Having my regular outing Kat bookexcess. Mata tertancap Kat sebuah buku, Catherine the great portrait of a woman. Told my other half, I like the cover & I started to read.
Catherine the Great born Princess Sophie of Anhalt-Zerbst, menjadi maharani Russia dari 1762 hingga 1796. Menjadi wanita yg paling lama memerintah negara rusia.
Catherine membesar dgn x berapa nk cukup kasih sayang. Her mother ignore her because her mother expecting a boy as her first born. Maknye memberi segala kasih sayang kepada adik lelaki beliau yg secara kebetulan lahir dlm kecacatan.
Kekurangan kasih sayang ini menjadikan Catherine seorang yg kental.
@puteribaya penat buk thread royal. Byk kena study
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Post time 23-7-2019 12:54 PM
From the mobile phone
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Beliau dikatakan memerintah negara dgn cara "affairs of the heart than for affairs of state".
Di bawah kekuasan beliau Rusia become one of the greatest power in Europe. Walaubagaimana pun, kuasa acik n uncle bawang merentasi zaman maka kejayaaan beliau selalu dikaburi oleh cerita-cerita Dan gosip2 tentang skandal peribadi beliau.
One of Catherine famous quote adalah "I praise loudly. I blame softly." |
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Sambung lagi please |

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Post time 23-7-2019 01:09 PM
From the mobile phone
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@ottovonbismak sambung pls. Sy ade meeting kul 2 |

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Post time 23-7-2019 01:09 PM
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pinklepie replied at 23-7-2019 01:09 PM
Sambung lagi please
Jap eh. Tq sudi baca |

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Post time 23-7-2019 01:21 PM
From the mobile phone
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Catherine telah berkahwin dengan seorang putera Rusia yg kemudiannye menajadi Maharaja dan digelar Emperor Peter III.
Masa nilah Catherine mengunakan Catherine, or Ekaterina Alekseyevna. Suami beliau dianggap oleh ramai pihak sebagai tidak cekap n tidak layak memerintah. Hanya 6 bln menaiki takhta Catherine menjatuhkan suaminya melalui coup de ta. Catherine dibantu oleh skandal beliau yg bernama Grigory Orlov. Suami beliau ditangkap Dan dibunuh bg membolehkan beliau menaiki takhta.
That's Peter. |
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Edited by pinklepie at 23-7-2019 05:30 AM
noraidil_06 replied at 23-7-2019 05:09 AM
Jap eh. Tq sudi baca
Saya memang suka baca kt benang HML ni, sangat berinfomasi tp selalu SR jerla tak pandai nak menyampuk. Rindu cerita baru pak cik otto dan kak sarah, lama dah takda cerita baru dari mereka |
Book excess is my favourite place too, Entah Entah Dah pernah selisih bahu dengan mod Nora 
Catherine the great is one of the greatest Russian ruler. Masa dia Russia prospered like no other. Dia ni rampas kuasa coup d'etat dari suami dia Kalau Tak silap |
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"I used to say to myself that happiness and misery depend on ourselves. If you feel unhappy, raise your self above unhappiness, and so act that your happiness may be independent of all eventualities."
-sumber wikipedia. |
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noraidil_06 replied at 23-7-2019 01:21 PM
Catherine telah berkahwin dengan seorang putera Rusia yg kemudiannye menajadi Maharaja dan digelar E ...
coup de ta ni cara yg camne???
eh..ada sambungan lg ke..
menelaah..sambil mkn popcorn..huhuhu... |

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Post time 23-7-2019 01:46 PM
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yuki812 replied at 23-7-2019 01:42 PM
coup de ta ni cara yg camne???
eh..ada sambungan lg ke..
Ade Ade. Sabar ye |
Dia macm wu xi tian.. Dpt suami lemah.. Jadi dia kena kawal takhta supaya kekal legasi suami dia |
coup d'état = rampasan kuasa
cara sebutannya kudeta

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Post time 23-7-2019 02:26 PM
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sarah82 replied at 23-7-2019 02:16 PM
Dia macm wu xi tian.. Dpt suami lemah.. Jadi dia kena kawal takhta supaya kekal legasi suami dia
Yes, u give urself homework. Pls pls open a thread. |
noraidil_06 replied at 23-7-2019 02:26 PM
Yes, u give urself homework. Pls pls open a thread.
Huhuhu.. Baik pn.. |
informasi menarik nih...
wanita Russia mmg terkenal dengan perawakan sasa, berhati kental dan mandiri. Bukan itu jer...kejelitaan wanita Russia mmg sgt mempesona
Sayang sekali pemerintahan raja2 Russia berakhir oleh komunis...
TT : More tea please... |

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Post time 23-7-2019 02:42 PM
From the mobile phone
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Edited by noraidil_06 at 23-7-2019 04:01 PM
Kakalongmu replied at 23-7-2019 02:38 PM
informasi menarik nih...
wanita Russia mmg terkenal dengan perawakan sasa, berhati kental ...
Catherine bukan asal Rusia sayang. She is originated fm Poland (amended).married to Russian prince. Hence she got the throne. Tq for stopping by darling |
Rumahtangga dorang sering berantakan ..antara sebabnya..“Peter III had no greater enemy than himself; all his actions bordered on insanity, Tsar is always a drunk, a simpleton, and somebody who “took pleasure in beating men and animals.” they were clearly unhappy, and they both had extramarital affairs. Catherine had at least three affairs, and hinted that none of her children were her husband's. |
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"I praise loudly. I blame softly." 
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