la..erra dah balik ka,pung ke?
tak sempat nak wish pada dia....
aku lak balik kg 12hb nie...cuti sampai 21hb...
lamalah tak dapat jenguk thread nie dan jugak thread romantic princess...huhuh
Q: (Fahrenheit members) If you have to choose from the 4 of them, who will you choose as your boyfriend, good friend, younger brother, and your husband?
A: This one ma... firstly, for younger brother, i would choose Arron. Because the moment you see him, you will feel like taking care of him. He belongs to that type of category of people. Furthermore, he looks like a very sensitive boy, when Arron cries, i think i will also cry along with him ba!
as for good friend, it will be Jiro. Being friends with him really makes me very happy.
after that, if it is boyfriend, it will be Calvin.
the feeling he gives me is that he is those soldiers(紳士?) who are very gentle and caring towards females. If i am dating with this kind of guy, i will definitely feel like a princess everyday!
lastly, as for husband, it is Wu Zun. Not only does he handles his family matters ,he also take care of all matters in the household...from cleaning to teaching kids very well, he also knows how to cook, and besides that, he is also able to settle his personal matters by himself,
if i am his wife, he can take care of me already ar (laughs)
*waaaa..aku suka dengan cara Ella jawab soalan ni ..huhuh..kiranyer dia mmg cam kenal satu2 personaliti ahli Fahrenheit seperti biasa..yg dia paling masak , dari cara jawapan dia tu ..mesti la Chun ..ehehe..aku suka sebab dia plh Chun sebagai husband ..erms ..huhu..mungkin sebab ini adalah Japanese mag , jadi dia tak rasa takut2 sgt nak bagi jawapan yg open sket..apa2 pun suka dengan jawapan dia yg ikhlas tu ..tgk camner dia puji Chun and tau camner perangai Chun ..pandai kemas rumah , pandai masak dan pandai uruskan masalah keluarga..ehehe..she must be really close to Chun , right ?? siap gelak laks tu lepas citer ttg Chun tau la Chun baca ke tak interview ni ..ehehe..selalunyer Chun yg akan bagi jawapan yg ade hints ttg ciri2 Ella..kali ni aku suka sebab majalah Jepun ni tanya soalan direct laks dah pasal Fahrenheit ..ekekeke.
[ Last edited by myst_leen at 8-10-2007 06:14 PM ]
rasanya semua suka nk pilih Chun sbg husband....ciri2 Chun tu mmg diketahui umum dan Ella pun mmg best fren dgn Chun.... dependable dan hensem face tu mmg bonusla
rasanya ni mag haryu jd mmg kenal la fahrenheit....utk mainstream blum lg...album versi jepun baru kuar dan frh pun x pernah lg buat promosi kat Jepun ni
yerp ..rsnyer mmg ramai yg akan plh chun jugak ...ciri2 Chun yg Ella ckp tu ..kira nyer mmg spesific giler..siap ckp boleh ajar kanak2 , boleh kemas rumah dan selesaikan masalah keluarga..yg paling best bila dia ckp chun can take care of her already ..and tetiba teringat laks chun pun selalu ckp yg ella mmg mmg really can take care of him ..pastu bila tgk ella plh chun sebagai husband..teringat psl chun ckp tentang taiwanese wife dan ciri2 ideal teman wanita dia dlm majalah colour tu ..ehehe..mungkin sebab leen ni CE fans..jd feel tu rs lain sket...
leen tak pasti tu mag haryu ke mag tu featuring S.H.E ..a'ah...Fahrenheit akan kuarkan album versi Jepun diorang bln nov ni kan ...
ehehee...baru tau kesah sebenar di sebalik 2 pic ni ...
quote babyval
credits: baidu
Haha... these 2 pic.. lols.. i found out that they are related.. lols. They were at a promo for Hana Kimi in Taiwan.. dunno which stop.. but whatever it is, this was what happened. They were talking about the kissing monster, and then Ella suddenly shouted, "kissing monster! kissing monster!" then.. haha.. Chun was very accomodating.. lols. He went towards her, giving the action like he wanna kiss her, of course he din really kiss lah. lols. In the pic where you see Ella trying to push Chun away, she was really trying to push him away to prevent him from really kissing her. Lols! So cute!!!!! hahahahahahahahah! So nice lah these 2..
credits to babyval @ CE FC . .Chun saje tease nak kiss Ella la ekk ..ekeke..kiut! haha..agak2nyer kalau Ella tak tolak Chun la masa tu ..apa yg bakal terjadi ek ? .ingat lagi dalam Ella lian ai bai fen bai ..bila Show ckp nak suruh CE buat safety kiss..cecepat Chun tarik shield tu dan ckp diorang tak perlukan shield tu utk kiss.. . yg tu pun kiut jugak ..ehehe.
Hi sume!Lama tak post kat thread ni...just baca2 je apa yg korg tulis.Nak ucapkan salam aidlifitri, maaf zahir batin kepada sume...leen, kak erra, tsu dan sume.Tak lupe kepada stalker artis malaysia yg dh berkembang ruang stalker nya ke taiwan...RUNNYL...BTW, ada satu vid yg runnyl mintak kite upload kt youtube yg dia amik ms kejo wuchun ari tu...lihatlaa hasilnya...selamat bercuti!
thanks biniwills...ekekeke..boleh dengar suara nyl , Wu Chun datang balik ke Malaysia tau .ekeke..ayunyer suara cik nyl kat sini .. .ekeke..cik mek tu bz duk buat biskut semalam ..jeles kat korang yg dah jumpa Chun live ni..suka jgk tgk Chun senyum dan ckp terima kasih .. btw ... nak ucapkan SELAMAT HARI RAYA AIDILFITRI DAN MAAF ZAHIR BATIN jugak buat semua warga yg pernah berkungjung ke thread ni .. biniwils , kak Erra ,tsu , babyface , moondance , Hana Hirokawa ,nyl ,eyka , hhhhh , dan semua sekali ...
Ella and Chun fanmade MV : Can't help falling in love
huwaaaaa!!!!! watching this mv makes me getting all giddy about CE ..hhuhuh...definitely one of the best CE mv that i've ever watched giler..banyak tul CE sweet moments..yg aku tak pernah tgk lg pun ade jugak..uhukss..bessttt!!
hurm ...tgk lam gambo ni pun leh nampak giler kemesraan diorang ...mmg betul gambar tak boleh menipu ..just look at the way Chun staring dreamily at Ella in the second picture..and also dalam the first pic ..both of them are really close to each other..Chun mmg very relax being around Ella..