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World Environment Day 5 June 2007
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JK's Digest No. 4 of June 2007 (157 of 2007) Environment and climate change -devastation to follow.
I think I wasted one hour viewing the TV2 live program on Environment and climate Change timely held on World Environment Day - 5th June 2007. Nothing new did I learn as it is the same rhetoric over and over again. But that gives me the spur to write this item.
The judgement was delivered at the end when the polls were announced and Gurmit Singh was emphasized. In what context, I do not know. Was it a hypocrisy to link his name with the fight on environment on the surface? I attended his talk on Environment in an EAC program in Kota Kinabalu. His only emphasis on oil palm and the related pollution.
But in the hour's program of three panelists and a chairperson, nothing was mentioned about the escalating "tsunami" of oil palm in almost all arable land especially in Sabah. Even the few callers including 81 years old did not mention about the scourge of oil palms in term of environment and climate change.
Definitely the earth is aging due to our fault and yet some people still at this late age insist on education and awareness, when we are destined to die sooner in horrible heated earth.
Like Samy Vellu compared the building with an aging woman of 50 (bad to do that), I would like to compare our earth with the balding head on aging person (some may keep their crowning glory but a white colour).
Wasn't it a beautiful earth in the time of Adam and Eve? Even it was fairly alright 50 years ago.
Now we know the earth is almost bald of its natural black hair ( rainforests) especially in the hottest part of the earth at the Equatorial zone across the earth from Asia to America and Africa. Also many areas are without tree and how are we to survive as one earth?
It is rightly so that the learned panelists all emphasize on education but what kind of reading materials easily available in the schools to start the children early? Who want to go into the heavy stuff of scientific analysis when the most simple practical things are ignored. To start with the Government and educators should recommend my three simple books on Oil Palm and Water where water matters the most in climatic change. The children are already burdened with very heavy school bags.
Is it the same with rainforests as depleted when we have the replacement in 'wigs' of oil palm across the Equatorial zone? Are we kidding ourselves? In the final analysis, the oil palms would not survived when the climatic damage is irreversible as the regime of proper growth of that plant is not available. So what do we do? Like Johore had half of its land in oil palm and soon after the great floods of 2006/2007, then 40,000 hectares were quietly earmarked for reforestation without acknowledging the environmental disaster of too much oil palms.
Like I write "Tsunami of Illegals and Illegalities" in Sabah and the nation, we have similar demise of the alien plants in oil palms.
Kuala Lumpur may have boasted a Smart tunnel to solve the floods and traffic jams, but it may be a 'smut' tunnel of sort when some areas in Kuala Lumpur again experienced flash floods again a few days ago. Don't tell me the illegal Government is going to build more such exorbitant costly Smart tunnels in and under Kuala Lumpur now.
Going by the way our attitudes take us, we are dying sooner in horrible scenarios. If the worsening climate does not kill us later, we die earlier with the consumption of 'poisons' in our foods. Yet when CASH decides to do something fast in the Food Action Safety Team (FAST) way, the response is not forthcoming. So when do we start to staying healthier in hotter climate and fitter with better monitored foods?
I must advise that we cannot be fooled any more with the word "sustainable" development or forests to justifying raping the rainforests when the virgin forests are irreplaceable with a 'plastic' surgery piece in oil palm. Strictly it is unjustifiable to burn food for fuel when foods to sustain us can be too expensive to the people like what we had seen the rising prices of cooking palm oil - a controlled food item. Even our treated water would be very expensive soon. Politicians simply use the word "sustainable" to hide their greed in their actions when the money they make thereof fly away into so many holes/pockets near and far.
Finally talking of education and good practice - albeit a bit too late and too little - how many of us have trees in our limited compounds within our housing areas? I remember how my landlords used to tell me to cut those trees - flowers and otherwise.
We are also guilty how we treat our domestic animals also found to be strayed ones. Many advocate that we shoot them for making noises, for fouling the roads, and for biting ourselves - the unfortunate ones. I am talking about our dogs which only know how to bark and bite but still our best friends if we know how to behave with them. Dogs know us by what is in our hearts and remember the story of the elephant killing the man years later in a circus for the hot chilli given to the elephant by the boy by trick. So who do we blame?
So it is never too late with our children as the children of today do not grow up like us (the older people) before in garden environment.
So to get a touch of nature (not good enough just to join nature clubs), children should learn how to grow vegetables, flowers and trees to be close to reality. There is still a better opportunity to learn how to take care of puppies growing into adult dogs, because we can learn so much by getting close to a dog to learn of the survival instinct as dogs do survive well even in the wilderness.
This is really beyond many people. I have adopted a puppy from the jungle in the new place I live. I also have an old male dog of 8 years. I cannot understand this. Although they do play a lot but sometimes the adult male dog would turn angry and want to bite the puppy on the small head. I have seen how my adult dogs bite any rat without notice if the rat strays into their path. But in the many almost daily incidences of male dog wanting to bite the puppy, the puppy would cry/scream and lie low on the ground, then the male dog would release the attempted bite. If the bite had taken place, the puppy would certainly die.
So I am sorry that I have to compare with cases when many kidnappers would kill their innocent victims despite their plea of mercy for another chance to be alive. We know that is happening regularly and yet a male dog is more reasonable when a puppy pleas for mercy. So there are so much to learn in life by adopting some animals as pet like I heard over the radio that disabled people (neglected) can find consolation in any animals as companions or guides.
Get real, it is good practice now to stop increasing the land for oil palm in Sabah with the political will and keep the remaining rainforest.
Joshua Kong (proponent of MIGS and WON)
: Biodiversity Challenge-Haze Health Hell ISBN983-2653-24-XAuthor of New Wealth Order, EPIC of Sabah, FIRE, Sabah Wealth - image of woods power, - 2nd Edition, Paper to Parliamentary Select Committee on Unity and National Service.
EPIC of Sabah - 3rd Ed., WATER, A tussle in biodiversity of two liquids - palm oil and water,
Sabah and Sarawak in Malaysia in 1963, A Paper to Parliamentary Select Committee on Integrity (2006). Books to come:- A critical review- claim on Sabah and A case of Independence for Sabah - EPIC of pros and cons, Introduction to TSUNAMI of illegals and illegalities in SABAH; TSUNAMI of illegals and illegalities in SABAH.
Hey dude...everybody is guilty in 'destroying' the earth OK? Including you and me.... |
Originally posted by alphawolf at 6/6/07 12:31 PM
Hey dude...everybody is guilty in 'destroying' the earth OK? Including you and me....
hmm..... |
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Category: Belia & Informasi