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A RACE OF DWARFS/ Mahkluk kenit..
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Another curiosity found amongst the mysteries of bizarre human-like remains are reports of miniature adult humanoid mummies. In one such instance,10 in October of 1932, two men were prospecting for gold in the Pedro Mountains of Wyoming when they found the mummified remains of what appeared to be a mature adult male. The miners were blasting near a stone-walled gulch, and when the dust settled they found the opening of a small cave about four-feet by four-feet and close to fifteen-feet deep. Inside they found the 14-inch tall San Pedro mummy, as it is now called, weighing about 12 ounces, with its arms and legs crossed, leaning perpendicularly upon a small ledge. According to the authorities, it did not appear to be the body of an infant because of the well-developed and proportional head, which would have been proportionally larger if it had been an infant. It had a broad, thin-lipped mouth, the nose was short and broad, the forehead was flattened, and the skin was a deeply-wrinkled dark brown.

In an unusual display of confidence, the Harvard University Anthropological Department at one time attested for the authenticity of the mummy; the American Museum of Natural History抯 Dr. Henry Shapiro confirmed that the mummy was of an unknown human type and of enormous age. The Egyptian Department at the Boston Museum indicated that it corresponds to the look of an Egyptian mummy that had been left unwrapped. At one time the Goodman Family owned this meaningful relic from our past, but they have since moved from the area. Another report claims that the artifact had been donated to the Smithsonian Institution, which, of course, has no record of it. However, the Chicago Field Museum of Natural History does have pictures of the unusual mummy.

Another mysterious mummy was discovered deep inside of Mammoth Cave in Kentucky. The cave is one of the largest natural enclosures of its kind in the world. There has been a number of well preserved cadavers, or "Mammoth Cave mummies" as they are usually called, found here since the cave was first discovered in 1809. One of these mummies, found on a deep ledge of the cavern in 1920, was only three feet tall and had red hair. Another Mammoth Cave mummy has been on occasional display at the State Museum of Anthropology in Lexington.
It has come to my attention that in addition to the unusually small mummies noted above, there have been a number of cases where "shrunken skeletons" have been made through the use of known mummification and embalming processes, resulting in the two small fellows pictured here. Notice the very human-like proportions and physiology which are unlike that of the San Pedro mummy.

[ Last edited by sephia_liza at 18-6-2006 04:21 PM ] |
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aku rasa mcm tak caya ... mana ko dapat link ni... |
Originally posted by ninja9 at 17-6-2006 04:24 PM
aku rasa mcm tak caya ... mana ko dapat link ni...
merata-rata laaa....x de le...terjumpe masa surving internet....aku jupe tajuk aku ambik aje le... |
There was a report of small Dwarf-like humanoids in Philiphines a few months ago. :hmm: |
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Pau_ahmad This user has been deleted
Originally posted by Pau_ahmad at 19-6-2006 01:09 PM
real ker tu?
A'a mmg real.... x nak percaya....x pe |
Dwarfs and Pygmies of Ancient Egypt
Dwarfs in ancient Egypt appear to have suffered little due to prejudice. This was the most serious congenital abnormality recorded in ancient Egypt. Well known Egyptologists Kent Weeks has recorded nine skeletons of this type, and Dasen lists 207 known representations of dwarfism.
The disease, known as achondroplasia, was probably caused by inbreeding, and thus might very well have occurred in royal families. This disease results in a head and trunk of normal size with shortened limbs. Examples have been found even dating back to Egypt's predynastic period. We know of a number of examples where dwarfs were well integrated into society, holding important positions and marrying woman of normal stature.

This is not to say that the condition was not recognized by the Egyptians, but tolerance was taught. In the Instruction of Amenemope at the end of the 2nd millennium BC, a call for justice and forbearance is provided:
Mock not the blind nor deride the dwarf nor block the cripple's path; don't tease a man made ill by a god nor make outcry when he blunders.
We find dwafs in the form of gods, such as Bes. While the Egyptian reasoning for dwarf gods such as Bes is unclear, some have suggested that the belief sprang from an association with dwarfs as familiar protective beings. It is likely that dwarfs benefited socially from their resemblance to these gods.

We find examples of dwarfs in skilled positions such as jewelry craftsman as depicted in the Old Kingdom tomb of Mereruka at Saqqara, and in other wall paintings they are shown tending animals, undertaking agricultural work and occasionally as entertainers for high officials. At other times they are shown as serving important households sometimes as entertainers and in other capacities.

One example of a very important dwarf was Seneb, a 4th or early 5th Dynasty dwarf. He was overseer of the palace dwarfs, chief of the royal wardrobe and priest of the funerary cults of Khufu. A fine statue depicts him with his family, including his wife who was of normal stature, and two children. His wife was known to have been a lady of the court and a priestess.
The ancient Egyptians called both dwarfs and Pygmies deneg. In fact, ancient literature and references barely distingquish between Dwarfs and Pygmies. However, Pygmies, probably because they were usually foreign born, did not enjoy the treatment given to dwarfs. They were usually imported from tropical Africa and most often served in the capacity of dancers or acrobats. While dwarfs might be a part of the court, the pygmies were entertainment for the court, but valued in this respect. A letter from Pepy II of the 6th Dynasty urges Harkhuf, who was on his way back from an expedition to the south of the Sudan, to take great care of the dancing pygmy he had acquired. The letter states that, "My majesty desires to see this pygmy more than the gifts of the mineland (Sinai) and of Punt". |
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Dwarfs were respected in ancient Egypt
Dwarfs in ancient Egypt were well accepted, weren抰 seen as handicapped and sometimes attained great respect, according to a new study.
Scholars had previously noted that some dwarfs reached high positions in ancient Egyptian society, and that some gods were even represented as dwarfs. But the new study adds a detailed investigation of the role of dwarfs in the society, both among the ruling classes and the masses.

Seneb, a 4th or early 5th Dynasty dwarf, receiving reports from scribes. He was overseer of the palace dwarfs, chief of the royal wardrobe and a priest. His non-dwarf wife, not depicted here, was a lady of the court.
The study, which analyzed funerary remains and depictions of dwarfs, is published in the January 2006 issue of the American Journal of Medical Genetics.
揟he image of short people in ancient Egypt is essentially positive, |
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Orang Kenit memang wujud cuma mungkin dah pupus apabila diorang menyisih diri dari manusia |
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Emow Emow Emow...
kalo depa menyisih pun..tak kan boleh pupus..tak logik ler..maybe diorang masuk ke pedalaman...tak kan pupus begitu sahaja..n tak mungkin tanpa manusia depa leh pupus... |
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aku dulu pernah dengar citer laa Kaum Orang Kenit dulu pernah hidup bersama masyarakat manusia, kekuatan diorang lagi kuat dari manusia selalu tugas2 berat seperti bertukang dan buruh diberikan kepada orang kenit, korang tau laa manusia kan mesti ader sifat iri hati dan dengki orang kenit ni selalu ditindas dilayan macam hamba, jadi orang kenit tak tahan dengan sikap manusia lalu mengambil keputusan tidak hidup bersama dengan manusia dan menyisih diri dari masyarakat pindah kekawasan pendalaman...
Wallahualam |
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erk...wujudker dwarf ni..konfius aku...
tp dulu aku pernah terbaca kat satu paper...ingat2 lupalah...
penduduk ada terserempak dgn makhluk kerdil ni pergunungan di tanah jawa...wallahualam... |
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ehhhh, dwarf dgn or kenik yg biasa ader kat mane2 tuh samer kerk? |
mega_mendung This user has been deleted
Yang aku tau org kenit ni dr jenis makhluk halus gak...
mksud aku jenis makhluk bunian laa gituu.....
tu sok sek sok sek yg pnh aku dgr laa... |
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ardz This user has been deleted
Makhluk bunian biasa ada perkampungan di pergunungan atau kaw. bukit....
Orang kenik , setakat ni aku tiada info yang concrete......sabar beb aku cuba try cari.. |
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setakat yg aku tau ... diowang nehh memang taiko dalam bab bab melombong ... |
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Scientists have found skeletons of a hobbit-like species of human that grew no larger than a three-year-old modern child. The tiny humans, who had skulls about the size of grapefruits, lived with pygmy elephants and Komodo dragons on a remote island in Indonesia 18,000 years ago.
Australian and Indonesian researchers discovered bones of the miniature humans in a cave on Flores, an island east of Bali and midway between Asia and Australia.Scientists have determined that the first skeleton they found belongs to a species of human completely new to science. Named Homo floresiensis, after the island on which it was found, the tiny human has also been dubbed by dig workers as the "hobbit," after the tiny creatures from the Lord of the Rings books.
The original skeleton, a female, stood at just 1 meter (3.3 feet) tall, weighed about 25 kilograms (55 pounds), and was around 30 years old at the time of her death 18,000 years ago.The skeleton was found in the same sediment deposits on Flores that have also been found to contain stone tools and the bones of dwarf elephants, giant rodents, and Komodo dragons, lizards that can grow to 10 feet (3 meters) and that still live today.Homo floresienses has been described as one of the most spectacular discoveries in paleoanthropology in half a century梐nd the most extreme human ever discovered.The species inhabited Flores as recently as 13,000 years ago, which means it would have lived at the same time as modern humans, scientists say.
"To find that as recently as perhaps 13,000 years ago, there was another upright, bipedal梐lthough small-brained梒reature walking the planet at the same time as modern humans is as exciting as it was unexpected," said Peter Brown, a paleoanthropologist at the University of New England in New South Wales, Australia.
Brown is a co-author of the study describing the findings, which appears in the October 28 issue of the science journal Nature. The National Geographic Society's Committee for Research and Exploration has sponsored research related to the discovery. The find will be covered in greater detail in a documentary airing early next year on the National Geographic Channel.
"It is totally unexpected," said Chris Stringer, director of the Human Origins program at the Natural History Museum in London. "To have early humans on the remote island of Flores is surprising enough. That some are only about a meter tall with a chimp-size brain is even more remarkable. That they were still there less than 20,000 years ago, and [that] modern humans must have met them, is astonishing."The researchers estimate that the tiny people lived on Flores from about 95,000 years ago until at least 13,000 years ago. The scientists base their theory on charred bones and stone tools found on the island. The blades, perforators, points, and other cutting and chopping utensils were apparently used to hunt big game.
In an accompanying Nature commentary, Marta Miraz髇 Lahr and Robert Foley, both with the Leverhulme Centre for Human Evolutionary Studies at the University of Cambridge, England, describe Homo floresiensis as changing our understanding of late human evolutionary geography, biology, and culture.The discovery shows that the genus Homo is more varied and more flexible in its ability to adapt than previously thought. (The genus Homo also includes modern humans, Homo erectus, Homo habilis, and Neandertals梐ll of which are marked by relatively large braincases, erect posture, opposable thumbs, and the ability to make tools.)
"Homo floresiensis is an addition to the short list of other human species that lived at the same time as modern humans. I think people will be surprised to learn that not so long ago, we were not alone," said Brown.
Lost World of Tiny People
Despite its smaller body size, smaller brain, and mixture of primitive and advanced anatomical features, the new species falls firmly within the genus Homo. The researchers speculate that the hobbit and her peers evolved from a normal-size, island-hopping Homo erectus population that reached Flores around 840,000 years ago.
"Physically, they were about the size of a three-year old Homo sapiens [modern human] child, but with a braincase only one-third as large," said Richard Roberts, a geochronologist at the University of Wollongong, Australia, and one on the co-authors of the research paper. "They had slightly longer arms than us. More conspicuously, they had hard, thicker eyebrow ridges than us, a sharply sloping forehead, and no chin."
"While they don't look like modern humans, some of their behaviors were surprisingly human," said Brown, the study co-author.
The Flores people used fire in hearths for cooking and hunted stegodon, a primitive dwarf elephant found on the island. Although small, the stegodon still weighed about 1,000 kilograms (2,200 pounds), and would pose a significant challenge to a hunter the size of a three-year-old modern human child. Hunting must have required joint communication and planning, the researchers say.Almost all of the stegodon bones associated with the human artifacts are of juveniles, suggesting the tiny humans selectively hunted the smallest stegodons. The Flores humans' diets also included fish, frogs, snakes, tortoises, birds, and rodents.
"The hobbit was nobody's fool," Roberts said. "They survived alongside us [Homo sapiens] for at least 30,000 years, and we're not known for being very amiable eco-companions. And the hobbits were managing some extraordinary things梞anufacturing sophisticated stone tools, hunting pygmy elephants, and crossing at least two water barriers to reach Flores from mainland Asia梬ith a brain only one-third the size of ours.
"Given that Homo floresiensis is the smallest human species ever discovered, they out-punch every known human intellectually, pound for pound."
Both the tiny humans and the dwarfed elephants appear to have become extinct at about the same time as the result of a major volcanic eruption.
Mingling of the Human Tribes
There is no evidence of modern humans reaching Flores before 11,000 years ago, so it is unknown whether the hobbit intermingled with modern humans. The researchers found hobbit and pygmy stegodon remains only below a 12,000-year-old volcanic ash layer. Modern human remains were found only above the layer.Still, rumors, myths, and legends of tiny creatures have swirled around the isolated island for centuries. It's certainly possible that they interacted with modern humans, according to the researchers.
"Looked at from a regional perspective, we definitely have modern humans in Australia from at least 40,000 years ago, and in Borneo from at least 43,000 years ago," Roberts said. "So there was temporal overlap between the hobbits and ourselves from at least 40,000 years ago until at least 18,000 years ago梞ore than 20,000 years minimum. What was the nature of their interaction? We have absolutely no idea. We need more sites and more hard evidence, and that's the next phase of our investigation."
Island Dwarfing
Researchers are also anxious to investigate how and why the hobbits came to be so small. When scientists discovered the hobbit remains, they thought it was the skeleton of a child. There was no record of human adults that were that small. Modern pygmies are considerably taller at about 1.4 to 1.5 meters (4.6 to nearly 5 feet) tall.
"H. floresiensis presents an intriguing problem in evolutionary biology," Brown said.
The most likely explanation is that, over thousands of years, the species became smaller because environmental conditions favored smaller body size. Dwarfing of mammals on islands is a well-known process and seen worldwide. Islands frequently provide a limited food supply, few predators, and few species competing for the same environmental niche. Survival would depend on minimizing daily energy requirements.
But there is no absolute proof that this is what in fact happened with this small human.
"While there are stone tools dated as far back as 840,000 years ago, no fossils of large-bodied ancestors have ever been found" on Flores, Brown said. "There is some possibility [Homo floresiensis] arrived on the island small-bodied."
"I could not have predicted such a discovery in a million years," said Stringer, of London's Natural History Museum. "This find shows us how much we still have to learn about human evolution, particularly in Southeast Asia."
Ini Membuktikan memang dahulu wujud kaum manusia kerdil ni dan tak mustahil mereka ni masih lagi wujud seperti legenda Orang pendek di Indonesia dan orang kenit.
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cite sal org kenit...teringat SMURF... 
[ Last edited by narvmarishka at 3-4-2007 04:48 PM ] |

Professor Bert Roberts down the hole where the 18,000-year-old skeleton of a miniature woman was found. The white layer is volcanic ash from an eruption that may have wiped out the species. University of Wollongong
Two stretches of deep sea separate Flores from the rest of Indonesia.
The first, between Bali and Lombok, is about 25 kilometres wide. The second, from Sumbawa to Flores, is a further nine kilometres across.
In the past, only land animals that could swim strongly or travel on rafts or flotsam could have reached the remote, small island of Flores, says Australian archaeologist, Mike Morwood, of the University of New England.
Clues that these sea barriers had turned Flores into a true "lost world" of dwarf and over-sized creatures first emerged more than 35 years ago when a Dutch priest who was also an amateur archaeologist began excavating on the island.
He found crude stone tools and the bones of an extinct primitive elephant, Stegodon, which he claimed were more than 750,000 years old.
But confirmation that humans had reached the island that long ago had to wait until Professor Morwood and his colleagues began digging there in the late 1990s. They dated the layer where stone tools were found to be 840,000 years old, and published their results in 1998.
To Professor Morwood this find - the first of his two major ones on Flores - was compelling evidence that the archaic humans in Indonesia at the time, Homo erectus, must have been much smarter than had previously been thought.
While the elephants, "large, buoyant, strong swimming herd animals", could have paddled across to Flores and the rodents could have caught a ride on some flotsam, the humans must have built their own rafts.
That made them the earliest sailors ever identified. And, most controversially, it suggested they could talk.
"The complex linguistic organisation needed for people to build water craft capable of transporting a group across significant water barriers implies that they had language," he said.
Today Professor Morwood and his team reveal what became of these first sailors.
The Australian and Indonesian researchers began digging in Liang Bua, a limestone cave on Flores, a couple of years ago. They found much more sophisticated stone tools that had been shaped into points and blades. They found bones of pygmy elephants. Most were juveniles, says Professor Peter Brown, a human fossil expert at the University of New England. "They would have made a nice pet. Small and cute, about waist height."
Then, to their enormous surprise in September last year, about six metres down the team came upon the partial skeleton of a very small human.
"At first we thought it was a child," recalled Professor Morwood. But soon they realised it was a tiny adult - a female about 30 - with a very small skull. "It was pretty obvious from Peter's reaction that it was unique," Professor Morwood said.
The skeleton, nicknamed Hobbit, was dated as 18,000 years old by Professor Bert Roberts and his colleagues at the University of Wollongong.
This year, the team has uncovered Hobbit's arm bones as well as remains from six more of the little people, with the youngest dated at 13,000 years old.
The possibility that Hobbit had dwarfism was ruled out. The skeleton was found to be perfectly proportioned, with a skull the size of a grapefruit.
Evolution of miniature mammals on islands, such as occurred with the Stegodons on Flores, is well documented around the world. For example, the metre-high fossil elephants on Sicily and Malta are thought to have become dwarfed from their four-metre sized ancestors in less than 5000 years. "But this is the first evidence humans underwent the same process on an island," Professor Brown said.
Previously it had been thought humans were too clever and culturally advanced to be subject to such geographical and environmental selection pressures.
On Flores the only predator was the komodo dragon and the tropical rainforest provided little food for people. "Under these conditions selection should favour the reduced energy requirements of smaller individuals," Professor Brown said.
The discovery of Homo floresienis raises the possibility that Homo erectus evolved into other unknown species in other places. "We are hoping similar finds will turn up on other islands as well," Professor Morwood said.
He believes the little people would have also been able to speak. But not everyone is convinced. Professor Brown says there is no hard evidence. He says the area is volcanically active, and not all scientists are convinced there has never been a land crossing to Flores, across which non-talking Homo erectus groups could have made their way.
The team says there is also no evidence to suggest our species, Homo sapiens, interacted with the little people of Flores, after arriving in the region about 50,000 years ago.
But Dr Marta Lahr and Dr Robert Foley, of the University of Cambridge, say it is possible that Homo sapiens made the tools found on Flores and travelled to the island.
A layer of volcanic ash above the skeletons, dated to about 12,000 years ago, suggests that volcanic activity led to the demise of the little people and the pygmy elephants they hunted, the Australian and Indonesian team says. |
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if ther are really existing in d world, they will become the mostt cutesstttt creature in the universe. I ske tgk bende2 comel |
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