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Kuman/Virus from this "Cik Menti"

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Post time 12-1-2006 09:30 AM | Show all posts |Read mode
Hi all,

Nak mintak tolong dari forumer...camna nak hilangkan "cik menti" ni sbb ada dengar yg virus dia tak elok utk org mengandung...since saya baru je 2 bulan mengandung...takut jugak...just pray for good je la...tq

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Post time 12-1-2006 09:46 AM | Show all posts
cik menti tu aper?

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Post time 12-1-2006 09:56 AM | Show all posts
Tikus kut? Kalau iye, dalam board Hobbies & Living ada dowang bincangkan

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 Author| Post time 12-1-2006 10:05 AM | Show all posts
betul la tu....tikus....anyway....tenkiu nanti saya try dlm hobbies n living...

bukan apa perasaan takut tu ada sbb pernah baca email on this virus yg attack one pregnant lady....lagi pun ada baca dlm hamid arshat's website on this virus....


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Post time 12-1-2006 12:38 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by daniadearest at 12-1-2006 09:30 AM
Hi all,

Nak mintak tolong dari forumer...camna nak hilangkan "cik menti" ni sbb ada dengar yg virus dia tak elok utk org mengandung...since saya baru je 2 bulan mengandung...takut juga ...

orang kata letak daun pandan lam umah...tak pernah buat..tapi mebbe u could try...

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Post time 12-1-2006 02:03 PM | Show all posts
ooo..virus tikus...bukan tkt umah je kene jg..kalo mkn kat luar pun kene berjg2...kot kedai tuh tmpt perternakan cik menti ker...

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Post time 12-1-2006 02:09 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by storm at 12-1-2006 12:38 PM

orang kata letak daun pandan lam umah...tak pernah buat..tapi mebbe u could try...

ada org lain lak kata letak daun durian belanda

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Post time 12-1-2006 02:09 PM | Show all posts
baru ku tau cik menti tue tikus ker...hehehehe....slalunyer zue panggil tikus cik ti tak pon cik kus... sowi arr dania!

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Post time 12-1-2006 02:16 PM | Show all posts
dania, citer yg nie ker?

Assalamualaikum....dan salam sejahtera

Sekadar peringatan untuk dikongsikan bersama....
saya forwardkan email yg saya terima dari sahabat saya....

Ceritanya begini: "Tiga tahun lalu ketika pregnant anak sulung, saya
berada di semester akhir di Universiti. Ketika kandungan berusia berusia 5 bulan lebih Doktor dapati kelainan pada perut saya dan di refer ke GH di Klang. Setelah di scan didapati hati dan limpa saya membengkak dan Dr suspect hepatitis. Kemudian kerana tak selesa dengan keadaan di hospital itu saya berjumpa Dr Hamid Arshat dan buat pemeriksaan darah. Sebulan selepas itu saya mendapat demam panas selama seminggu dan suatu hari saya merasa sakit dan sukar bernafas. Lalu saya minta untuk ditahan di hospital swasta di Bangsar. Ketika itu kandungan masih baik dan bergerak. Selepas di X-ray saya ditahan di ICU. Keesokan harinya saya merasa begitu sukar bernafas dan anak tidak bergerak lagi dalam perut. Saya merasakan seperti Allah ingin mengambil nyawa dan sempat meminta ampun kepada ayah dan suami yang ada

berhampiran. Doktor terpaksa komakan saya kerana kesukaran bernafas dan saya tidak sedar selama 8 hari. Hari ketiga dimasukkan ke hospital. Dr Hamid dapati kandungan sudah turun dan beliau mengeluarkan bayi secara forcep dan menurut beliau bayi saya masih panas bermakna baru meninggal. Ketika itu kandungan berusia 29 minggu. Saya mengalami pendarahan yang teruk dimana darah keluar melalui salur peranakan, mulut dan hidung. Darah baru terpaksa dimasukkan hingga berpuluh-puluh pain mujur ramai datang derma hingga terlebih.

Doktor tidak tahu virus apa yg menyerang. Pada mulanya suspek denggi dan ada sorang Doktor pula dengan yakin telah memberitahu famili saya bahawa saya mengalami leukimia peringkat teruk dan harap keluarga bersedia untuk pemindahan sum-sum. Kami cukup kecewa dengan sikap doktor tersebut yang memberitahu wlaupun belum pasti dan tanpa memikirkan perasaan keluarga saya ketika itu. Esoknya dia kata bukan pula. Keadaan saya ketika itu memang teruk dan temperature memang tinggi. Ramai pelawat yg menitiskan airmata melihat keadaan saya. Kerana terlalu ramai pelawat saya dipindahkan dari katil yg dipisahkan dengan langsir kepada bilik yg pelawat hanya buleh lihat dari tingkap kaca..suami dan ibu hanya dibenarkan masuk..bilik itu memang mahal (ICU)..kerana Dr takdapat pastikan kuman itu datang dari mana (mungkin dari pelawat ker)... selepas 8 hari saya sedar dan dapati kandungan sudah tiada...ketika itu temperature demam saya naik semula dengan tinggi.

Saya amat lemah ketika itu dan tak berupaya nak bergerak dan tidak selesa dengan darah-darah kering pada hidung dan dalam mulut. Selepas itu banyak hari juga saya langsung tidak dapat melelapkan mata mungkin terlalu lama tak sedar diri. Walaupun sudah 16 hari di ICU ...punca penyakit masih tidak diketahui...Apabila demam sudah kurang Lalu saya dipindahkan ke wad (ketika itu disuruh duduk pun saya akan terlentuk jatuh) dan masih dikawal rapi. Tiada sebarang pelawat dibenarkan masuk kebilik saya (kecuali suami dan ibubapa) dan mereka perlu memakai penutup hidung dan mulut (takut saya kena virus dari pelawat).

Saya ditahan lagi selama 10 hari utk dimasukkan antibiotik (ketika itu memang seksa). Akhirnya doktor mengatakan bahawa saya diserang virus Laptospirosis (virus kencing tikus) yang buleh merosakkan hati limpa, buah pinggang dan jika sampai
ke otak buleh membawa maut.Ia masuk ke salur darah. Tidak tahu mana saya terkena virus itu.Tapi selepas saya keluar ada beberapa orang yang kena begitu. Ketika itu juga virus itu sedang merebak di

Selama hampir sebulan di tahan dihospital saya terpaksa menahan perasaan sedih kerana kehilangan anak. Saya kena kuatkan semangat untuk cepat sembuh dan keluar dari hospital. Suami saya juga selama itu juga dia berumah-tangga di hospital. Saya tak dapat bayangkan perasaan dia dan keluarga. Kami baru saja 10 bulan berkahwin.

Kerana kemasukkan darah baru juga terlantar lama atas katil serta kehilangan berat badan yg banyak menyebabkan saya lemah untuk berjalan... Saya terpaksa belajar berjalan semula dan berusaha agar tidak mengikut perasaan yang sedih. Saya juga terpaksa menangguhkan study ke semester depan.

Bil hospital pun begitu mengejutkan kami ...dengan bil itu kami hampir boleh memiliki sebuah Proton Waja. Saya tidak melakukan sebarang pembedahan tetapi Ini kerana saya ditempatkan di bilik waktu di ICU dan juga menggunakan alat yg mahal bagi pernafasan . Doktor ada mengesyorkan utk berpindah ke hospital lain ketika itu..tapi keluarga saya mengatakan duit boleh diusahakan tapi nyawa.... Doktor Hamid menyifatkan saya seperti mati hidup semula dan menasihatkan agar tunggu setahun utk pregnant semula kerana keadaan saya yang memang teruk...

Doktor2 yang merawat pun sedih melihat diri saya. Dengan takdir Allah selepas hati, limpa saya mengecut ke saiz asal dan darah sudah stabil , lapan bulan selepas itu saya pregnant. Kini anak kedua saya (lelaki) sudah berusia 2 tahun 4 bulan dan amat lasak. Anak sulung saya yang meninggal itu bayi perempuan.

Selepas kejadian itu saya cukup lagi terkena kerana sudah imun dengan virus itu. Dengan itu berjaga-jagalah dengan haiwan itu dan juga kucing(kencing kucing pun bahaya)."

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Post time 12-1-2006 02:26 PM | Show all posts
wow..gerunnya..virus ni spread melalui apa?.. orang yg tak pregnant pun sure berisiko tinggi jugak kan.. so camne nak halau tikus2 ni ye? kalo boleh tanak bela kucing..

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Post time 12-1-2006 02:41 PM | Show all posts
Kuman dari tikus nih bleh spread melalui air...this happen to my sister in law...tikus yg ader kuman nih mati dalam air n considered air tuh tercemar...dia kena penyakit nih masa pegi berakit kat sungai di kelantan, ader lagi satu kes, masuk newspaper, cara jangkitan dia pun sama jugak melalui air...headline kat paper tuh pun "Bagaikan mati hidup semula..."...memang simptom dia high temp fever, pendarahan as what u all read in the article...n cycle utk penyakit nih is 21 days...if u manage to survive after 21 days, then u'll be safe, if not...memang kena berserah ajer kepada Tuhan. My sister in law dulu pun memang dah teruk keadaan dia, family dah start baca Yasin n berserah pada Tuhan, percentage of living is 30% jek...after 21 days, demam dia semakin kurang...n she's recovered, took some time for the doc to identify the real problem is...then after dia recovered, her body started to react to the antibiotics that she took, made her scalp macam bersisik, dandruff yng berkeping-keping, kena buat treatment lagik...kesian kat dia...

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Post time 12-1-2006 02:45 PM | Show all posts
alamak.. wat i takut lak nak berenang.. kot

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Post time 12-1-2006 03:00 PM | Show all posts
[quote]Originally posted by paulinevoon at 12-1-2006 02:45 PM
alamak.. wat i takut lak nak berenang.. kot

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 Author| Post time 12-1-2006 03:05 PM | Show all posts
thks for the info......article tu la yg saya terbaca...thats why jadi cuak sekejap sbb umah byk cik t cik ti ni...harap2 lepas ni ok la since dah baca kat hobbies n living n tru friends tadi suh letak either daun durian belanda, daun pandan or buah pumpong (smthing like apple ijau)

betul jugak ye asyik fikir kat umah, kat gerai2 nun tu pun kena berhati2 jugak...

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Post time 12-1-2006 03:07 PM | Show all posts
teringat dulu2....kat pantai lido tuh bersepah tikus...

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Post time 13-1-2006 12:38 AM | Show all posts

Is caused by bacteria, not virus.
Below is a copy and paste information,

Leptospirosis [lep-to-spy-RO-sis] is a potentially serious bacterial illness that is most common in the tropics. Leptospirosis can affect many parts of the body.
Infected wild and domestic animals pass leptospirosis-causing bacteria in their urine.
People get leptospirosis by contact with fresh water, wet soil, or vegetation that has been contaminated by the urine of infected animals.
Leptospirosis is treatable with antibiotics.
To prevent leptospirosis, minimize contact with fresh water and mud that might be contaminated with the urine of infected animals.

What is leptospirosis?

Leptospirosis is a potentially serious illness that can affect many parts of the body.

What is the infectious agent that causes leptospirosis?

Leptospirosis is caused by Leptospira interrogans, a corkscrew-shaped bacterium (spirochete).

Where is leptospirosis found?

Leptospirosis-causing bacteria are common worldwide, especially in tropical countries with heavy rainfall. Infected rodents and other wild and domestic animals pass the bacteria in their urine. The bacteria can live for a long time in fresh water, damp soil, vegetation, and mud. Flooding after heavy rainfall helps spread the bacteria in the environment.

How is leptospirosis spread?

People get leptospirosis by contact with fresh water, damp soil, or vegetation contaminated by the urine of infected animals. People who canoe, raft, wade, or swim in contaminated lakes, rivers, and streams can get leptospirosis. Leptospirosis is also a problem for people who work in contaminated flood plains or wet agricultural settings.

Leptospirosis bacteria can enter the body through broken skin and mucous membranes. The bacteria can also enter the body when a person swallows contaminated food or water, including water swallowed during water sports. Once in the bloodstream, the bacteria can reach all parts of the body and cause signs and symptoms of illness.

What are the signs and symptoms of leptospirosis?

Most infected persons have a mild to moderate illness that is like many other tropical diseases. Symptoms include fever, headache, chills, nausea and vomiting, eye inflammation, and muscle aches. In more severe cases, the illness can result in liver damage and jaundice (yellowing of the skin and whites of the eyes), kidney failure, and internal bleeding. People who are seriously ill with leptospirosis often need to be hospitalized.

How soon after exposure do symptoms appear?

Symptoms usually begin about 10 days after infection.

How is leptospirosis diagnosed?

Leptospirosis is diagnosed by a special blood test that is available through state health departments.

Who is at risk for leptospirosis?

People who take part in freshwater recreational activities in areas where leptospirosis is common, especially during the rainy season or in times of flooding
Farmers, workers in rice fields, sewer workers, and others whose jobs involve contact with water or mud that is contaminated by animal urine, especially the urine of rodents
Veterinarians and others in contact with leptospirosis-affected animals

What complications can result from leptospirosis?

Severe or untreated leptospirosis can lead to organ system damage and, in rare cases, death.

What is the treatment for leptospirosis?

Leptospirosis is treatable with antibiotics. Treatment should be started as soon as possible. Severely ill persons might need intravenous antibiotic treatment and other supportive care.

How common is leptospirosis?

Mild leptospirosis is common in tropical countries where people have regular contact with fresh water and animals. The disease is under-diagnosed in the United States. The 50 to 150 cases reported each year are probably only a fraction of the total number of infections.

Is leptospirosis an emerging infectious disease?

Yes. Increased awareness of the disease has led to increased recognition. In 1995, after widespread flooding in Nicaragua, a leptospirosis epidemic killed at least 13 persons and made more than 2,000 others sick. In 1997, nine whitewater rafters from the United States were infected during a river trip in Costa Rica. Leptospirosis is also a problem in deteriorating inner cities that are infested with rats.

How can leptospirosis be prevented?

Minimize contact with fresh water, mud, and vegetation that might be contaminated with the urine of infected animals, especially rodents.
Wear protective clothing, such as waterproof boots or waders, when participating in recreational or work activities that might result in contact with contaminated water.
If your travel plans might put you at risk for leptospirosis, consider taking antibiotics before and during travel to help prevent infection from short-term, high-risk exposures.

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Post time 13-1-2006 02:03 PM | Show all posts
simptom for Leptospirosis infection nih quite common other bacterial infection pun gitu i bet dr tak akan dpt detect ngan mudah at initial tuh...i think prevention is better than cure.avoid possible cause yg boleh menyebabkan jangkitan nih

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