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mimi baru dapat invitation 4 interview di private college ni..korang leh bagi pendapat tak?
ok ker college ni?ader sesaper tahu tak..sekarang ni mimi dah kejer exec di satu company cina..gaji just rm 1800 nak cari kejer yang ok sikit.kejer sekarang terlampau rileks la..kadang2 tak tahu nak buat aper..lagipun mimi memang suka sangat teaching..dah apply kpli hari tu tapi sampai interview jer..
harap korang dapat bagi pandangan..kalau tak ok, buat rugi jer mimi apply cuti g interview..thanks
p/s :sorry mod sebab buka thread baru..kalau masukkan dalam thread lecturer tu tak ramai yang tengok..nanti after 2-3 hari,tuan mod leh la merge kan ker thread tu..sorry mod
Dear *****,
Thank you for your application for the position of Senior Lecturer/Lecturer
We are pleased to invite you for an interview as follows:-
Date and Time: Feb 19 2008 3:45PM
Venue: No. 24-30 , 50000 Jalan Hang Kasturi, Kuala Lumpur
Tel#: 3-20509500
Please bring your certificates and other relevant documents.
Please reply to make a confirmation with us.
Yours sincerely,
FTMS College |
Reply #1 mimi_85's post
pegilah interview.... nnti kat sana bulehla tanya dia mcm2... interview pun sehari ja x salah kan..... cr pengalaman |
Reply #1 mimi_85's post
kerja apa yang terlampau rileks tuh? |
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Category: Belia & Informasi