This is a story about two Liverpool supporters from Spain, dad (40) and son (8 ). Dad born in England, son in Madrid. Dad travel with his son some times in the season from Madrid to Liverpool in order to see a match of the reds.
Returning from seeing Liverpool-Spurs match (1-1 with that Torres' header in the injury time) dad told to his father: "Daddy! I think I just seen Torres here in the airport! He was wearing a baseball cap!".
Dad told him: "You must be confused... Torres wouldn't fly with EasyJet".
On the plane, when everybody was sit already, the son told him: "Dad! Watch there! Is Torres with the baseball cap, he is two seats in front of us! Tell him that sign my shirt please!".
Torres was sleeping, so despite son and dad's surprise from seeing him, he told him: "He is sleeping, he must be very tired, I can't wake up him!" (Torres was previous night in the opening party of Carra's restaurant and now he was flying to Spain in order to go with the national team).
After Torres woke up, dad went to him and told to Fernando: "Hello Fernando, sorry for disturbing you. We are living in Madrid right now and we are Liverpool supporters. Could you sign us some posters?".
Torres was talking with both of them and signed the posters: "Torres 9, All the best"
So, the boy said in spaninsh "Gracias". Torres surprised said: "Ah! So you are spanish!". In the second signing he wrote: "Con cari駉, Torres".
After that, dad asked Fernando to take a photo with his son but they were in the plane so they couldn't do it. Torres told them: "When we land, we'll take it. I am in a hurry because national team car is waiting for me but I promise you that we'll take that photo". But there were a problem, a big problem. Torres hadn't made the check in and they had made it, so they would have to take differente paths. They explained to Fernando that they can't take the photo because they had to go for the suitcase where was the cam. Fernando told them: "... don't worry, I'll wait for you".
After landing, dad and son went running for the suitcases but they didn't appear, there was a problem with the transfer from the plane to the airport. After 15 minutes waiting, they had them. But dad knew it and told his son: "You have to understand it, after 20 minutes Fernando won't be waiting to take a pic... he was in a hurry and national team cars are waiting for him". Despite that, dad and son went running to the place where they agreed the meeting... and Torres alognside a Mercedes-Benz from the spanish federation, talking by phone, was there waiting to take that pic.
Not many players wait 20 minutes for a supporter boy that ask you for a photo... |