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Megapixels yg tinggi penting sangat ke..?

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Reign This user has been deleted
Post time 22-12-2007 07:41 AM | Show all posts |Read mode
Paling tinggi setakat ni 16.7 MP itu pun DSLR. Klu kamera phone paling tinggi pun rasanya dlm 5MP. Jadi persoalanyapenting sangat ke megapixels yg tinggi..?



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Post time 22-12-2007 08:14 AM | Show all posts
Bergantung kepada keperluan.

Kalau nak print kecik atau tak banyak cropping tak perlu tinggi.

Setakat ni paling tinggi resolusi Hasselblad H3D:

Try check harga dia

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Post time 22-12-2007 08:14 AM | Show all posts
Yup,bg aku mmg penting.sbb dr mgpxl tu yg akan tentukan kualiti gmbr yg dihasilkan.lg satu kualiti mgpxl akan dpt kita tgk klu kita cuci gmbr..mgpxl yg rndah akan hasilkan ketajaman gmbr yg agak kurang berbandg mgpxl tggi.klu guna kamera sebenar hasil lg menarik spt dslr.aku setakat ni guna hp cmera dgn 3.2mgpxl..agak menarik kualiti setelah dicuci.
Tp aku rasa,kualiti mgpxl akan lebih baik sekiranye setting2 lain digabungkan pd cmera trsbut.mode camera juga mainkan peranan,spt close up mode,landscpe & pelbgi lg.

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Post time 22-12-2007 08:33 AM | Show all posts

Reply #3 tok_hoi's post

mega pixel memang penting sebab ia mempengaruhi kualiti gambar tu...tapi setting tu main peranan jugak macam yang tok_hoi cakap...

sebab aku ada Sony Cybershot...dan megapixel dia diset dari 1, 3, 5 dan 7 mega pixel...biarpun aku guna setting mega pixel 1, tapi kualiti macam 7 mega pixel jugak...
cuma size gambar je yang beza...

itu kalau Sony Cybershot, kalau camera lain tak tau laks....

Jangan Lupa Undilah Urban_Iz!!!

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Post time 22-12-2007 09:31 AM | Show all posts

Reply #1 Reign's post

yang penting ialah cmos apa yang kamera tu guna..
main bagus.. makin branded semakin ok ler gambar tu..(CMOS kamera branded laa)
pada aku setakat 3MP pon dah cukup..

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Post time 22-12-2007 09:36 AM | Show all posts
Megapixel pnting utk printing saja. Kualiti brgntung pd jenis kamera

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Post time 22-12-2007 09:56 AM | Show all posts
setuju dgn musang dan yg lain2..

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Post time 22-12-2007 10:22 AM | Show all posts
Digital Cameras - A beginner's guide
by Bob Atkins; created 2003

Digital Camera Basics - A primer
Digital cameras are confusing to a lot of new users. In this basic guide to digital camera technology we hope to try to give digital beginners at least some basis to use in deciding which digital camera is appropriate for them. When shopping for a digital camera it's at least good to know what the basic terms like white balance, pixel, ppi and dpi mean and how they affect image and print quality. It's also important to know the difference between things like optical zoom and digital zoom as well as the advantages and disadvantages between storage formats such as Compact Flash (CF), Microdrives, Sony Memory Stick, Secure Digital (SD), Multimedia and camera interface technologies such as USB 1.1, USB 2.0 and Firewire IEEE 1394.

A pixel is a contraction if the term PIcture ELement. Digital images are made up of small squares, just like a tile mosaic on your kitchen or bathroom wall. Though a digital photograph looks smooth and continuous just like a regular photograph, it's actually composed of millions of tiny squares as shown below.

On the left the full image, on the right the area in the red square magnified to show individual pixels

Each pixel in the image has a numerical value of between 0 and 255 and is made up of three color channels. So for example a pixel could be 37-red, 76-green and 125-blue and it would then look like this . If it was 162-red, 27-green and 12-blue, it would look like this . There are over 16 million possible combinations using this scheme and each one represents a different color. Computer savvy readers will note that each color in this scheme can be represented by an 8-bit number (byte), so the color of each pixel is defined by three color bytes. This scheme can be expanded, for example to use 16-bits (two 8-bit bytes) for each color. Images using three 8-bit values are sometimes called 24-bit color images. Images using three 12-bit values for color definition are called 36-bit color images, and those using three 16-bit values are called 48-bit color images.............. (read more at this Digital Cameras - A beginner's guide
by Bob Atkins; created 2003


read more here

[ Last edited by  awangbok at 22-12-2007 10:27 AM ]



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Post time 22-12-2007 10:29 AM | Show all posts

Reply #1 Reign's post

penting utk menunjuk kan hp or camera kita tu mahal dan uptodateeee..

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Post time 22-12-2007 10:31 AM | Show all posts
Penting sgt ke??????

My opinion...penting bagi mereka yang mementingkan dan suka akan keindahan gambar yg bakal finish .....tak semestinya bilangan Pixels yang tinggi ..hasil akhir jugak berkualiti....Skil ambik gambar jugak bg aku amat penting ....Bilangan Pixels yang tinggi adalah penting utk sesiapa yang inginkan gambr tersebut disimpan utk kenangan peribadi ..maksudnya....print gambo tersebut dan dialbumkan ...bilangan Pixels yang tinggi juga membolehkan anda print gambo tersebut sebesar 7R dan lebih tanpa khuatir yang gambar tu mungkin pecah atau sebagainya......NAMUN....lagi besar bilangan pixels pada kamera ( HP ) ...tingi jugak harganya..

kalau Kamera dengan MP setinggi 5.0MP , tak tau guna ( cam aku ) tak berbaloi gak sbb setting kat HP tu sendiri bagi aku agak memeningkan kepala. Biasanya kita ambik gambar ...tak keterlaluan aku katakan yang 95% menggunakan mode yang sama . Normal Mode dan Autofokus.

Apa yg aku melalut ni...........................

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Post time 22-12-2007 11:09 AM | Show all posts
pendapat aku pulak, ape kate campak thread ni kat bod photo..mesti ade pro yg tolong jawab nnt

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Post time 22-12-2007 02:18 PM | Show all posts
penting woo.. untuk org2 yang takde duit nak beli camera, at least ada phone cam yang MP tinggi, bleh amik gambar cun jugak.

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Post time 22-12-2007 07:34 PM | Show all posts
hehe.sori menyampuk.kdg2 kelakar gak tgk org gaduh2 pasal MP hp powerlah..tak powerlah smpi lupa tujuan hp sebenarnya

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Post time 22-12-2007 07:35 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by takumi86 at 22-12-2007 10:29 AM
penting utk menunjuk kan hp or camera kita tu mahal dan uptodateeee..

aaaaaaakuuuuuuuuuuuu setujuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu

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Post time 22-12-2007 07:40 PM | Show all posts
3.2MP pun dah lawa
yg penting kena tau la cara nak tangkap gambo ngan betul

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Post time 22-12-2007 09:44 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by MADReaLJL at 22-12-2007 07:40 PM
3.2MP pun dah lawa
yg penting kena tau la cara nak tangkap gambo ngan betul


cara nak tangkap gambar dengan betul melalui setting serta teknik2 yang terdapat dalam HP Kamera tu sendiri...


Gunakan secara maksimum features2 yg dah ada dalam HP kamera tu sendiri. Kalau dalam Mode scenes ramai yg biasanya guna scene mode Auto...byk lagi features2 dalam Scene mode ni sbg contoh: Potrait, landscape, sports , Night dan jugak night potrait .

1. Colur tone seperti Vivid tone. Mmg cantik kalau guna mode ni.
2.White balance merupakan mode yang jrg org gunakan. Sbg Contohnya kalau nak ambik gambar dalam keadaan panas terik --> gunakan Mode White Balance Sunny , Kalau cuaca mendung --> gunakan mode Cloudy , kalau dalam keadaan persekitaran bermentol--> gunakan Incandesc dan kalau persekitaran dengan lampu kalimantang --> Mode Fluroscent.
3. Mode Exposure Compens jugak ramai yg kurang org gunakannya. Termasuk aku sendiri.
4. Juga mode Sharpness yang terdiri dr Features HArd, Normal dan Soft.  
5. Begitu jugak dgn Mode Contrast . Kita boleh tentukan kontras gambar yg kita nak tangkap.
6. Lagi satu mode light sensitivity . Samada low ( Seswai utk bright dan sunny conditions. Mode Medium yg seswai utk keadaan mendung dan penggambaran indoor dengan flash dan mode High yangs seswai utk keadaan lampu rendah tanpa guna flash .

So...gunakan features diatas utk dapatkan mutu serta kualiti gambar HP anda ditahap maksimum.

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Post time 22-12-2007 11:28 PM | Show all posts
kena paham apa itu megapixels

[ Last edited by  hyphrigian at 22-12-2007 11:30 PM ]

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Post time 22-12-2007 11:54 PM | Show all posts

Reply #1 Reign's post

kalau bg "medang" mmg maha penting... Tapi kalau bg kat aku 10mpx camera phone pun mgkn sekali dua je aku buat snap pic sebulan...

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Post time 23-12-2007 01:08 AM | Show all posts

kalau nak tangkap mpx tinggi, make sure HDD capasity pong besauu gaaakk....
kang no more space to save the picsss.. .heheee...

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Reign This user has been deleted
 Author| Post time 23-12-2007 08:22 AM | Show all posts

Reply #2 z-b-i's post

Hasselblad tu klu tak silap aku jenama kamera medium format harga paling murah pun 20,000 pound sterling.

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