Across the world statues have been sunk into the oceans for a variety of reasons. As memorials, to offer protection to a fragile marine environment, or simply as art. Here is the list of 5 Mysterious Statues That Really Exists. (subtitle B.melayu terdapat di dalam video ini)
Ocean AtlasTowering 18 feet tall and weighing in at more than 60 tons, Ocean Atlas is reportedly the largest sculpture ever deployed underwater in Bahamas. The record-breaking sculpture was sunk in the water in 2014 and quickly the word spread to encourage coral colonization and deter tourists who meddle with endangered reefs.Guardian of the ReefGuardian Of The Reef is a bronze statue that was sunk in about 65 feet of water just off the coast. This bronze statue, almost 4 meters high, is located in the heart of Cayman Islands, in Grand Cayman. Another impressive work of art by the Canadian sculptor Simon Morris, who installed the underwater anomaly to promote scuba diving tourism and environmental awareness.
Croatian ApoxyomenosThe Croatian Apoxyomenos is an Ancient Greek statue cast in bronze in the 2nd or 1st century BC. It was discovered in 1996 on the bottom of the sea near the Croatia. It was a unique find that had been lying on the seabed off Croatia for thousands of years. Now the ancient artefact discovered by a holidaymaker has pride of place in its own museum and is changing the face of the island where it's being displayed.
Post time 5-5-2020 10:39 AMFrom the mobile phone|Show all posts
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