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Singapura 'Negara Contoh' Dalam Usaha Menangani Penularan Virus Zika - WHO
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Pertubuhan Kesihatan Sedunia (WHO) memuji cara Singapura mengendalikan penularan virus Zika di republik itu, menyifatkan ia sebagai 'model contoh'.
Pengerusi jawatankuasa WHO, David Heymann, berkata republik itu dijangka melengkapkan susunan jenis virus berkenaan dalam penularan minggu depan.
"Mereka menyusun jenis dan kemudian mendapatkan perbandingan normal yang ada pada jenis ini dengan jenis lain untuk dipastikan sebelum membuat pengumuman mereka tahu apa yang dihadapi."
WHO juga berkata, tiada bukti penularan virus Zika berikutan Olimpik di Rio de Janeiro, satu petanda baik bagi 'penilaian risiko rendah' pada Kejohanan Paralimpik bulan ini.
Sejak pengesahan kes pertama Zika di Singapura, 'dalam masa singkat ada banyak kerja makmal, usaha kesihatan awam termasuk kawalan vektor dilakukan, selain susulan terperinci termasuk analisis kes di negara itu'.
Menjelang Jumaat, 189 kes pemindahan Zika disahkan di Singapura.
Republik itu dijangka melengkapkan susunan jenis virus berkenaan dalam penularan minggu depan.- CARI
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X senang duduk geng anti singapork... kemain kutuk singapork dpt zika, tup2 negara pun terkena sama.. |
finesse replied at 3-9-2016 12:02 PM
X senang duduk geng anti singapork... kemain kutuk singapork dpt zika, tup2 negara pun terkena sama. ...
Negara dapat zika sebab mak cik tu lawat anak dia kat singapore yg kena zika la fin 
Gitew la cter yer |
Apa2 pun kita puji usaha Singapore kawal zika.. So blh ambil contoh 
wana89 replied at 3-9-2016 12:11 PM
Negara dapat zika sebab mak cik tu lawat anak dia kat singapore yg kena zika la fin
Gitew l ...
Nampak tak cashh kat situ??
Gigih kutuk jiran sendiri.. kan tuhan dh byr cashhh.. |
wa bukan apa
wa nak tanya who
berapa singapura derma duit kat who
wa gelak guling2 |
Sepatutnya war-warkan negara contoh yg berjaya menghalang terus virus zika masuk dalam negara.
atau negara yg paling kurang yg kena penyakit zika.
kes baru yg ke sabah nyamuk tu
mcmana pulak? ngeri betul. |
melinda_kerr replied at 3-9-2016 06:51 PM
kes baru yg ke sabah nyamuk tu
mcmana pulak? ngeri betul.
Err..zika dah smpi sabah ke ?? |
saladin780 replied at 3-9-2016 07:06 PM
Err..zika dah smpi sabah ke ??
ha ah ada kes terbaru. tu ada org tepek artikel |
Ai denggi pun tak pernah kena..inikan ade zika pula...may god save us all... |
Dah meninggal pun.. Serangan jantung.
dcruins replied at 3-9-2016 07:14 PM
Dah meninggal sebab komplikasi jantung, memang sebelum kena Zika dah macam2 penyakit dialami mangsa ...
My ex boss. Tapi dia meninggal bcoz of his other illness. RIP |
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Minta dijauhkan drpd penyakit ni |
Hehehe....Anak buah pak yim wel. pakcik sewel. Anak buah sakit jiwang....
kesian kan....mereng & jiweng 
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Zika virus strain here may not be from Brazil
The Zika virus behind an outbreak in Singapore likely evolved from a strain which was already circulating in South-east Asia, scientists here have found out.
This means that it was probably not imported from South America, where Zika has been linked with microcephaly - a serious condition which affects unborn children.
The Ministry of Health (MOH) yesterday revealed 26 more people came down with Zika. This was the first dip in new infections since Aug 29, bringing the total to 215 cases. Last Friday, the number of new infections was 38.
While it is too early to say if the outbreak has turned a corner, experts welcomed the news but still stressed the need to continue eliminating the Aedes mosquito, which spreads the Zika virus.
Environment and Water Resources Minister Masagos Zulkifli yesterday highlighted that the World Health Organisation on Friday described Singapore's efforts against Zika as an example for other countries to follow.
He said that this has affirmed Singapore's "promptness and transparency in the Zika episode".
"I think that is important because that is part of being a responsible country," he added.
There have been about 1.5 million reported Zika cases in Brazil. But while the virus there has been linked with microcephaly, nine in 10 of such cases occurred in the north-eastern part of the country.
Experts are exploring whether other environmental, socioeconomic or biological factors could be at play, according to a news article in the research journal Nature.
In its update yesterday, MOH said the National Public Health Laboratory has worked with A*Star's Bioinformatics Institute to complete the sequencing of the Zika virus found in two patients from the first cluster in Aljunied Crescent/Sims Drive. The analysis found that the virus belongs to the Asian lineage and likely evolved from the strain already circulating in this region. The virus from these two patients was not imported from South America. The research team will release more details shortly, the update added.
Experts say that the news is encouraging. Dr Leong Hoe Nam, an infectious diseases specialist from Mount Elizabeth Novena Hospital, said: "I need to look at the data more closely. But given that it's distanced from the Brazil virus, then certainly the likelihood of microcephaly here will be more distant."
Infectious diseases specialist Paul Tambyah said Zika, which was found in this region as early as in the 1960s, could have been circulating in South-east Asia for decades.
This means that many people in the region could already have developed some sort of immunity.
kak_sue replied at 4-9-2016 08:50 AM
Zika virus strain here may not be from Brazil
The Zika virus behind an outbreak in Singapore like ...
I hope they will carry out study amik sample dr negara2 sekitar asean ni..indon,philippines malaysia thai seme....sbb seme ni negara tropik... |
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