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Author: hhhhh

Hana Kimi - Ella, Wu Chun & Jiro Wang [PART 1]

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Post time 23-11-2007 08:39 AM | Show all posts
myst...romantiknya chun ye....suka tul nengok aksi dorang berdua nie...untungnya ella dapat chun...romantik giler ngan caring sesangat...

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Post time 23-11-2007 08:42 AM | Show all posts

Reply #19659 myst_leen's post

myst...aku sedang d/load mv nie...lunch nanti aku nengok...suka tul aku nengok aksi ce nie

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Post time 23-11-2007 09:49 AM | Show all posts

Reply #19660 babyface76's post

tuh la baby ...terasa macam Chun ni seorang yg sgt caring giler kat awek leen perasan , dengan Ella je la dia caring sesangat macam ni ..yg besnyer tu , fans sempat laks capture saat2 manis diorang ni ..ehehe..kalau ikutkan banyak lg gambo yg mmg sweet giler tak leh bawak mai sini ...

okes..nanti tgk la mv tu ..happy watching ..

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Post time 23-11-2007 10:13 AM | Show all posts
myst...awat pulak gambar aksi ce tak boleh post sini...
kalau rahsia pmlah kat aku...heheh

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Post time 23-11-2007 12:53 PM | Show all posts

Reply #19663 babyface76's post

ekekek..sebab copyright oleh baidu users .. tu yg tak leh bawak mai sini . huhu..okes.nanti aku emel ko kang bila aku free.. .btw ..penemuan terbaru ... golden shoes yg sama plak dah ...

credits Baidu

perhati kat kasut ella dalam gambo pertama ..sama je dengan kasut Chun dalam gambo kedua tu..cuma mungkin tali kasut je kuts lain sket?ehehe..adus , macam2 menda yg sama..lepas ni apa plak agaknyer yg sama..

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Post time 23-11-2007 01:23 PM | Show all posts

Reply #19653 myst_leen's post

akak da anta still xde la..xtau nape tp mmg ada user lain pm pun xdpt2.. kot2 ada prob ngn pm kot...yufa ada try anta kat dri x msk2 kat inbox..kat outbox ada..

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Post time 23-11-2007 03:17 PM | Show all posts

Reply #19655 myst_leen's post

da check profile da shu,lahir thun 87..kirenya umo 20..danson tu tang yu zhe ke?? kalo dia umo 23 kan..

akak rase umo yufa bape ek?? kita muda lg la.. belasan lg..

chun x spadan ngn akak?? eheheh..merendah diri btol la...
chun mmg ensem tp lg suke jiro dgn danson..

[ Last edited by  yufa_321 at 14-12-2007 12:09 AM ]

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Post time 23-11-2007 03:21 PM | Show all posts
byk gmbar ella..bestnya.. xing guang bang ni sape?? asal dgn ella??

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Post time 23-11-2007 10:56 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by myst_leen at 6-6-2007 01:12 PM
BOOM MV photoshoot

S.H.E latest interview article

When talking about the number of members in a group, 3 is  ...

wow ella..ella da boom...

[ Last edited by  yufa_321 at 23-11-2007 10:57 PM ]

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Post time 23-11-2007 11:08 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by myst_leen at 26-6-2007 04:28 PM
huwaaaa...missing this cute couple badly... ...

bestnya selak page2 dpn..jmpa byk gmba best..

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Post time 25-11-2007 12:46 AM | Show all posts

Reply #19664 yufa_321's post

ooh..patut laa..mmg yufa ade masalah dekat inbox tu rupanyer..nanti akak cuba forwardkan msg  laks..tgk kekalau dapat ..

umur yufa ..15 kuts?ehehe..tak tau ..main teka je la.. .ekeke..bkn merendah diri ..kenyataan la tu akak tak sepadan dengan chun ..ehehe.

ooh..da shu baru umur 20 ker..sebaya adik laki akak laa.muda belia lagi rupanyer..ehehe..oooh..baru tau yufa minat kat jiro ngan danson ..chun ni agak senior sket dah banding ngan jiro dan danson tu ..ehehe

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Post time 25-11-2007 12:49 AM | Show all posts

Reply #19666 yufa_321's post

yufa pun suka ek tgk gambo2 ella..ehehe..nanti akak pos banyak2 lagi .. .xing guang bang tu kiranyer junior ella kat HIM ..macam Fahrenheit jugak la..satu company dengan biasala , HIM selalu gunakan artis2 senior diorang untuk naikkan populariti artis junior diorang..itu mmg tektik HIM pada mulanyer.,..kiranyer Ella skang ni , macam jadi guide la bg XGB camner nak handle interview..camner nak berhadapan dengan kamera dan sbg .. cam tu la lebih kurang..

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Post time 25-11-2007 12:51 AM | Show all posts

Ella at Golden Compass Promo Event (24.11.2007)

Ella'svery pretty ..and I love her outfits too ..she really knows how tochoose the right colour combination and style for her outfits .. also..look at her wrist accessories..white in colour...elegant all her poses too .

and ..somehow ..I see lots of flowerstands from CE fans too ..huhuh..

credits to Baidu for all the pictures provided .

ehehe..tgk , sporting jer CE fans kat Taiwan ..rileks je anto standflowers letak gambo2 CE tu utk Ella..huhuh..

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Post time 25-11-2007 01:06 AM | Show all posts

Ella's msg on 24th of Nov 2007

發言人:Ella 發言時間:2007-11-24 15:59:53 回應篇數:152 人氣:3280
真是開心 耶
另外請大力支持 康娜當家 及 鬥牛要不要

thank you everyone for your support
only then will i always be the first
i really feel very blessed because so many people loves me
i really don't feel lonely
i really like my life during this period of time
going out with my friends
do what i like to do
occasionally attending some events
all of you will always be shouting, telling me to jia you
and even say that i'm very pretty
really very happy yeah
never expect that i will get rid of being handsome, and become pretty alr
however, i still think that i am very handsome lah
this is more like me lah
liking no matter who i am
also must thank everyone for liking who i am
i will continue to jia you
love you all
also, please support Kang Na Dang Jia and Bull's fighting
they are really something that i'm very proud of in my heart

translated by: babyval22 of CEFC and EGFC

*Ella voted no.1 for Taiwan Top 10 Idol 2007 ..huhuh..sepatutnyer petang tadi dia kena hadir ke majlis penyampaian anugerah tu memandangkan dia dah ade acara lain , iaitu event Golden Compass tu , so dia tak dapat hadir  ke majlis tu ..but then she never forget to thank her fans that voted for her yg aku suka kat dia ..ehehe..mmg skang ni perasan sgt dia happy ..nak tergelaks lak bila baca yg dia ckp ramai puji dia dah cantik , tp dia tetap rasa diri dia hensem lg (means boyish lg la ) the way , bro potato (HIM management) ckp dalam forum HIM semalam yg Ella akan ade big upcoming buat sementara ni dirahsiakan dulu projek apa..huhuh..yg ni yg tak sabar nak tau ni ..rerasa macam drama baru jer..

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Post time 25-11-2007 07:15 AM | Show all posts

Ella replied fan's msg (24 & 25.11.2007)

回覆者:Ella 回覆時間:2007-11-24 15:54:05 回覆這篇文章

can i ask how old must i be to join the young aunties
because of my age, i think i would be able to join alr right
just kidding
actually, i wanna thank you all for your love
i'm really very touched
since entering this industry
i have been receiving many people's care and concern
everyone is really very good to me
i must really thank all of you for always voting me as no. 1
i will jia you
i am now really very happy
very enriched
alot of friends are accompanying me
so i am not lonely at all
of course, also with your love
i can really became stronger and more courageous
whatever it is
thank you you all for loving so very much
i love you too

回覆者:Ella 回覆時間:2007-11-25 00:45:37

I din receive your letter
But i still wanna thank you for fetching me at the airport
hopefully, the next time, you would be able to pass me the letter

回覆者:Ella 回覆時間:2007-11-25 00:53:06

Don't be so extreme lah
the company has their own arrangements for me
what i have today, is also because of the company's grooming
you all should thank the company for giving me the chance
giving me the stage instead
you must learn how to appreciate and be thankful/grateful
also, haven i been emphasising
that i am really satisfied with my life now
i am really very satisfied
you understand?
therefore, have you guys thought before, that maybe this how i want to live my life?
and its not because the company never arrange for me any jobs on purpose?
i know you all love me
but if you love me, you all should love our company too
because of HIM
then you have SHE
everyone understand?
don't do any of these extreme measures actions alr
If you don't understand the company
i will feel very sad (xin teng)

*yang kat atas ni , Ella reply kat fans yg marah2 kat HIM International , sebab fans ckp HIM tak layan Ella dengan elok disebabkan oleh takde projek baru buat Ella ..tambah laks sebab skang ni Ella kena temankan XGB ke tempat2 lain sebagai salah satu cara nak promote XGB , tp media plak buat citer kononnyer bila diorang pergi ke Hong Kong hari tu , XGB dah lebih popular dr Ella..tu yg fans marah tu Ella nasihatkan fans yg marah2 kat HIM tu ..she's so considerate ..dan aku suka cara dia tegur tu ..

yang kat bawah ni ...Fans ni anto luahan rasa dia kat Ella ttg kematian ibu dia ..hurm ..tgk dari gaya penulisan ni ..mesti remaja lg ..and Ella replied her msg ..eventhough it's quite short , but her reply is really meaningful

發言人:LOVE SHE 發言時間:2007-11-24 18:46:38 回應篇數:32 人氣:760

Today is my birthday, but i am really sad cos i thought about my mother. Every yr, on my birthday, my mum would always spend it with me, but from this yr onwards, there won't be another chance. Because my mother has gone to look after Qiang Qiang. My dad, i dun have to say alr. When i was 2, they were alr divorced, and all along, my mum has been taking care of me. This year's birthday, i have one less person to spend with, and it is the most impt person of my life. I'm only 16, and i alr lost my mother. Why is god so unfair to me? Today, i haven eaten any cake, and i won't eat anymore in future. Because without my mum, i wouldn't celebrate my birthday anymore. Maybe because my mum knows that i've alr grown up, and dun need to be taken care of alr, thats why she went to taken care of QQ. I dunno why i am writing these, but my hands refuse to listen to me, and my tears as well..

Mummy, i really love you alot, and i really miss you. I dunno if you would be able to see it.

回覆者:Ella 回覆時間:2007-11-25 00:43:54
Don't cry don't cry
Ella jie jie (big sister) gives you comfort o
good child
you must be good
don't let your mum worry about you
I know you are really very obedient
your mum will always love you
pull yourself together
and be a useful good person wor

*no wonder she has so many fans that support her .. but there are still people who tends to hate her and also medias that love to write bad reports about her just because of her boyish appearance or not so pretty compared to other female artiste that love to wear 3 to 4 layers thick of makeup ...I just hate those kind of people..they never realize Ella's true quality , but yet easily judge her just based on her physical appearance.

[ Last edited by  myst_leen at 25-11-2007 07:18 AM ]

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Post time 25-11-2007 11:36 AM | Show all posts

Reply #19669 myst_leen's post

bkn 15..atas ckit..

btollah akak mrendah dri..ehehe..kalo org lain msti kata dri sndri ssuai ngn chun..

chun umo dlm 27@28 mcm tu kan..ske jiro dgn danson sbb diorg mcm mmberi inspirasi kat kita..huhu..

[ Last edited by  yufa_321 at 25-11-2007 11:57 AM ]

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Post time 25-11-2007 11:49 AM | Show all posts
[quote]Originally posted by myst_leen at 25-11-2007 07:15 AM
*no wonder she has so many fans that support her .. but there are still people who tends to hate her and also medias that love to write bad reports about her just because of her boyish appearance or not so pretty compared to other female artiste that love to wear 3 to 4 layers thick of makeup ...I just hate those kind of people..they never realize Ella's true quality , but yet easily judge her just based on her physical appearance.

[ Last edited by  myst_leen at 25-11-2007 07:18 AM ]

bengong punya wrtawan..mcm la diorg cntik..ella tu x mnunjuk2 kecantikan dia kat public..dia nk tunjuk kat bkl suami dia,wrtwn x puas hati lbih2 lg kalo wrtwn llaki..yg wrtwn prempuan lak dengki sbb ella x pyh pkai cntik2 or make up tebal2 pun ttp nmpk mnarik..

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Post time 25-11-2007 04:00 PM | Show all posts

Reply #19670 myst_leen's post

sukanya tgk wajah ella masa ni...cute bangettt....

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Post time 25-11-2007 06:12 PM | Show all posts

Reply #19673 yufa_321's post

atas sikit ?? 17 ? ehehe...a'ah Chun 28 thn ni dia nampak muda kan ? Danson dan Jiro bagi inspirasi ?? yufa tgk tak citer x-family lakonan diorang ? akak suka jugak dengan jiro dan danson tak la macam minat kat chun ..huhuh..

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Post time 25-11-2007 06:15 PM | Show all posts

Reply #19674 yufa_321's post

wartawan kat taiwan mmg mcm tu ..diorang suka buruk2kan artis diorang..tak tau la apasal yg diorang dengki sgt ntah ..pdhal ella tetiap kali kalau kena interview tak pernah la masam2 muka atau marah2..sentiasa senyum dan bagi je jawapan seikhlas hati dia.. hurm ..kekadang nak gelak baca artikel tulisan wartawan hiburan diorang..hiks.

ehehehe..tuh kalau dapat kekasih yg caring macam chun niii ...

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