aku rasa JAY, WY ngn taec mmg bley jadi comedian wat rancangan lawak kt tivi...takpun ganti si taehyeon ngn juri SGB...
biniwills Post at 7-8-2009 16:15
show SK ok gak...leh ganding dgn hodong...esp WY tp dowang nih melawok sbb being themselves...takder kober2 nyer...
2NE1 to perform Big Bang’s ‘Last Farewell’ on SBS Inkigayo this week
2NE1 will take up the challenge of being the real Big Bang.
Known as the female Big Bang, 2NE1 will be performing Big Bang’s hit song from 2007 ‘Last Farewell’ on SBS Inkigayo on 9th August.
They will be performing with their own colours and style, as agirlgroup with a fresh feeling choreography set, putting up anotherstylish performance.
Also on Inkigayo that day, there will be a girlgroup special where So Nyeo Shi Dae, 2NE1, Brown Eyed Girls, 4Minute and KARA will be having joint stages and a special VTR ‘The Chitchat of the girls’.
Also SHINee Key and TaeMin, and 2PM Wooyoung and TaekYeon will come together with another secret member to perform So Nyeo Shi Dae’s ‘Tell Me Your Wish’. FT Island and KARA will also be performing rock versions f their song.
Brown Eyed Girls and 4Minute will be performing a cross dance performance, and it will be the last performance of So Nyeo Shi Dae’s ‘Tell Me Your Wish’ on that episode.
2NE1 to perform Big Bang’s ‘Last Farewell’ on SBS Inkigayo this week
Also SHINee Key and TaeMin, and 2PM Wooyoung and TaekYeon will come together with another secret member to perform So Nyeo Shi Dae’s ‘Tell Me Your Wish’ ...
cajAzhari Post at 7-8-2009 20:29
wakaka...taec lawoknyer sbb dia yg paling tinggi nmpok janggal plak...wooyoung maintain comei... riben pink tak menahan tuh...rofl...
se7enstarz Post at 9-8-2009 19:21
ekceli muka taec cm paksa rela jerrr.......mat ssanti cm bese...ssanti sentiasa, tak tau malu nyerr....tp off topic jap taemin SHINee cantek gile ngn riben...
hehe...taemin mmg kiyoo...saper ntah komen kt yt td ckp onew cam gay...apara pny owang... dak tuh terlebey lawo jew...dh tuduh yg bkn2...neway, ha'ah pes2 nengok muker taec tros seben tergelak...:lo ...
se7enstarz Post at 9-8-2009 20:25
alah, pasal2 gay2 nieyh derang mmg suka bsing2 bnda cmtuh..bis tuh nk wat camne kan seben, korean punya singers mmg cenggitu kekdah nyer..kena aa pandai beza..kita yg bese tgk ni...benda tu dh cm bese kan...derang yg baru2 tgk ni yg byk komen cmtuh...ntah apa ntah...bagi Bin...derang sume lelaki sejati!!!uuu...tibe lak terbayang muka khunnie terbang tetibe dpn mata......uuuu...WY klaka sgt....2PM rawks!!! :pompom:..P/S:Onew ke Key?bukan Key ngn taemin kerr nyanyi lagu tuh?
wakaka...seben men taram jew...lom hapal namer dak2 shinee... mian...ingatkn onew...salah owang dah... nae, tul ckp ko...kiter yg dh biase nih tak heran ler dowang lebey lawo dr fomfuan...yg penting dowang tuh tulen... lufer plak nk komen psl suar taec...lawok la dia dgn suar mendek... pastu nmpk manly sgt...mat ssanti len ler...sonok dia nari genie...awwww...
gamaknyer klu jay dgn khun camner la dowang ek? kompem gulings2 seben gelak...klu ader jo kwon lg ler...
wakaka...seben men taram jew...lom hapal namer dak2 shinee... mian...ingatkn onew...salah owang dah... nae, tul ckp ko...kiter yg dh biase nih tak heran ler dowang lebey lawo dr fomfu ...
se7enstarz Post at 9-8-2009 21:47
uuuu....missed Jo Kwon!!!kalo ada dier konpem gempak gelang guling2!!!!!yg best psl Jo Kwon, dia tu jenis into the character...btol2 cm penyanyi pompuan...seriyes dia akan tiru sebijik ngn muka2 sekali!kalo khunnie....mmg cantek takle nk ckp apa laaa....siap ngn reben bagai...
itu key...
adesss..tergelak2 ak tgk prf diorg..so kiut..ngan reben atas pale...xleh blah tol...
10points of 10..hahaha
cajAzhari Post at 9-8-2009 21:38