Have to be Hurt by Nine inch Nails... Check out this hunting version, live with David Bowie:
Johnny Cash cover of it also is a very good one; just before he kicked the bucket. Another: Tool - Sober! Check out their vids. I can tell you that not many ppl in M'sia know Tool....
Yep, except that overseas bands susah nak dapat imported CD! Pernah tengok CD Tool yg latest? I downloaded it off the net masa dia baru keluar & few months lepas tu baru sampai kat M'sia & cover dia tak sama...
I had my copy from a friend yg nak balik dari US, showed it to others, semua cam tak caya... Siap ada 3D glasses kat one of the sleeves. Boleh tengok just ordinary-looking pics provided & nampak 3D!! Even my 3D colleagues pun tak tau nak explain camne.... One of my fav cover....