what does it mean to you?....
terdengar perbualan 2 org suami.....sorang nie menceritakan rutin kehidupan dia, sorang nie mendengar...sambil me kat sebelah tumpang mendengar ....
diakhir perbualan, kawan dia cakap...."you have a simple life"...teringat kata2 suami, "normal people do like a simple life"....
what is the simple life means.... |
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simple is dimple |
Originally posted by my-alja at 18-7-2007 08:38
what does it mean to you?....
terdengar perbualan 2 org suami.....sorang nie menceritakan rutin kehidupan dia, sorang nie mendengar...sambil me kat sebelah tumpang mendengar ....
diakhir ...
simple life with financial freedom at the same time can spend some time with family without overworking... |
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Reply #3 Atomic_Omnikid's post
Simple life can only be achieved with financial freedom. |
Originally posted by SONofODIN at 18-7-2007 19:01
Simple life can only be achieved with financial freedom.
do you making a statement or asking me a question? |
Simple life.
eliminate clutter. eliminate clutter.... |
Originally posted by my-alja at 18-7-2007 08:38 AM
what does it mean to you?....
terdengar perbualan 2 org suami.....sorang nie menceritakan rutin kehidupan dia, sorang nie mendengar...sambil me kat sebelah tumpang mendengar ....
diakhir ...
a simple life is when you are easily contented with what you have
and when you've achieved a zen life state in your life
[ Last edited by dutchy at 18-7-2007 11:58 PM ] |
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simple = "produce what you need, minimize what you want- Gandhi" |
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Originally posted by Atomic_Omnikid at 18-7-2007 10:09 PM
do you making a statement or asking me a question?
Agree with you. |
melalui pemerhatin dikeliling saja...me rasa org yg mengamalkan "simple life"..dia sendiri pun tak complicated as human being, maksudnya....cara dia fikir simple....like my fren kot, dia pernah kata...kita nie hidup, makan dan akhirnya mati...buat apa nak susah2 badan!!...
dan org2 begini, mempunyai nafsu yg terkawal...dia tak terikut dgn "lifestyle" org2 sekarang...asalkan basic needs dah ada, depa happy...balik keje, makan , ada anak...tua dan mati...
so for those who are complicated enuf ...cemana nak yakinkan org2 begini, yg hidup nie...bukan setakat hidup tapi lebih drp itu... |
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Originally posted by hang19 at 19-7-2007 01:11 AM
simple = "produce what you need, minimize what you want- Gandhi"
ermmm...i like this quote |
Originally posted by SONofODIN at 18-7-2007 07:01 PM
Simple life can only be achieved with financial freedom.
if my defination of "financial freedom" is no lifestyle...
it means.."simple life" is a life without a style |
Paris Hilton, dgn siapa sorang lagi tu... |
life is simple , black or white, on or off, yes or no, mau kaa tak mau kaa
but do not make it simpler, take as what it is
so simple life is 'the mode' as how to 'survive' in optimum level
all perceived problem is seen as 'challenges' , apa pun mendatang atau apa pun tekanan itu akan disisihkan masuk samada belah sini atau belah sana, pi kekanan atau ke kiri, di tengah2 itu jalan nya lurus, tiada kompromi, what is on the left is on the left, what is on the right side is the right side..u play ur game, i play mine , in the end the best will thrive
oang bushmen kalahari tenguk awek moden berpakaian penuh macam cite God Must Be Crazy, dia heran pasai paa la bazir seme pakaian tu..tutup anu dah la ..tapi kalo bawak bushmen ni ke Artik tentu dia kata mana laa baju2 ni takkan aku nak pakai cawat je..kang keras sejuk seme badan aku
so hidup simple ialah meletakkan sesuatu pada tempatnya. so memerlukan rasionaliti or pemikiran and its development.
this is one way to put it lah..in my view. |
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Reply #1 my-alja's post
i guess being simple is be contented with whatever you have, try to optimize achievements within your limited abilities, always be in synchronization with time and lo-you have a rather simplied life!
rather than, going against the grain, try to beat the flow.
hmm....can ar? *not thinking straight, tgh bengong* |
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Originally posted by redsinner at 29-7-2007 03:36 PM
i guess being simple is be contented with whatever you have, try to optimize achievements within your limited abilities, always be in synchronization with time and lo-you have a rather simplied l ...
How content, how limited you want to be, etc... comes to be your decision, after all.
I think going with the flow sounds better than燽eating爐he爁low...
But then this is something different from simple life, methinks. |
I am cleaning my house, too much stuff. Even living alone. Just throw some away. More to throw away...
Those who want to throw awayb stuff can search for yahoo groups free cycle kl or something... some people might want your junk. |
To me - it all depends on how you look at 'simple cos it is quite relative. |
This is my take for a simple life:
Kau bilang cinta padaku
Kalau ku bilang pikir dulu
Selera kita
Terlalu jauh berbeda
Parfum mu dari Paris
Sepatu mu dari Italy
Kau bilang demi gengsi
Semua serba luar negeri
Manakah mungkin mengikuti caramu
Yang penuh hura-hura
Aku suka jaipong kau suka disko
Oh oh oh oh
Aku suka singkong kau suka keju
Oh oh oh oh
Aku dambakan seorang gadis yang sederhana
Aku ini hanya anak singkong
Aku anak singkong. |
Reply #19 thamrong's post
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