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Normal La Hukum Budak Suruh Makan Sampah Katanyaaaa
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‘Ordering students to eat from trash is normal’
Sheith Khidhir Bin Abu Bakar
| August 3, 2016
Director of foster home criticises Tamil school headmistress for saying there was nothing wrong in punishment meted out to Primary 5 student.
KUALA LUMPUR: A director of a foster home for orphans and poor children in Port Dickson,Reverend T Paul Jagatheesan expressed shock over the response from the St Leonard Tamil School headmistress over the July 14 incident, where a student was forced to eat from a garbage bin.
“She said it’s a normal thing,” the director of Pertubuhan Kebajikan Kanak-Kanak Yatim dan Miskin Wawasan Port Dickson said at a press conference at Sentral Vista in Brickfields, here today.
“I went to see her at the school over the incident. At first she refused to speak to me but after her assistant had admitted that she was told to instruct the boy to eat from the garbage bin, the headmistress said that there was nothing unusual about it,” Jagatheesan said.
According to him, the Primary 5 student who stays at his foster home, Lee Lavin, had informed him that the incident occurred during recess in school.
“The boy had thrown his food into the garbage bin out of anger for being hit by a teacher while he was eating. The headmistress then ordered her senior assistant to make the boy eat the food he had thrown away.
“If this is indeed a normal thing, would you continue sending your child to the same school?” Jagatheesan said, adding that he did not take immediate action as he wanted to speak to the headmistress over the matter first.
Later, however, he filed a police report, copies of which he proceeded to send to the Port Dickson Education Office, the Tamil Schools Supervisor, the Port Dickson Welfare Department, and the Negeri Sembilan Education Director, but lamented that “after all this (notifying the authorities), the headmistress is still there.”
St Leonards’ PIBG Chairman Basantakumar Bochia Naiko said he is very upset and at a loss for words over the incident.
“How would you feel if your children have been treated in such a way.
“It is my duty as chairman to answer to the parents and to represent them. Something has to be done over this matter,” he said.
On Monday, parents of St Leonards Tamil School students, held a meeting and had unanimously resolved that the Education Ministry should remove the headmistress.
sebab anak orang susah sesuka kau je kan dek.cuba anak Arjun Rampal??? |
Normal dia kata?
Dia tu yg xnormal kot |
Ummah estet ni mudah sentap...dulu kena suruh mkn kat bilik persalinan pun jadi isu negara...walhal hakikatnya ummah ni bukan tk biasa mkn tepi longkang victim manjang |
bless you Reverend..
kalau normal makan dari tong sampah.. cuba suap sikit kat mulut betina tu |
Main naik pulak kes dari sekolah tamil sejak dua menjak ni. Aritu kes cikgu besau dengan cikgu kecik yang ni kes cikgu besau dengan budak kecik. |
Normal? Cuba dia makan dulu nak tengok  |
Normal pale hotak dia.  |
Mental kah?! Suruh Dia mkn laaaa  |
mcm best je suruh org makan sampah : : |
Cuba suruh anak dia pulak makan sampah.. normal laa sangat.. : |
bioessence replied at 3-8-2016 07:07 PM
Mentality @dodolgemok ka?
Cacai xde point terus bahan org kan? Xterkesan la deknon |
cikgu bodo..sukati je buat budak gitu..
sampah sangat perangai.. |
Modngengade replied at 3-8-2016 06:47 PM
Ummah estet ni mudah sentap...dulu kena suruh mkn kat bilik persalinan pun jadi isu negara...walhal ...
Ummah isle ni mudah sentap...dulu kena perli pun jadi isu forum, sampai report ke mod siap suruh ghoibkan thread bagai...walhal hakikatnya ummah ni bukan tk biasa kena kutuk seantero dunia victim manjang. |
bodoh,cikgu pon xreti nk tunjuk teladan yg baik  |
siannya budak tu. mentang2 la budak tu dok foster home dia treat budak tu mcm tu skali. kalo kje swasta gurubesar peel camtu dah lama kne pecat. xde empathy n xde ethic! |
Bodoh nya cikgu pkl budak tengah mkn.....tak ada adab je....klu melayu, org tengah mkn, hormat le sikit...tak kira budak kecik ke org besar....bagus pun budak tu campak makanan dlm tong sampah...dah cikgu bangang....
pooh~key replied at 3-8-2016 12:09 PM
Ummah isle ni mudah sentap...dulu kena perli pun jadi isu forum, sampai report ke mod siap suruh g ...
Motip sis pookey membela ummah estet? Adakah sis pookey juga ummah estet sentapbista? |
Bukankah ummah estet dan sampah bagai aur dgn tebing sis |
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