It had its world premiere at the Sundance Film Festival on January 25, 2019. It was released in several countries on June 7, 2019, by Netflix,[3] and was released theatrically in Australia on June 7, 2019, by StudioCanal.
I AM MOTHER is a sci-fi thriller about a teenage girl (Clara Rugaard), who is the first of a new generation of humans to be raised by Mother (Rose Byrne), a robot designed to repopulate the earth after the extinction of humankind. But the pair's unique relationship is threatened when an injured stranger (Hilary Swank) arrives with news that calls into question everything Daughter has been told about the outside world and her Mother's intentions.
Ok guys ..manja dah tgk movie ni first i thought..mungkin x brape nak best sbb all female cast in a sci-fi movie? rasanye x pernah ade kot..
Anyway x sangka Hillary Swank b'lakon lg, last time i saw her was in the 90s kot. So glad to see her in this role..
So manja bg 7/10. Mmg puas hati..Plotnye reminds me of Room 2015 + Ex_Machina..Kalau dlm Ex-Machina pun hanye ade 3 watak utama, ending up nak tahu siape yg bleh outsmart siape in the end? Ava the Ai Or her creator??
Sama jgk la kisahnye dlm filem ni...Kite akan tahu Ai Mother ni ke yg lebih bijak or tag-team Hillary Swank & Daughter..
Part yg paling lawak birthday present Mother pd Daughter.....nampak sgt Mother xde perasaan
This quote manja ambik dari movie Her 2013..Kalau u all ingat lg..scene yg die org ber4 ni gi Samantha saidd.. Samantha: You know what's Interesting? I used to worried about not having a body,but now I.. I truly love it. You know, I'm growing in a way I couldn't if I had a physical form. I mean, I'm not limited. I can be anywhere and everywhere simultaneously. I'm not tethered to time and space in a way that I would be if I was stuck in a body that's inevitably gonna die.
In the end, Mother akan reveal...siape die sebenarnye..and it is just as disturbing...Kesimpulannye AI ni sama ada di alam maya atau dlm tubuh robot...dua2 pun is as WICKEDLY THREATENING & the human race.....
i ada tgk. tapi tak brapa paham sbb tgk ngn budak2 kan, depa hingaq sampai iols xleh concentrate. so si hilary tu slama ni survived sbb mother yg arrange cmtu? so mother ni mmg MOTHER la kan, dia la smua dlm droids apa smua tu.
yes u!...btul tu...hebat la sambil layan anak2..bleh lg concentrate tgk cite mcm ni
actually manja terlepas pandang info2 penting dlm opening scene filem ni...
1- APOX1
ni embrio pertama yg mother "lahirkan" bukan daughter...sbb daughter sndiri dpt tahu lepas die siasat2 embrio2 tu..ade baby2 lain yg dah dilahirkan sblum sbb x menepati objektif Mother jadi kena bakar sampai jadi abu...
2- Jumlah hari
Opening scene ade tunjuk jumlah hari lepas manusia pupus, so kalau tolak campur..dpt la dlm lebih kurang 38 tahun nak ikutkan umur Daughter separuh kot dari tu...maybe 18 ke 19 kan? ape sbenarnye yg berlaku dlm tempoh sblum Daughter dilahirkan?....Watak Hillary tu sebenarnye ialah pertama..Mother...
mmg part ending sblum Mother nak bunuh Hillary..die tanye.."Do you remember who is your mother? ke parents ke?" lebih kurang mcm tu..sbb Hillary kan anak la scene yg buat manja confius..i x phm..knp Mother tanye die soalan tu...??
ok. that's make sense. ptt la dok tak dok di mother ni tanya soklan pelik kat hillary tu.
tapi hillary tu ilang ingatan ka dia dibesaqkan mother?
and muka2 org yg dia lukis tu actually mmg wujud ka xpn inspired dr video2 dia tgk msa bwh naungan mother.
ya ampun..susah sgt nk focus tp iols mmg minat crita cmni.
byk series netflix i layan jenis detective, siasat2 ni: the alieniest, the fall, river.
yes they all kata most likely ingatan Hillary kena erase...
tp i pun confius jgk psl drawings tu..sbb
1- mungkin org lain (anak2 Mother yg lain) mmg ade wujud skali...dgn end up kena bunuh...??
2- atau pun memori palsu..yg Mother cipta...
3- mcm u kata just serpihan memori yg masih ade dlm ingatan die masa di bwh jagaan Mother..
u tgk The Alienist?...manja x sanggup...lepas scene2 boy prostitutes tu kan...i was like...ok i'm mmg best la series tu...
tgk smpai abes tp xpuas hati sbb ending dia mengundang makian ja.
yes. bygkan zmn cmtu pn ada boy prostitute, jenis dressup drag plak, kecian.
apantah lg zmn skrang, lg rmai bperangai setan in real life.
for me mmg best..entertaining but at same time genre sci-fi tema dark & disturbing tu la yg i prefer Black Mirror..
season 3 kluar 4th july ni..
kalau u all nak tahu, knp A tu capital letter? prasan x?..I Am ni actually refer pd Bible..dlm Bible "I Am Jesus"...kadang2 org Hollywood suke ambik content dari Bible..twist it...& hasilkan versi twisted dlm karya2 filem mereka..
so I Am Mother ni maksudnye I Am God, Mother= God...
ego AI...level dewa la kan? lebih kurang mcm tu...
aku dah tengok tp kurang faham mula-mula sebab takde sub (tengok kat website haram). terpaksa la google baru faham.
cuma nya aku tertanya berapa lama pula daughter boleh menjaga dan menghasilkan umat manusia? lepastu apa point nya? is not like there is anything else, anything to achieve?
(bunyi macam nihilist lak)
seriously netflix ni mindblown la.
ada yg buat rs kita tlebih pikiaq, buat kita tertanya2.
pastu ada stress n ganggu emosi ie. blackmirror.
ya ampun..sis rs tercemar sgt tgk netflix tp addictive.
manja xde pulak terfikir jauh sampai ke situ...cume dah sibuk nk cube phmkan plot ..last2 mmg menarik..
nihilist tu ape?..
yg manja terfikir..lebih kurang mcm ni la kot timeline movie2..genre sci-fi AI fantasy, action thriller..
1- Ex_Machina ( AI pertama ciptaan manusia)
2- Ghost In The Shell ( mula dah era Transhumanism )
3- Alita ( skali kot, x brape phm plot.. baru tgk mlm td)
4- Blade Runner 2049 ( dah mula human clonning )
5- Terminator ( AI & Manusia berperang, WW3 / nuclear war)
6- I Am Mother ( human race kalah, AI singularity menang AI cipta manusia pertama lepas WW3/manusia semua mati)
kalau ade yg x btul tu sila la tlg btulkan...just a rough idea..