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Author: Presiden_Lanun


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Post time 24-3-2014 10:53 AM | Show all posts
AdamBillionaire posted on 24-3-2014 10:38 AM
electronic bom di trigger guna elektronik..

komponen asas bahan bom tetap sama. cuma pele ...

tp electronic bom ni x meletop kan?
just shut off semua benda electronic..mcm benda2 dlm cockpit tu..hp..and segala gadget smpai bett jam pon off..
aku dpt tau ni pon org mindef yg cite sbb korea utara aritu try electronic bom ni kt korea selatan la..smpai mati segala benda electronic dorang..

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Post time 24-3-2014 10:54 AM | Show all posts
AdamBillionaire posted on 24-3-2014 10:28 AM
ni kes fake twitter hari tu ek?

bang Adam..

ehem.. dapat bagi twitter tu dak? lom bacer g.. tak tau nak backlog kat ne



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Post time 24-3-2014 10:54 AM | Show all posts
Presiden_Lanun posted on 24-3-2014 10:43 AM
KaLau Tak JumPa McM maNa puLak tu DiK?haTTa Kalu ThreAds MH370 Ni daH meNceCah VOL88,AdAkaH SyKt I ...

Kalau x jumpa.........................then kena ikut UNDANG UNDANG CIVIL  laaaa
Bila bley di istihar seseoghang itu mati/meninggal sekiranya tiada bukti??
Kalau dalam Enakmen Keluarga Islam plak.................berapa bulan or tahun? (utk istihar sudah mati/meninggal)

Sebab kehidupan mesti di teruskan.....
Mana laa tau..............ada yg nak kahwin laen. (perlu surat cerai/mati utk tentukan iddah nya)
Or nak transfer harta syarikat ke waris.


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 Author| Post time 24-3-2014 10:55 AM | Show all posts
scorpionkiki posted on 24-3-2014 10:48 AM
Kak... otak saya zig zag baca words yg kak type tu...rajin kak yer ngusik kami

MoHon PaKar-PakAr PeNGanaLisiS merUngkaI ArTikeL Innew.


Malaysia’s unwillingness to release the full cargo manifest from missing Flight MH370 will hamper the search effort
  • By Julian Swallow
  • News Corp Australia
  • March 24, 2014 11:27AM

French data shows possible plane debris[backcolor=rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.85098)]2:34

France has provided new satellite data showing possible debris from the missing Malaysia Airlines jet.

MALAYSIA’S continuing refusal to share the cargo manifest for Flight MH370 with an Australian-led search and rescue operation will hamper the effort to find the missing aircraft, an aviation expert says.

It is part of mounting concerns about the way in which Malaysian authorities have handled the search for the missing aircraft as it enters its third week.
Strategic Aviation Solutions chairman Neil Hansford said it also suggests Malaysian authorities are not being fully transparent about what the Boeing 777-200ER, which disappeared on March 8 an hour into a journey from Kuala Lumpur to Beijing, was carrying.
“To me, there is no reason why they wouldn’t declare the cargo manifest unless you’ve got something to hide,” he said.
“There is no reason you wouldn’t have given it to AMSA (the Australian Maritime Safety Authority) on the first day of the search.”
AMSA has requested a cargo manifest for Flight M370 from Malaysia Airlines.
The manifest is expected to give the search operation a better idea in identifying objects they spot in the Indian Ocean if they indeed came from the missing plane.
However, the Malaysian authorities to date have refused to release it, insisting the document is with the police who are conducting their own investigation into the cause of the plane’s disappearance.

Cargo ... exactly what was on missing Flight MH370?

“There is certainly no reason why they shouldn’t share a cargo manifest with a legitimate search agency because it will only contribute to the search effort,” Professor Jason Middleton, the head of the school of aviation at the University of New South Wales, said.
“I would have viewed that (not sharing the information) as unusual.”
Professor Middleton said the only reason he could think of for not sharing the information was that something of “Malaysian national interest” was being carried on the aircraft.
“But in that case you could just redact that bit,” he said.
He said the whole investigation had been “totally characterised by innuendo and false data”.
“One of the possibilities is that someone put something on board that wasn’t supposed to be there,” he said.
Australian, Chinese and French satellite images have picked up what might be large pieces of debris from the missing aircraft, which was carrying 239 passengers and crew, while aircraft scanning the area on Saturday spotted what might be pallets and cargo straps.
Mr Hansford said Australia was spending tens of millions of dollars looking for the plane in a remote section of the Indian Ocean, 2,500km southwest of Perth.
“Here we are, Australia at great cost looking for the aircraft, and Malaysia won’t even cooperate and tell us what was on the aircraft,” he said.

Message of hope ... people in Kuala Lumpur are still praying for MH370.

Malaysia Airlines chief executive officer Ahmad Jauhari Yahya on March 18 revealed the aircraft was carrying “three to four tonnes” of mangosteen.
Four days after that, he also confirmed press reports that the plane was carrying some small lithium-ion batteries but stressed they were transported according to International Civil Aviation Organisation (ICAO) rules.
Professor Middleton said a severe fire caused by lithium-ion batteries would require “gallons of fluid to put it out”, but said if this was the cause of the aircraft’s disappearance it would be unlikely it could have flown all the way to the southern Indian Ocean.

@juliez @tapibukanaku @C.K @Kelana36

Last edited by Presiden_Lanun on 24-3-2014 10:56 AM


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Post time 24-3-2014 10:55 AM | Show all posts
Presiden_Lanun posted on 24-3-2014 10:43 AM
KaLau Tak JumPa McM maNa puLak tu DiK?haTTa Kalu ThreAds MH370 Ni daH meNceCah VOL88,AdAkaH SyKt I ...

Kak... kan Allianze dah keluarkan preliminary payment tu... jangan risau... aircraft insurance ni mmg specialised... tak sama dgn insurance lain. Sbb tu MAS sanggup bagi mcm mcm sbb ia mmg under scope of cover... cuma kalau MAS sendiri yg sorokkan MH370... mmg kena sue lah sbb making a false claim..Cuma untuk liability for passenger tu, kalau tak jumpa mmg paling awal dapat dlm 6 tahun lah ( baru mula proceeding)

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Post time 24-3-2014 10:56 AM | Show all posts
FanTasyCreaTioN posted on 24-3-2014 10:53 AM
maaf ..
tertinggal ketapi..
kat ne nak bacer pasal yang iols quote tu?

takde cerita lg psl tu..
ni jiran yg bgatau..die ketua peramugara mas..
and die ckp dorang da kecoh benda ni...
my friend yg pilot pon ckp..hijack tak mungkin berlaku dlm tempoh yg kejap..


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Post time 24-3-2014 10:56 AM | Show all posts
lorelai posted on 24-3-2014 10:52 AM
takde la

kadang2 kite kene bukak minda and terima hakikat even hakikat tu nanti amat2 mengeciwakan kita..

Jangan terlalu berharap......   redhakan je la ape yg terjadi....

coz org yg terlalu berharap ni selalunye tak akan dpt terima hakikat bila dapat tau perkara yg sebenar..

The more you speculate.. the more hati tak keruan...

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Post time 24-3-2014 10:56 AM | Show all posts
juliez posted on 24-3-2014 10:52 AM
tapi kalau i pun.. i prefer dok rumah kut. at least boleh lari dari reporters..

kalau duduk  ...

kt rumah pun reporter kejar.... xdpt org amik gamba rumah pun jadi....
n tengok keadaan ler... if yg jauh susah lerkan....
MAS kata 3 kali sehari yea??? bohong ler... mula2 dulu je.. skrg ala2 xhirau pun..
klu kita msg baru jawab...sekarang ni brieffing katanya 2 hari sekali pulak.. tp hakikatnya dari ari
jumaat ke hari ahad semlm xada pun brieffing...

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Post time 24-3-2014 10:56 AM | Show all posts
AdamBillionaire posted on 24-3-2014 10:35 AM
tu lah pasal.. sedap2 je claim mati.. dh xsabar tamak nak duit..

manusia syaitan.

ish .. jgn la cakap manusia syaitan dam. lumrah la .. as family ... bila musibah macam ni harus la mintak conpensation sbb mmg tau ada kan. kita pk positve je .. dia org harap duit insurance pun tuk kelangsungan hidup. mungkin selama ni anak tu la yang bagi dia duit sara hidup.


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Post time 24-3-2014 10:57 AM | Show all posts
uda posted on 24-3-2014 10:28 AM
Kenapa tak boleh panggil 'stewardess'?
kenapa tak boleh minta tolong mereka angkat kan beg kat ko ...

Nak angkat naik senanglah tapi bila nak turunkan.
ekekeke betol.. betol..

tapi yer ke tak leh mintak dier rang tolong?
tak pernah mengalami sebab tak pernah bawak beg extra


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Post time 24-3-2014 10:57 AM | Show all posts
TimahMulia posted on 24-3-2014 10:39 AM
pakcik taufik kat rumah ni kata.
"tengok tengok jugak, budak tu apenye dibandingkan dengan 'penga ...


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Post time 24-3-2014 10:58 AM | Show all posts
tasha posted on 24-3-2014 10:51 AM
xada apa pun...balik2 psl rada cikai tu.. sakit ati je

blh faham camana family pax rasa... weols pn rasa mcm hampa je tiap kali pc xda update yg blh beri petunjuk... tiap kali jumpa itu ini... esok nya ckp petunjuk x berkaitan... hampa sgt... kdg2 rasa mcm sesaja je dorang create cerita psl petunjuk tu... aku mula la syak yg bukan2...

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Post time 24-3-2014 10:58 AM | Show all posts
Presiden_Lanun posted on 24-3-2014 10:55 AM
MoHon PaKar-PakAr PeNGanaLisiS merUngkaI ArTikeL Innew.

Kak... ni semua janganlah kak percaya....diaorang nak nama sajer berkaitan dgn MH370 ni..MAS kena bgtau maklumat pada orang yg patut sajer..takkan semua dia nak londeh pada umum...hatta the telegraph pun MAS tak bgtau detail.

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Post time 24-3-2014 11:00 AM | Show all posts
missyqaldina posted on 24-3-2014 10:56 AM
takde cerita lg psl tu..
ni jiran yg bgatau..die ketua peramugara mas..
and die ckp dorang da ke ...

oo teori baru ni
dan tak mustahil jugak ..
camne reporter terlepas teori ni lak yer?

ade org ckp sorang penumpang bwk electronic bom..and trtekan..
electronic bom bkn mcm bom biasa yg bole detect..
just mcm hp or any gadget..and cut off semua electronic yg ada..


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Post time 24-3-2014 11:00 AM | Show all posts
novlin posted on 24-3-2014 10:58 AM
blh faham camana family pax rasa... weols pn rasa mcm hampa je tiap kali pc xda update yg blh beri ...

aku bukan je syak tp suarakan terus.... rasa cm sesuatu sgt...

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 Author| Post time 24-3-2014 11:01 AM | Show all posts
scorpionkiki posted on 24-3-2014 10:58 AM
Kak... ni semua janganlah kak percaya....diaorang nak nama sajer berkaitan dgn MH370 ni..MAS kena  ...

PrOpa la KekdaHnya.AkaK Nak Ban NewS mCm Ni.

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Post time 24-3-2014 11:01 AM | Show all posts
tapibukanaku posted on 24-3-2014 10:37 AM
tengok ar payment camne..

payment bagus tak marah..tak sensitif pula...hehehehe....dalam hal ini kena radha...tak boleh marah marah...

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Post time 24-3-2014 11:02 AM | Show all posts
missyqaldina posted on 24-3-2014 10:53 AM
tp electronic bom ni x meletop kan?
just shut off semua benda electronic..mcm benda2 dlm cockpit  ...

itu jammer elektrik ..

jammer digital..

bukan bom..

kalau bom dah karam pesawat..

Harga 80 ribu usd belum masuk GST lg..

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Post time 24-3-2014 11:02 AM | Show all posts
scorpionkiki posted on 24-3-2014 10:58 AM
Kak... ni semua janganlah kak percaya....diaorang nak nama sajer berkaitan dgn MH370 ni..MAS kena  ...

nak nama..
jualan paper meningkat
rating blog mencanak2 naik


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Post time 24-3-2014 11:04 AM | Show all posts
AdamBillionaire posted on 24-3-2014 11:02 AM
itu jammer elektrik ..

jammer digital..

jammer digital.. sat g nak google

Thanks untuk info ni bang Adam


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