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The Vineyard Man ~ Oh Man Suk & Yoon Eun Hye

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Post time 24-7-2006 08:51 AM | Show all posts |Read mode
Post Last Edit by isabel at 2-10-2009 18:57

Post Last Edit by isabel at 12-8-2009 11:54

Official HP:

? 7/24 on KBS2 ? starring YoonEunHye, OhManSeok, KimJiSuk

In this romantic-comical drama, YEH plays the role Lee Ji Hyun (이지현;) who grew up in countryside and then lives in city. Ji Hyun works as a designer for a clothing company, but she is fired by the company. Although she would like to design clothes using her name as the brand, she has no money to accomplish her goal. Then she accepts her grandfather抯 suggestion to inherit a large vineyard, and she is involved in the development of a resort for 1 billion Won in the countryside. OMS plays the role Jang Taek Gi (장택기;) who is an honest young man working in a vineyard to help his father. The filming is scheduled to start on 6/28. YEH抯 latest drama was 揚alace? and OMS is a singer/actor and his previous drama was 揝hindon (신돈;)?

[ Last edited by  isabel at 12-1-2008 11:33 AM ]

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Post time 6-9-2006 01:59 PM | Show all posts
hmm..ade pun thread nie..

aku baru je tengok cerite nie smalam..kalo ikutkan skarang episod 14.tapi heronye takde lea ensem mane pun..dah abes episod tue ntah camnentah kbs tue baik ati siarkan balik episod 1...syok jugak aku tengok..episod 1 memang kelakar..watak YEH seperti biasa memang kelakar,banyak berangan..


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Post time 6-9-2006 02:05 PM | Show all posts
sebab hero tak encem yg lambat sket nak ekk skut..

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Post time 6-9-2006 02:05 PM | Show all posts

hair style YEH dalam citer nie tak lawa sangat lea..sebab tak nampak muke die yang comel tue..tapi aku suke sebab pelik...nie nak pi saloon try wat rambut macam die nie...hehe..

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Post time 6-9-2006 02:06 PM | Show all posts

Reply #3 PrincessFiona's post

citer die 1st episod tue macam best..nanti sye try post sinopsis 1st episod tue..

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Post time 6-9-2006 02:12 PM | Show all posts
Direct Download - LQ


*credit to soompi*

[ Last edited by  skuter_buruk146 at 6-9-2006 03:10 PM ]

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 Author| Post time 6-9-2006 02:28 PM | Show all posts

Reply #6 skuter_buruk146's post

mekacih skut hehehe...

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Post time 6-9-2006 02:46 PM | Show all posts
heroo die dalam cerite nie memang le tak ensem..tapi dalam pic nie,not bad jugak..

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Post time 6-9-2006 02:50 PM | Show all posts
episode 1

so it starts out as lee jihyun(YEH) on a bus reading newspapers about girls commiting suicide..and then thinking about really well-off girls. i guess she's a track star or something cause then she's at a meet...where she ALMOST wins..right when she crosses the line..something's pulling her back and she loses the meet and end up winning 4th place or dead last. the three girls who beat her..are hugged by their boyfriends or dads...but lee jihyun is helped up by a really weird looking man...
-the next scene..lee jihyun is absolutely traumatized by this BEAUTIFUL dress. then she has a fantasy (yeah..she has A LOT) she dreams that she's wearing the dress and men are taking pictures of her cause she's so GORGEOUS. then she wakes up dream her dream land and starts to take pictures of the dress...but there's a sign up on the wall that says "NO PICTURES." a mean saleslady comes up to lee jihyun and starts to accuse her of taking pictures when lee jihyun says she didn't..they end up fighting for the phone..
-lee jihyun is at a sorta flea market that her friend(eun hyung) works at. after her friend is off her job, lee jihyun takes her to see the gorgeous dress. the saleslady comes back to ask why lee jihyun is back..and says if she's not going to buy the dress..she has to leave. this makes lee jihyun mad and say something she totally regrets. she says that she'll take the dress...which costs 3,500,000 won, she signs the check and lee jihyun & eun hyung are jumping on a bed the very next scene.

-lee jihyun claims that she has to know the secrets of the dress and takes it apart. eun hyung tries to stop her by saying they should go clubbing in the dress and get lots of guys. (AHA) jihyun...ignores her friend and takes apart her dress.
-in the next scene, jihyun's mother is shown with her friends..her mother tries to pay for her friends but can't find her credit card...because jihyun took it. her friends make fun of her for having no money. she calls jihyun (who is busy with the scraps of dress) she asks if jihyun used the card and wants jihyun to come home quick. mad because she was a joke to her friends and because jihyun bought a dress.
-jihyun claims that she'll put the dress back together PERFECTLY. after long scenes of working on the dress, it's finally finished and perfect. eun hyung examines the dress and is shocked that it really is perfect.
-jang taekgi is shown next..singing a song and driving a truck. he spots a girl with lots of luggage and offers to give her a ride to where she's going. she ignores him but taekgi insists that he takes her. after a while in the truck with taekgi..the girl starts to feel a bit uncomfortable in her short miniskirt. taekgi sees that she's uncomfortable and tries to give her something but ends up brushing his hand against her bare leg (by accident of course!). she girl is really scared now and claims taekgi to be a pervert. taekgi denies it and continues driving even though the girl wants him to pull over. she reaches over on the wheel and taekgi screams that it's not safe for two people to have the wheel at the same time. she gets out of the car and curses taekgi off.
-jihyun & eun hyung are on the bus to return the dress with a sad sob story. everything's going great while the saleslady is examining the dress...but then..she sees a piece of RAMYUN noodle stuck onto the dress. (the noodle..eunhyung wore the dress while eating ramyun when jihyun was sleeping and a piece of got caught in the dress. AHAHA) the saleslady didn't take back the dress and jihyun's mad at eun hyung who keeps on apologizing..and says jihyun should wear the dress and capture some guy with her beauty. jihyun is scared of her mom because she wasn't able to return the dress.
-her mom is furious and wants jihyun to repay her the money. jihyun says that she'll repay the money but her dad says that he'll pay the money back. her brother says that with the money that she used to buy the dress..she could go study abroad three times. jihyun says that she's going to be a top designer and repay her mother back. her dad supports her while her mom starts to compare jihyun to other girls who goes to great schools and get great jobs and gives their mothers allowance. jihyun goes into her room and her dad explains that he'll pay the money saying that people have to make small mistakes so that they don't make bigger mistakes later in life. jihyun's mom comes in and stops her dad from paying. jihyun looks at a poster of a huge designer...(don't know who it is..but i think she says Chanel) and asks the poster if before she stuggled hard like this before she made it big.
-the next morning jihyun is getting ready for work. she runs out of face cream and tries to use some of her moms..who starts up again on the money.
-jihyun is then seen at a cafe wearing really cut clothes. when she enters..everyone stares at jihyun..smiling. she thinks it's because she looks good (she does >]) but it's really because her dress got caught and part of it is lifted up. kyungmin, a man that she knew and liked from before, shows up and tells her that her dress is caught. everyone at the cafe starts to laugh and jihyun, embarrased, runs into the ladies bathroom. jihyun calls her friend and tells her what happened. eun hyung tells jihyun to hurry up go back out there and find kyung min to get his phone number. jihyun goes back out to see if he's still there but the cafe is empty.
-jihyun is then showed at work. but not in the boss's office..or a work station..but behind a pile of boxes and papers. jihyun helps people fix the printer/fax machine and pours her boss a cup of coffee..her boss asks if everything is going alright for jihyun and tells her to work hard. jihyun fanatizes that she's the boss and everyone's working for her.
-jihyun is working hard at night when a security guard comes in and asks jihyun what she's doing and tells her to leave. jihyun says that she has to be here to work on a new design for the show and begs the gaurd to let her stay. the gaurd lets her stay for the night.
-for the next couple of days..jihyun is shown busy working on the new design for the show. jihyun finally finishes her very own design and shows up at work with it. her boss sees the dress and asks if jihyun made it herself. jihyun answers yes and the boss approves.

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Post time 6-9-2006 02:51 PM | Show all posts

-next..jihyun is shown wearing her design and this time people are looking at her because she is gorgeous. jihyun meets eunhyung who asks where jihyun got the dress...if she bought it..but jihyun asks eunhyung how much she thinks the clothes are worth for. eunhyung answers about the same amount as the other dress that you bought. jihyun then tells eunhyung that she made the design all by herself.eunhyung doesn't believe at first but jihyun explains that it's for the show. they go to a club and dances for a while. jihyun's boss is there..watching jihyun's every move. her boss nodds to two gangster looking guys to go get jihyun.(not now though...later) first..a bunch of girls form a circle around jihyun and asks where she got her clothes from..they say that they've never seen anything like it so it must not be from korea. jihyun says that she made it herslef. they ask jihyun to sell the clothes to them but eunhyung grabs jihyun and leave the club. eunhyung wishes jihyun luck tomorrow with her design and goes on her way home. jihyun has another fantasy of her design on a runway model...there's a woman interviewing her when suddenly..somebody tells her to be quiet...jihyun wakes up from her fantasy and is brought into a men's bathroom. (remember the boss and her two boys? they come now) jihyun tries giving them money..but the guy just throws it onto the floor. they take her clohtes and leave jihyun only in her pink under dress thing. jihyun calls the police and waits in a stall because a man came in and ran away screaming. the police takes a really long time to come so jihyun calls again but then...jang taekgi...he's on his phone talking to another person...who happens to answer jihyun's question..but talking to another person. jihyun..who thinks taekgi is talking to her..comes out of the stall and scares taekgi. he thinks she's a crazy woman while jihyun thinks he's a police officer. she takes his shirt and then tries to take his pants too..they fight and fall onto the floor when the real police man comes in to see taekgi ontop of jihyun. the police tries to take taekgi and jihyun to the station but when they get outside..taekgi's truck is being towed and so taekgi starts to run after it.

-the next scene..jihyun's dad is shown driving with jihyun's grandfather. jihyun's dad calls her mom to say that they're coming home. her mom spazzes out because she thinks the grandfather is blah.

-when the police catches taekgi, taekgi and jihyun are both taken in to the police station..taekgi with his hands cuffed and jihyun scared. the police think that taekgi is the man who took jihyun's clothes. taekgi says no..but jihyun doesn't say anthing and so the police thinks he's lying. jihyun then says that she thought he was a police officer. then...the real police officer starts to put together a goes like this. jihyun's in the bathroom...then taekgi suddenly comes in. taekgi says it's true so far..but says that jihyun was a crazy lady in the men's bathroom. then the police officer there was a lady in the men's bathroom all alone..did she suddenly interest you? taekgi says what? then the police officer starts to hit him with papers. jihyun crawls up to the police officer and asks how long she has to stay at the station. she wants to leave but taekgi hears and goes crazy and starts yelling..calling her ssagaji and stuff..saying why she gets to leave when she's just as guilty too.

-back to jihyun's parents and grandfather. jihyun's grandfather claims that he came with grapes for jihyun and asks if jihyun's home. he needs to see jihyun because he wants to give his vineyard to jihyun. he says that if jihyun works at his farm for one year..he'll give his whole vineyard to jihyun.

-police station. the police now wants to talk to jihyun. jihyun starts to say that it wasn't taekgi but the police officer starts to get mad..asking why she called the police if it wasn't him. but all jihyun asks is if she can go home. so the police tells her to stamp her thumbprint to sentence taekgi. taekgi sees this and goes crazy again.

-parents & granfather. grandfather is still waiting for jihyun and learns that she works at a company so starts to say jihyun can't come then..because she has to work. jihyun's mom says no..she's going to get fired soon anything. jihyun's dad asks why grandfather wants to give the vineyard to jihyun but grandfather says that it's his vineyard...he can give it to whoever he wants. then grandfather switches the conversation to ask if jihyun has a boyfriend..or lover. her dad says jihyun doesn't know any guys to begin with. grandfather says to ask jihyun anyway..if she wants to come to the farm for a year. grandfather leaves to go home.

-police station. they don't know who to belive anymore. taekgi starts out saying that jihyun's a pervert who took my clothes. jihyun counters 'why am i a pervert..? do you think i took your clothes because i wanted to?'
then the police says that taekgi's right..and questions where jihyun's clothes are. jihyun says that she has to make them again. taekgi says 'see? i'm right.' the other police officer then asks jihyun where her clothes are and jihyun says she doesn't know where they are because those guys took it. then the two police officers aks who are 'those guys?' then jihyun says how should i know who they police officers have to find them..and find my clothes. all three men..(two police officers & taekgi) are now looking at jihyun..jihyun..who says again..she has to go home really make the clothes again. so the officer starts to make a new story. saying that jihyun was in the bathroom..without her clothes waiting for an unsuspecting man to come in to seduce and take his clothes. taekgi says the story is true..while jihyun looks horrified. taekgi then says that the korean police are the best at picking out the bad people. jihyun..ignores taekgi and says that she has to go home quick but the police won't let her go home.

*credit to j1youngxj3@soompi

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Post time 6-9-2006 03:14 PM | Show all posts
caps from episode 1

baju yang die sendiri design..aku ingatkan die buat baju nie untuk masuk contest ape-ape kea..tapi tupenye die pakai untuk pegi night club..memang lawa baju nie...

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Post time 6-9-2006 04:49 PM | Show all posts

caps di mana YEH suke kat baju di shopping mall tersebut..bile die ambik gambar baju tue,salesgirl datang halau die..pastu die datang balik ngan membe die..salesgirl tu datang lagi halau dan cakap kalau tak mampu nak beli jangan datang..YEH rase tercabar dan beli jugak baju tue..terketar-ketar tangan die nak sign check tue..hihi..

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Post time 6-9-2006 05:10 PM | Show all posts

pic 1&2 tue dimana YEH masuk pertandingan lumbe lari..memule tue kesian kat die sebab lawan die yang lain semua ade yang uruskan..pastu siap ramai penyokong..die cume ade sorang penyokong je yang pegang sepanduk..tapi sebab ramai sangat yang menyokong lawan die,penyokong die yang sorang tue pun dok diam je lea sebab malu nak sokong die..bile dah nak start lari,dengan muke berlagaknye die bersedia di garisan permulaan..tapi yang tak bestnye die dok di igarisan kebelang sekali..itu bukannye lari 400m berganti..tapi lari pecut..kene le dok satu garisan..tapi die wat muke poyo jea..bile pistol permulaan berbunyi,dengan semangatnye die lari memintas 3 lawannye..bile dah nak sampai garisan penamat,baju die tersangkut ditali kat tepi track larian tue..huhu..jadile die orang yang paling last skali sampai...

pic 3&4 tue die berangan bile pakai baju yang dibelinye..semua pandang die n nak amik gambar die dengan bajunya yang lawa..tapi realitinye die yang dok sibuk amik gambar patung yang pakai baju tue..tetiba je salesgirl datang..

pic5,6&7 tue,die kat umah yang curi-curi masuk bilik mak die n curi krim mak die..skali mak die ade daaa kat belakang..

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Post time 6-9-2006 05:49 PM | Show all posts

pic 1,2&3 tue bile YEH masuk dalam cofeehouse dimana semua lelaki pandang die..YEh rase die le paling cun time tue..dengan perasannye die berjalan..tapi die tak tau yang skirt die terselit kat baju die di,terselak lea nampak....(macam part skirt cikgu ramlah terselak dalam Laukku Cukup Masin..)hehehe..pastu ade sorang lelaki datang panggil die..(2nd hero)..terpegun die tengok laki tue yang jugak member lame die kot..perasan die bahawa die dah dapat tarik perhatian ramai..dengan sopannye laki tu cakap yang skirt die terselak..menggelabah le YEH..di cube pusing badan die nak tutup..tapi nak buat camne,orang dok sekeliling die..laki tue pun hulurkan bantuan,nak tutup ngan kot die.Tapi YEH tak nak sebab dah malu..die pun lari ke toilet,tapi bile nak kluar dari kaunter cofeehouse tue,pintu cermin automatic tertutup n tersekat le badan die..dapat malu lagi..kesian die..kat toilet tue menangis mengenangkan nasib die yang malang..

pic 4,5&6 tu die kat ofis..die kagum betul ngan bos die yang berkaliber..die pun berangan le yang die jadi bos kat situ..start dari tu,die berazam nak jadi designer terkenal..die pun start le design baju...

pic7&8 tue baju yang die design dah siap dibuat..bos die datang tengok..pastu die cerite le yang baju tue die sendiri yang buat...bos die tue pandang sinis je dengan ade niat di sebaliknye...

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Post time 13-9-2006 12:14 PM | Show all posts
cerita ni memang best

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bowind This user has been deleted
Post time 13-9-2006 07:35 PM | Show all posts
OH MAN SEOK A.K.A Jang Taek Gi sii

birthday: 1975/12/19
tinggi: 175CM
berat: 64KG
statud:isteri, 1 anak perempuan 3 tahun
asal: musical (1999)
anugerah: jazz, pop and rock musical "Hedwig"
unofficial web:


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bowind This user has been deleted
Post time 13-9-2006 07:43 PM | Show all posts
janGan Terkejut :ting: :ting: :ting:


Musical "Hedwig" Gains Popularity as Cultural Code Word (2005/05/02)

The musical "Hedwig", featuring a transsexual rock singer, has recently come into the spotlight. Jo Seung-woo, the lead actor of Hedwig who won nationwide fame for his role in the musical "Jekyll and Hyde" last year, is currently filling the Daehakno area in Seoul with a fever of enthusiasm.

Hedwig opened at the Live Theater in Daehakno on April 12. The title role of Hedwig was double-cast with Jo And Oh Man-suk, who is also playing the lead role based on his recognized talent in musicals, theater and dance. Other musical actors Song Yong-jin and Kim Da-hyun will soon join them as new "Hedwigs".

Why are so many people going wild with enthusiasm over this musical that features a transsexual, a traditionally taboo topic in this country?

KBS TV1's "TV Cultural Zone" will introduce the Hedwig musical as a new cultural code word this week. The program entitled "He or She, Musical Hedwig" will be aired at 11:35 pm on May 3, featuring interviews with "Headhazes" (singular "Headhaz"), or self-described Hedwig "maniacs", and a general introduction to the musical.

According to the KBS production team, Headhazes began to appear in jazz clubs near Hongik University in Seoul a few years ago. The number of domestic Headhazes is currently estimated at some 20,000. They stage private versions of the musical on their own every year and also hold concerts with the original songs from the musical. Some Headhazes have even seen the film version of Hedwig, which was released in 2001, more than 200 times.

TV Cultural Zone will interview four actors from the musical about their rehearsal and practice schedules, and take a closer look at the Headhaz phenomenon.


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bowind This user has been deleted
Post time 13-9-2006 07:46 PM | Show all posts
cute~~~~ karton the man in the wineyard


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bowind This user has been deleted
Post time 13-9-2006 07:50 PM | Show all posts
gabar episod 3


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bowind This user has been deleted
Post time 13-9-2006 08:03 PM | Show all posts

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