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Case Closed : Pedofiles

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Post time 18-9-2018 12:28 PM | Show all posts |Read mode
Edited by borrow at 18-9-2018 12:37 PM

Pedophiles adalah gelaran UMUM , diberi kepada org dewasa yg bernafsu dgn budak bawah umur.

But dari segi klinikal , cam ni.

Pedophilia = Individu dewasa yg sentiasa ada sexual attraction terhadap bebudak (bawah 11 tahun) . Ada individu yg bernafsu pd budak dan juga org dewasa. So if lebih bernafsu dgn org dewasa,  individu tu tak dikategorikan pedo. Deyols having paraphilic sexual interest.

Hebephilia = Individu dewasa yg sentiasa ada sexual attraction terhadap bebudak  11-14 tahun.

Ephebophilia =  Individu dewasa yg sentiasa ada sexual attraction terhadap bebudak  15-16 tahun.


"Grooming" refers to the process the child molester undertakes to gain a child's trust, and sometimes the parents' trust as well. Over the course of months or even years, a child molester will increasingly become a trusted friend of the family, offering to babysit, take the child shopping or on trips, or spend time with the child in other ways.

Many child molesters won't actually begin abusing a child until trust has been gained.

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 Author| Post time 18-9-2018 12:29 PM | Show all posts
Edited by borrow at 22-11-2023 07:49 PM

Mark Sailing

Glee fanz mesti kenal Puck khenz. Nama sebenarnya Mark Salling. Heols pnh kapel dgn Naya Rivera dan digosipkan bercinta dgn Lea Michelle & Selena Gomez.

Dec 2015 ,  Mark ditahan after ex-gf heols "tipped off" polis. Heols dibebaskan atas ikat jamin. Later heols dihadapkan ke mahkamah atas tuduhan memiliki picci lucah budak.

Polis temui

1.50,000 picci & video child pornography + child erotica (from lappy)
2. 4000 picci & 160 video ( from Usb)

antaranya  :

a. An image file showing "a prepubescent girl [known to be a victim of child exploitation] orally copulating an adult male's penis."

b. A video file showing "a prepubescent girl [known to be a victim of child exploitation] laying on her back with her hands above her head while an adult penis rubs and penetrates her vagina."

c. A video file showing "a little girl approximately 3-5 years old [known to be a victim of child exploitation]. She is naked and straddling an adult male while the man's penis penetrates her vagina... Defendant acknowledges that this image, among others in his collection... portrays the sexual abuse or exploitation of a toddler."

Dan yg paling jelik , heols simpan document dinamakan "JAZZGUIDE" - iaitu manual panduan utk lelaki dewasa hav sexual intercourse dgn budak 3-6 tahun.

Mark mengaku salah. Sementara menunggu hukuman , pd January 30, 2018 -  Mark gantung diri. Heols berumur 35 thn.

source : ... t-documents-reveal/

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 Author| Post time 18-9-2018 12:29 PM | Show all posts
Edited by borrow at 18-9-2018 12:42 PM

Ian Watkins : The Lostprophets

Ian Watkins berasal dari Wales . Heols adalah penyanyi rock band "The Lostprophets". "The Lostprophets" sgt sukses , 1st album terjual 2.5juta unit.

Oct 2012 , "Operation Globe" ditubuhkan utk menyiasat Ian. Dan pd bulan Dec , Ian (35 tahun) ditahan bersama 2 wanita berumur 20 & 24 tahun. Nama wanita2 itu dirahsiakan.

Heols didakwa :

1. Berkonspirasi utk rogol baby
2. memiliki/mengedar picci porn melibatkan budak dan haiwan.

Pd mulanya Ian menafikan tuduhan itu. Org dengki katanya. But b4 start perbicaraan , Ian tetiba mengaku salah. 2 wanita yg terlibat juga mengaku bersalah. Ian dipenjara 29 tahun plus 6 tahun "licence".

Ai gugil , "licence" maksudnya still berstatus banduan tp vley hidup di luar penjara.

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 Author| Post time 18-9-2018 12:29 PM | Show all posts
Edited by borrow at 22-11-2023 07:50 PM

Ian Watkins : Joanne my ex lover

Selain Ian dan 2 wanita tadi , ada sorang lg wanita turut ditahan dlm "Operation Globe".

Joanne Mjadzelics (36 tahun) adalah ex Gf Ian. Seorang ibu beranak satu. Sheols dihadapkan ke mahkamah atas tuduhan:

1. Memiliki picci tak senonoh budak
2. Edar picci tak senonoh budak ( hantar pd Ian)
3. Encouraging Ian supaya hantar picci porn budak pd sheols.

Joanne mengaku tidak salah.


Coz sheols tak berniat jahat. Sheols mau perangkap & dedahkan perangai Ian.

Joanne sebenarnya telah berkali2 report Ian pd pihak berkuasa. Tp di ignored. Sheol pelacur , Ian Rockstar. So Polis anggap sheols "gila".

After dibicarakan , mahkamah menyebelahi Joanne. Sheols didapati tidak bersalah dan dibebaskan.

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 Author| Post time 18-9-2018 12:30 PM | Show all posts
Edited by borrow at 23-11-2020 08:33 PM

Ian Watkins & Joanne Mjadzelics : The Stoghii

2006: Joanne contacted Ian thru Myspace. After weeks of online sex chats, deyols jumpa 1st time pd bulan Disember. Gi hotel n wat sex tape

July 2007 :Joanne start amik kokain. Sheols & Ian having drug-fuelled sex sessions together.

Ogos 2007: Ian dikatakan beritahu Joanne , heols tidur dgn budak 14 tahun. But Joanne tot itu cuma "kokain talk". Mabuk dadah cakap merapu jah.

Sept 2007: Ian & Joanne amik kokain di toilet. Then Ian cakap heols raped budak 12 tahun plak. Later heols ckp cuma melawak je.

Dec 2007 :
Bulan Krismas , Ian hantar picci tak senonoh girl (5 tahun) pd Joanne. Heols decribed dat girl "super flirty".

Feb 2008: Video "Jo – Paedo talk – Cardiff" dirakam. (see oct 2012)

2008: Joanne berhenti amik kokain. Then sedar perbualan deyol (child abuse) tu salah. Deyols gaduh & putus chenta.

Oct 2008: Joanne dakwa Ian paksa sheols tandatangani a "gagging order" supaya tutup mulut.

Dec 2008: Joanne contacted Pontypridd social services. Mengadu ttg picci lucah yg sheols dpt time krismas 2007.

Jan 2009: Joanne contacted Polis, after Ian beritahu sheols dat Heols ada wat sex session with girls bawah umur , rogol and tunjuk picci lucah.

Mac 2009:
Polis intebiu Joanne tp penyiasatan ditutup coz Polis anggap stori sheols "gila".

Ogos 2010: Joanne contacted polis lagi after Ian tunjuk video budak kena rogol. Tiada tindakan diambil.

"The first thing I saw was a child crying and screaming and I saw a video of a young girl being raped," she told jurors.

"And I looked at him and I just saw an evil smirk on his face. He was looking for a reaction and all I did was cry and I said he had to go."

May 2011: Joanne hantar email  to the Association of Chief Police Officers.

Sept 2011: Tho bbrp kali report dibuat. Tiada tindakan diambil. So Joanne decided utk perangkap Ian. Sheols dekati Ian semula & tunjuk picci lucah budak ( umpan utk encouraged Ian tunjuk belang)

Mac 2012 : Joanne bawa her laptop ke balai Polis. Coz dlm tu terdapat isi online chat dgn Ian. Isi chat tu - incest , child abused & discussing kidnapping a brother and sister from outside a school, killing one and raping the other.

Oct 2012 : Team "Operation Globe" ditubuhkan khas utk menyiasat Ian. Based di Balai Polis Cardiff Central, team disertai 25 detektif termasuk dari USA dan Jerman.

Laptop Ian dirampas tp password protected plak. Polis cuba cracked password tu. Akhirnya dpt.  Password laptop Ian : I****kid
Deyols jumpa video "Jo – Paedo talk – Cardiff". Homemade video dimana Ian dan Joana merakamkan aksi seks & deyols bercakap/berfantasi untuk buat anak. So dat deyols vley rogol & bunuh baby tu.

Polis turut menjumpai koleksi video porn kanak2 .


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 Author| Post time 18-9-2018 12:30 PM | Show all posts
Edited by borrow at 18-9-2018 12:53 PM

Ian Watkins : Mahkamah


Mahkamah diberitahu . Polis menemui byk video child abuse yg dirakam dan simpan oleh Ian. Lokasi "penggambaran" hotel2 di London dan South Wales.

Antaranya video seks dgn budak 16 tahun. Budak tu disuruh pakai baju sekolah and then deyols hav sex .

Ian mengaku bersalah memiliki dan buat video child porn.

Heols juga mengaku bersalah atas kesalahan PERCUBAAN MEROGOL membabitkan bayi dari 2 wanita ( Wanita A & Wanita B). A & B adalah peminat Ian dan turut ditahan polis.

A memiliki baby berumur 11 bulan , B plak ada anak perempuan kecik.

"If you belong to me, so does your baby." - ian watkins

Polis berjaya download rakaman footage berdurasi 45 minit, dimana Ian dilihat berkomunikasi dgn Wanita A. Refer sheols & baby sbg "slave duo". Bila baby tu besar nanti , deyols mahu dat baby buat sex dgn binatang & ambil dadah.

A plak refer baby sheols as "Your (Ian) little sextoy" . Later A hantar picci pd Ian. Picci sheols wat oral sex dgn baby sendiri. *ok ai muntah*

Polis ckp , ada rakaman video dimana Ian lakukan "sex act" pada baby A ( sex act ja , tiada penetrasi). After dat , Ian & A berbalas email , cakap  they would not go "easy" on the child next time.

Ringkasnya , 2 wanita gila ini tak kisah jika Ian mau rogol baby deyols. Syukurlah tak sempat coz semua dah kena tangkap.


Ian dijatuhkan hukuman penjara 35 tahun ( 29 tahun + 6 tahun "licence").

Wanita A & B pula dipenjara 14 & 17 tahun.

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 Author| Post time 18-9-2018 12:30 PM | Show all posts
Edited by borrow at 18-9-2018 12:55 PM

Ian Watkin : tak insap2 lagi kew?

Ibu muda (21 tahun) ,ada seorang baby berumur 2 tahun adalah Ian fanz.

July 2016 , Sheols hantar surat pd Ian , ckp masih ada yg ambil berat.

Ian balas surat tu n ckp "I lov you". Then dat mum lawat Ian di penjara. Ian tanya sheols "apa yg sheols akan buat , if anak sheols masuk bilik time sheols tgh wat sex"

Sheols rasa takut n beritahu kawan.

Dis 2016 , polis ambil hp n laptop dat mum. Anak sheols juga diambil.

Jan 2017 , Incredibly , dat mum gi visit Ian and beritahu Ian apa yg berlaku.

March 2017 , sheols visit Ian lagi , dilihat memakai engagement ring.

Hebat giler Ian ni kan. Dh dlm penjara pun , still vley "grooming".


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 Author| Post time 18-9-2018 12:31 PM | Show all posts
Edited by borrow at 18-9-2018 12:58 PM

Akshay Kumar

Akshay pelakon popular Bollywood.

"When I was six, I was on my way to a neighbour's house when the lift man touched my butt. I was really agitated and told my father (Hari Om Bhatia) about it.

He filed a police complaint. Investigations revealed that the lift-man was a history-sheeter.The cops took action and the man was arrested.

I was a shy kid and was relieved that I could speak about this to my parents.But even today, I find it difficult to say the word `bum'.

We must encourage women and children to speak up and tell their families if they encounter anything strange so that they can be protected and empowered." - Akshay Kumar

Ai setuju 100%. Kanak2 perlu diajar ada bahagian tertentu tidak vley disentuh. If sentuh , nanti Polis tangkap. If deyol encounter hal mcm tu , kena trus bagitau. Coz prevention mcm ni vley elakkan hal yg lebih buruk berlaku. Iyolah , memula cabul . Bila dh makin berani , rogol plak.

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 Author| Post time 18-9-2018 12:31 PM | Show all posts
Edited by borrow at 22-11-2023 07:50 PM

Jean Fonda

Pd tahun lepas , Jean buat pertama kali mendedahkan , sheols pernah didera sexual & dirogol semasa kanak2. Namun sheols tak cerita secara detail.

Teri Hatcher
Teri mendedahkan sheols alami penderaan sexual waktu berumur 5 tahun . Pelakunya ialah pacit sheols.Sheols hanya berdiam diri.

Then pd tahun 2002 , victim pacit sheols , bunuh diri. Pacit sheols dihadapkan ke court dan Teri stori pengalaman sheols pd Polis. After dgr pendedahan Teri , Pacit Teri mengaku salah dan dipenjara 14 tahun. Pendakwaraya ckp , tanpa pendedahan Tori , Kes ini bakal  diabaikan sajork.

Oprah Winfrey
Nov 10 , 1986 . Sewaktu hosting The Oprah Winfrey Show , oprah beritahu audience sheols juga mangsa rogol. Waktu berumur 9 tahun , oprah dirogol oleh saudara sendiri.Dan pd umur 14 tahun , sheols pregnant & beranak. But baby sheols mati.

Ashley Judd
Ashley Judd: American film and TV actress, Ashley Judd too was a victim of sexual abuse as a child.

One of the highest-paid actresses of Hollywood, Ashley Judd was brutally raped several times during her childhood and youth. In her memoirs, 'The Normal Life', the actress opened up about how she was lured into an empty building by a stranger who said he was going to give her a quarter for a pinball machine. The stranger then molested her. What left Ashley devastated was the fact that even though she managed to fight the perpetrator off, her family refused to believe her when she told them about the horrible incident.

Bella Thorne
Bella n Zendaya co-star sitcom terbitan Disney "shake it up" . Cute jah tgk deyol menari. Rupanya Bella simpan rahsia duka. And sheol revealed di Ig.

I was sexually abused and physically growing up from the day I can remember till I was 14..when I finally had the courage to lock my door at night and sit by it. All damn night. Waiting for someone to take advantage of my life again. Over and over I waited for it to stop and finally it did. But some of us aren't as lucky to get out alive. Please today stand up for every soul Mistreated.

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 Author| Post time 18-9-2018 12:31 PM | Show all posts
Edited by borrow at 18-9-2018 01:13 PM

Ini plak Richard Huckles , pedophile yg dera seksual 23 budak malaysia . Heols bukan retis .  

Kaka Santeira ada stori psl heols. , if nk baca vley klik link dibawah:

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Post time 18-9-2018 12:58 PM | Show all posts
jahatnya Ian tu...


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Post time 18-9-2018 01:03 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
borrow replied at 18-9-2018 12:29 PM
Ian Watkins : The Lostprophets

Ian Watkins berasal dari Wales . Heols adalah penyanyi rock ba ...

Duh..iols.minat btol lagu dia terutama yang rooftop tu...adoi la....

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 Author| Post time 18-9-2018 01:15 PM | Show all posts
shernazz replied at 18-9-2018 01:03 PM
Duh..iols.minat btol lagu dia terutama yang rooftop tu...adoi la....

Femes jugak la heols ek.

Ai plak b4 kes pedo ni , tak pnh dgr nama heols / band lostprophets.


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Post time 18-9-2018 01:17 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Jilaka btoi ian tu
X serik serik kan..

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Post time 18-9-2018 01:21 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
borrow replied at 18-9-2018 01:15 PM
Femes jugak la heols ek.

Dolu masa study..tahun 2005 2006 gitu mmg.femes lagu heols..masa.tu trending lagu punk rock.cenggini...
Sama up dgn simple.plan n all american rejects...
Mmg iols layan lagu dia..
Tak sangka jahat begini dia....elok kasi kan terus twlur dia biar xdpt rogo budak lg

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 Author| Post time 18-9-2018 01:43 PM | Show all posts
shernazz replied at 18-9-2018 01:21 PM
Dolu masa study..tahun 2005 2006 gitu mmg.femes lagu heols..masa.tu trending lagu punk rock.cenggi ...

khen , selayaknya dipotong jah telo tu. Cam eunuch cina tu

Malangnya after serving 2/3 dari tempoh hukuman , heols nanti vley minta parole.


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Post time 18-9-2018 01:44 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
borrow replied at 18-9-2018 01:43 PM
khen , selayaknya dipotong jah telo tu. Cam eunuch cina tu

Omg...jangan la proceed parole tu...
Harap sgt lah...
Nampak cm x insap aje mamat tu...euw...

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Post time 18-9-2018 01:47 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts budak.yang
Trauma nya sampai.akhir hayat tau...
Isk..jahat pelaku nya

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Post time 18-9-2018 01:49 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Jijik baca.. baby pun nak dirogol.. x da perasan empaty diri.. semua ni mental harus ditembak

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Post time 18-9-2018 01:49 PM | Show all posts
Pedo seluruh dunia, semoga mati segera dengan cara paling seksa & tercela.

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