Definition: Basically, your ass just got called out. Teens love to tell it like it is, after all.
Used in a sentence: "Mrs. Smith yelled at me in class for cracking jokes. Dude, I got chirped!" |
Definition: Um, it's like "though" but better, and used for emphasis. There really isn't much to it.
Used in a sentence: "Oh, dat test doe!" |
"Mupload that ish"
Definition: Teens LOVE technology, so they naturally have slang for the process of uploading pictures to social media via a mobile electronic device — hence, "mupload."
Used in a sentence: "Stacy, that was SUCH a great selfie. Mupload that ish to Facebook!" |
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Glamping, also known as luxury camping or glamorous camping. 2020 style of camping. |
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Edited by HujanBatuTiga at 19-6-2017 04:22 PM
Feel a bit under the weather
Meaning: Feeling slightly ill. |
Let sleeping dogs lie
Meaning - do not disturb a situation as it is - since it would result in trouble or complications. |
Not a spark of decency
Meaning: No manners |
to quit cold turkey –
to abruptly and completely give something up (i.e. drugs, alcohol, caffeine). |
minta ampun saudari Mod.tersilap pemahaman. 
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Category: Belia & Informasi