dah cerai ke? Ya Allah.. kesiannya. tapi kalo itu yg terbaik, semoga redha dan tabah. FS pun ada biz inshaAllah mampu nk tanggung anak. hopefully jejai betanggungjawab pada anak2 dia..
Ada video baru di IG jejai, mcm nak pegi somewhere je....., mudah2an video baru n jejai bawak the whole family kecik dia pegi somewhere tuk tenangkan fikiran n memulihkankembali keharmonian umahtangga meka.....
fashasandha Seriously, antara drama terbaik di tahun 2015. Lakonan gred A! Congrats to Kubur Berdarah team. Adik @aydajebat @aedyxashraf @michaelang38 #kuburberdarah
michaelang38 @fashasandha omg tq so much for the compliments tqqqqqqq
Terharu.. Thank you sis @fashasandha tengok telemovie ni! Adik masih belajar,insyaallah one day jadi hebat macam sis! Hebat dan kuad!
Thank you semua yang tengok. Yang buruk jadikan teladan. Ingat,jauhi orang yang dibawah pengaruh dadah.. Buat jahat dibalas jahat. Thank you team production, makeup artis,wardrobes, my producer sis @datorafiena , director @michaelang38 & semua cast & semua yang terlibat! Awesomeeeee!
#Repost @fashasandha with @repostapp
Seriously, antara drama terbaik di tahun 2015. Lakonan gred A! Congrats to Kubur Berdarah team. Adik @aydajebat @aedyxashraf @michaelang38 #kuburberdarah
fashasandha How time flies. Anak ibu dah 2 years 8months, ready for school. Anak ibu ok and excited je, ibu yang sedih syahdu lebih. Is this normal? How to deal with this feeling? Pls share
Nampak mcm rumah bersepah. Tgh kemas2 barang nak pindah la tu.
Meols doakan yg terbaik utk fasha n her mini family
fashasandha Pretty Mak Su is trying her best to cheer up the kids Keluarga, Biar tak kaya dengan harta didunia, tetapi kaya dengan kasih sayang. Kasih sayang yang ikhlas. @elisyasandha
Post time 21-12-2015 02:56 AMFrom the mobile phone|Show all posts
Edited by esteryen at 21-12-2015 10:08 AM
Tengok video ni mmg harap fasha n jejai will remain strong for their mini famili/marriage tapi the same thing will happens again n again.
Tengok je all these while okay je fasha with her in-laws. Neno pisah je, drama noratryme berlaku n obviously kat post dramatic tu nenektua tu mmg penyumbang untuk orang bash fasha.
Kalau anyone of us kat fasha's situation tu pun akan terkilan.
Ya lah, baru je semalam elok2, tetiba hari ni IG penuh notices yg tagged nama kita ngan komen caci maki siap ex-wife hubby n famili komen2 perli2 sindir2 n mentioned our name and MIL pula buat bodoh..siapa tak terasa?
Tambah ngan SIL bodoh bongak yg all these while before drama noratryme pun elok je ngan kita tetiba buat statement yg kita buat dosa besar kat MIL.
Just proves all these while hati mereka mmg xpernah truly accept fasha.
Dari fasha susah payah to plan surprise buffdays get-together for them, and they wont be thankful and appreciate pun. Anytime je ada issue nora vs fasha, MESTI famili jejai ni backup nora. As if all these while apa yg fasha buat for them is nothing.
I lagi suka kalau fasha spend more time with her big famili. Mama, UnclePapa n siblings dia. These are the true souls yg betul2 nak tengok fasha bahagia n gembira. And these are the ppls who stood up for her.
menyampah aihh baca komen2 kat ig tu..asal pasah up ape2 je suh delete konon menimbulkan speku yg xelok la mengaibkan suami n mertua la..kalau belah sane up2 ape2 bile ade yg suh delete pndai plak ckp ig dornag suke ati dorang..aiii time pasah lagu ni plak..