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physical act and mind tak sync
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pernah tak experience situasi di mana kita punya physical act got 'messed up' with what our brain registers at that instantaneous moment.
tangan pegang kunci nak bukak pintu.
our brain is already fast forward to next action ie to press the light switch by the door.
becos of that action already registed in the brain, tangan yg kita pegang kunci tu, instead of cucuk anak kunci kat pintu, sudah cucuk kunci kat suis lampu
is there a name to this behaviour? |
selalu gak....bila pegang senduk, sedar2...i duk depan pintu toilet..
kalo pegang senduk, terduduk depan anak jantan nie...sebab dia memang taknak buat homework... |
i do experience this.. scary to me sometimes, macam tak sedar tengah buat apa... |
Absent minded, preoccupied, worrying... |
Reply #1 jfq's post
my case:
usually time explain, time typing .. |
aku kena lagi semalam
aktiviti masa memcuci pinggan mangkuk
lepas bilas gelas, tangan patut letak gelas atas draining rack
tapi disebabkan my mind dah fast forward to next task ie. bilas sudu
tangan aku pi letak gelas dalam cutlery stand |
maybe your mind is to preoccupied with others things, and you are not able to put them in the right order
that explain why your senses are not registering what your mind command it to do in the first place |
Reply #7 jfq's post
your siggy is ....interesting .... |
u r lost.. |
This topic reminded me of a scene in The Simpsons episode--where Homer's actions are not in sync with what his mind tells him. Hilarious
[ Last edited by Santeira at 12-1-2008 08:13 PM ] |
Reply #3 naden's post
Hmm.. Ahaaa..Freudian Slips...
how about malapropism? |
Reply #13 mbhcsf's post
rasanya, dalam kes yg dibincangkan ni, fehlleistung/parapraxis (freudian slip) lebih tepat kot..
sbb ia error ada kaitan dgn minda bawah sedar atau separa sedar -
yg pengaruhi memori, fizikal & tutur kata
malapropism tu lebih kepada 'tersasul' jadi perkataan lain yg berbunyi lebih kurang sama
selalunya akan jadi perkataan yg 'lawak' la..
sesapa yg belajar psikologi kognitif leh la tolong sah kan ek
sbb nad xabeh berguru bab ni dulu
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hai Naden,
bila kita bercakap pasal hal hal psychiatry ni or something to do with psyche, the german terms always come out ,kan? sebab apa, ek? Sebab depa banyak ahli psychologist or i dunno the field itself evolve from there,ke? |
Reply #15 mbhcsf's post - hai gak!
pasal istilah psikologi dalam bahasa german ni (selain daripada istilah dalam greek/latin)..
word psychology tu sendiri diformed, digunakan & diperkenalkan kat german dalam 16th century
(masa tu psychology masih lagi sebahagian daripada bidang philosophy)
istilah 'psychology' tu 1st sekali diguna & dipublish pd tahun 1590 oleh G鯿kel, di Marburg, german
pd buku yg bertajuk " yucologia hoc est de hominis perfectione, anima, ortu " (dlm greek actually)
camnepun, buku oleh Casmann (dari Stade, german) lebih dikenali - " Psychologia anthropologica "
walaupun G鯿kel yg 1st guna istilah tu - direcognized oleh 躡erweg dalam manual yg dihasilkannya -
('history of philosophy' - Grundriss der Geschichte der Philosophie),
tapi Casmann lebih banyak diquote & diiktiraf sebagai yg memperkenalkan istilah 'psychology' tu..
lagi.. dlm psikologi moden - slps psychology dipisahkan daripada bidang philosophy pada 19th century
tokoh yg feymes ialah Wilhelm Wundt - dari neckarau baden, german..
dia yg establish 1st psychology laboratory kat.. leipzig, german.. tahun 1879 rasanya..
ngan Wundt gak publish 1st jurnal yg mengandungi report2 eksperimen dia - Philosophische Studien
Wundt diiktiraf sebagai 'founder of psychology' (as a formal academic discipline)
dia buka 1st psychological institute kat university of leipzig - tempat dia mengajar (1875-1917)
& Wundt gak diiktiraf sebagai orang pertama dalam sejarah designated as a psychologist..
kesimpulannya - banyak tokoh2 terawal bidang psikologi ni berasal dari german
& sumber2 awal (penulisan & eksperimen) banyak yg dihasilkan kat german
maybe sbb tu la kot.. banyak istilah2 dalam bahasa german..
sesapa yg pakar dalam bidang ni leh la tolong sah kan ek!
sorry mod! bukak tuisyen sejarah awal psikologi lak!
[ Last edited by naden at 13-1-2008 08:23 PM ] |
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Reply #17 naden's post
Don't want to break the train of thought... |
hmmm...well Naden,
would u care to entertain us on psychobiography? psych major ? ok that's cool. Sebab terbaca satu side column article kat Utusan a few months back that highlighted this field. Well, psychology is very interesting. |
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