Edited by woodhead00 at 3-11-2017 09:03 PM
High Quality Dry Dried Asian Chinese Panax True Ginseng 長白山人參 東北人參
Weight / 重量 : 170grams / 170克 Net weight / 淨重 : 32g / 32克 Traditionally used to replenish the vital essence, nourish the energy and the blood, Soothe the nerves, relieve stress and insomnia, enhance memory, alleviate chronic fatigue, enhance immunity, nourish the Yin and the Yang essence; improve virility, lengthen lifespan. 功效:滋陰補生,扶正固本,補五臟,安精神,定魂魄,止驚嚇,除邪氣,明目,開心,延年益壽 High Quality Dry Dried Asian Chinese Panax True Ginseng 長白山人參 東北人參
Weight / 重量 : 170grams / 170克 Net weight / 淨重 : 32g / 32克 Traditionally used to replenish the vital essence, nourish the energy and the blood, Soothe the nerves, relieve stress and insomnia, enhance memory, alleviate chronic fatigue, enhance immunity, nourish the Yin and the Yang essence; improve virility, lengthen lifespan. 功效:滋陰補生,扶正固本,補五臟,安精神,定魂魄,止驚嚇,除邪氣,明目,開心,延年益壽