
Theory amat penting sebab ianya membolehkan kita berfikir secara berstruktur dan iini memudahkan kita berfikir dan membuat keputusan..
Tapi perlu diingat yang theory cuma theory dan oleh itu kenalah applykan dengan btul dalam real world..
Memang boleh baca sendiri buku2 marketing tetapi lebih effective kalau ada yang boleh explainkan dengan lebih jelas dan menggunakan contoh2 yang relevant...
Untuk yang attend kursus ni saya akan bagi khidmat nasihat percuma secara online selama sebukan. |
Course Syllabus
Applying the marketing mix to a successful business:-
1. Product - Apakah jenis produk atau perkihidmatan yang boleh ditawarkan dan menguntungkan
2. Place - Dimanakah tempat untuk anda menjalankan perniagaan anda
3. Price - Bagaimana untuk meletakkan harga yang sesuai dan boleh menarik pelanggan.
4. Promotion - Apakah jenis2 promosi yang sesuai.
5. People - Kepentingan pekerja-pekerja dan service yang ditawarkan.
6,. Process - Proses yang terlibat dalam penjualan.
Kelas akan dijalankan dalam bahasa Melayu dan sedikit dalam BI untuk terma2 tertentu. |
Kursus ini terhad kepada 8 orang peserta sahaja. Tinggal 5 kekosongan sahaja lagi. Ada seorang dari Cari yang bekerja di Taiwan akan join kursus ini sebab time kursus dia akan bercuti di sini.. |
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Category: Belia & Informasi