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Camne nak tingkatkan memori? HELPS.

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Post time 23-6-2016 03:53 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts |Read mode
Edited by arrowtotheknee at 23-6-2016 03:55 PM

Hello, gais.

Ada tak sesiapa tahu cara nak boost memory capability? Especially utk those yg sering terlibat dlm kerja2 menghafal & study benda2 penting. Sebab aku akui dulu aku cepat tangkap ilmu2 yg aku belajar tp sekarang macam otak aku lembab. Kadang ambil masa lama sangat nak proses benda yg senang.

Pernah try consume fish oil supplement, tp tak berapa berkesan kt aku. Kismis dgn kurma pun tak effective kt aku..

Anyone knows any enhancing memory drugs yg dijual kt over the counter or online web? Cth macam drugs yg filem Lucy tu.


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Post time 23-6-2016 10:27 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Jgn tengok porn

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 Author| Post time 24-6-2016 02:31 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
syadq replied at 23-6-2016 10:27 PM
Jgn tengok porn

Kahkah.. sengal ko bro. Selain tu??

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Post time 24-6-2016 04:56 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Kena byk baca lah..ulang2 byk kali ingat letew.dah tua2 ni bukan mcm remaja dulu semua benda sng absorb...

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Post time 24-6-2016 08:46 AM | Show all posts
arrowtotheknee replied at 24-6-2016 02:31 AM
Kahkah.. sengal ko bro. Selain tu??

Seingat aku lah time belajar anatomy-physiology dulu, memori ade dua jenis lah short-term and long-term. Kalau setakat benda2 ilmiah ni memang jadik short-term jah. So chances utk lupa tu mmg ada ya.

Kalau cari food supplements or herbs, semua tu lebih kpd nak prevent hilang fungsi otak macam cognitive loss, dementia, alzhiemer. Utk improve memory, aku pernah try gingko biloba beli GNC pny. Makan sebotol je, lps tu dah tak no komen berkesan ke tak.

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Post time 24-6-2016 02:44 PM | Show all posts
try buang toksin dalam badan... nescafe atau coffee tinggalkan.. aku mmg peminat tegar nescafe.. tiap2 hari mesti satu peket 3 in 1.. konon nak hilang ngantuk.. tp akhirnye berat jugak mata ni..

so aku amik inisiatif lain... tak minum dulu nescafe.. pastu pagi2 aku mix susu omega 3 tuk jantung tu campur oat.. petang pas makan tengahari aku minum green tea.. tak yah mahal2.. beli japanese green tea kat speedmart 99 pon ok.. aku amalkan dalam 2 minggu mmg terasa ringan badan.. mengantuk pon kurang.. dan yg paling utama senang gile otak aku absorb benda2 baru... contoh cam nak hafal surah mmg senang gile nak ingat.. klo tak sebelum tu bace sampai 5 6 kali ulang2 nak ingat punye pasal..

try la buat.. mane tau berkesan.. sebelum ni pon aku ade amik omega 3 fish oil.. tak jalan pon.. kadang makanan2 yg berlemak yg buat otak kite jadi lembab... ni dari pengalaman aku la

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Post time 24-6-2016 07:30 PM | Show all posts
memory consolidation, memory pathways, Papez circuit etc adalah concept yg susah. Bila u terjatuh, u will remember the place u jatuh, dai kecik sampai ke tua; bila u hafal number phone umah u, u ingat sampai bila (kekadang, depa yg dapat sroke or brain injury, tetiba depa dapat hafal balik memory zaman kecil ni, even tho injuries depa menybabkan depa tak lagi dapat form new memory). maksudnya, ya, ada cicuits yg sebabkan memory terterap dalam kepala.

however, bukan smua memory mcm tu; interms of studying and education, what is important is understanding of the concept. a simple scenario is if u draw up the info in a diagram that u understand: u can recall this better eventho u tak lah memorize the knowledge behind this.

also, with age comes responsibility, new knowledge, new things to do, so jika pun ability kita sama je semacam kat skolah nengah dulu, the sheer amount yg kita kena hapal means that we will always not able to retain some info. Eg: masa kecik u tentu tak kisah pasal MH370, Brexit, najib etc.. but now u do

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Post time 25-6-2016 05:11 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
nak try amalkan oat, susu omega n teh gak laaa mcm @whadda ,,, heheh

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Post time 25-6-2016 08:41 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Jangan menghafal selepas asar

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Post time 26-6-2016 03:06 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
aku pn pelupa, kronik sgt

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 Author| Post time 6-7-2016 04:06 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
mokcikKSKB replied at 24-6-2016 04:56 AM
Kena byk baca lah..ulang2 byk kali ingat letew.dah tua2 ni bukan mcm remaja dulu semua benda sng abs ...

Yup dah try banyak kali. Kadang bila exam, ada 2-3 benda kita dah betul2 hafal boleh lupa balik. Stress woo

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 Author| Post time 6-7-2016 04:08 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
syadq replied at 24-6-2016 08:46 AM
Seingat aku lah time belajar anatomy-physiology dulu, memori ade dua jenis lah short-term and long ...

GNC supplements mahal sangat. Mostly aku beli bulk dari oversea sbb supplement kt Mesia rege cekik darah wuwuwuw. Tapi supplement aku telan bukan utk memory.

Dulu hosmet aku telan Ginkgo Biloba tp tak tahu berapa botol. Tapi hosmet aku tu memang cerdik so... ha gitulah citenya.   

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 Author| Post time 6-7-2016 04:16 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Edited by arrowtotheknee at 6-7-2016 04:35 PM
whadda replied at 24-6-2016 02:44 PM
try buang toksin dalam badan... nescafe atau coffee tinggalkan.. aku mmg peminat tegar nescafe.. tia ...

Hmm kau cakap ni baru aku teringat yg dah lama aku tak minum detox tea dgn green tea. Asyik lupa je   

Coffee tu memang fave aku. Aku siap telan caffeine pill utk kasi badan segar. But is it just me bila minum kafein, automatik jantung aku akan berdegup laju gila and ada rama2 dalam perut?      i hate this feeling so much!

Yg aku tahu, ada waktu tertentu kita patut elak minum kafein sbb dia berlawanan dgn hormon yg ada dlm badan kita. Sbb tu kita akan jadi mengantuk bila minum kafein pd waktu yg salah.

Btw, aku ada jumpa nootropic drug yg boleh boost memory kita named Armodafinil. It costs you an arm and leg for 10 pills only. Holy cow... ramai students yg consume pill ni bila time exam sbb nak score highest. Acah2 cite Bradley Cooper, Limitless. Hahaha

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 Author| Post time 6-7-2016 04:18 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
zulzaria replied at 25-6-2016 08:41 AM
Jangan menghafal selepas asar

A'ah, pernah dengar ni. Dulu orang2 tua pun ada pesan. Seeloknya hafal tengah malam, tengah pagi sampai tengahari okay.

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 Author| Post time 6-7-2016 04:33 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Edited by arrowtotheknee at 6-7-2016 04:36 PM
ipes2 replied at 24-6-2016 07:30 PM
memory consolidation, memory pathways, Papez circuit etc adalah concept yg susah. Bila u terjatuh, u ...

Doc, saya tak tahu kalau ia ada kaitan atau tak, tapi saya pernah makan Accutane 2x cycles. First cycle, the doctor prescribed me with 20mg and the second cycle was 10mg. I stopped taking it like a year ago.. and I suffered from back pain, mild depression and I actually think it affects my memory as well til now.

Bila buka acne forum, a few of them experienced these too. They even advise not to consume omega 3 supplement sebab liver kita dah terlebih Vit A. I'm not in a medical field.. so is this claim true? Should I run a liver test?

Skrg cuma usaha dgn food memory booster i.e. raisins, honey, etc. Rasa dia kadang2 yucky.. hahaha

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Post time 8-7-2016 04:39 PM | Show all posts
arrowtotheknee replied at 6-7-2016 04:33 PM
Doc, saya tak tahu kalau ia ada kaitan atau tak, tapi saya pernah makan Accutane 2x cycles. Firs ...

waahhh teruk sgt ke acne u, siap pakai accutane/ ro-accutane bagai.. kami kat sini mmg jarang sgt accutane ni.. eh ni bukan vit A tau, ini mcm viatmin A.. big difference tau.
Vit A adalh vitamin yg penting utk balanced living, utk mata etc.
Accutane adalah isoretinoin; ia adalah derivative dari vitamin A tadi (mcm api lilin dgn api yg tgh membakar rumah..bnda cam nak sama, tapi sgtlah berbeza).. side effects dia byklah sgt, dari depression sampailah ke kabur mata, tuli, ke liver disease dan kecacatan anak ke Crohns disease ke suicide ke generalized problems ke etc etc... bacalah pasal ni, internet kn utk tambah penegtahuan.

Kat sini, accutane ini hanya dermatology consultants je yg prescribed, takleh docs lekeh lekeh atau doc yg bukan dermatologist. Dan hanya di pakai sebagai ubat terakhir bila jln lain dah takde dah dan bila acne tu jenis yg merobek robek muka. Dan setelah pesakit consent dan akui akan terima side effects nye. Roche dah stop dah buat accutane ni in 2009; dah 5000 lebih org saman Roche tu.

Tapi mesia lainlah kan, semua boleh . Semasa kita tgh chat ni pon ade la tu docs kat mesia yg tak tau pon pasal isu ni dan tgh bagi ubat ni kat pompuan muda.. 2-3 thn  lagi pompuan tu dpt anak cacat, lalu doc tu pon kata lah alahh qada qadar.. hi hi ..klassik ; pastu mana mana yg dpt long term depression depa kata lah oh tu depress sebb org tu mmg tak kuat hati dia bla bla..juga klassik . Mesia is the best county in the wold, semua boleh.

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 Author| Post time 12-7-2016 12:43 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
ipes2 replied at 8-7-2016 04:39 PM
waahhh teruk sgt ke acne u, siap pakai accutane/ ro-accutane bagai.. kami kat sini mmg jarang sgt  ...

Teruk doc acne saya ni. Sebab muka saya VERY oily. Bila makan drug tu, memang betul2 dia suck up all the oil. My skin was so dry and I had to drink almost 4L of water everyday... bloated gila.

I took tetracyline/doxycyline, but the acne came back after awhile.     so the derms prescribed me with Accutane. Tak ingat first cycle ambil jenama apa, but the second cycle was Roche. Should I disclose here derms mana saya pergi tu? They're quite famous in Bolehland.

In fact, they did NOT run any liver test on me before & after those cycles. Unlike gov hosp derms dept, dorang akan betul2 run test on patients and recommend isotretinoin yg sesuai or other alternatives. Lgpun kat gov hosp isotretinoin lg murah kehkeh...

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Post time 12-7-2016 05:27 PM | Show all posts
arrowtotheknee replied at 12-7-2016 12:43 PM
Teruk doc acne saya ni. Sebab muka saya VERY oily. Bila makan drug tu, memang betul2 dia suck up a ...

No you should not disclose their names..aslos it is unnecessary adn also unfair jugak; as long as they are certified dermatologists and they know what they are doing, maka it is a valid treatment; and it is something that actually work really well (as you yourself already found out); cuma elakkan pregancy for about a year aftr u stopped accutane tuh.

ngapa muka u oily? secetion of sebum dari sebaceous glands tu adalah dibawah control testosterone (T) tau. T u dah check dah?

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Post time 18-7-2016 02:52 PM | Show all posts
whadda replied at 24-6-2016 02:44 PM
try buang toksin dalam badan... nescafe atau coffee tinggalkan.. aku mmg peminat tegar nescafe.. tia ...

aku pun peminat nescafe gak.
pantang ada dlm kabinet tu...

cer ko tepek gambo susu omega3 tu
oat pulak  ko try oat apa...ada gambo?

lagi satu..paket japanese green tea...

anak aku jenis yg lambat pickup bab2 menghafal ni...

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 Author| Post time 23-7-2016 11:37 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
ipes2 replied at 12-7-2016 05:27 PM
No you should not disclose their names..aslos it is unnecessary adn also unfair jugak; as long as  ...

Saya laki doc. Camne nak pregnant?     

Tak pernah buat hormonal check up.. tp pernah ada niat. Nanti saya cuba gi klinik berdekatan. Thanks for your helps!!

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