That Winter, The Wind Blows (Song Hye Kyo & Jo In Sung)
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cute kapell... |
rosannazmia posted on 29-3-2013 02:08 PM 
tulaaa air idung kuar pon tetap kawaii...cer kalau org lain rase mcm nak tampaq jer tgk ayaq idung ...
hahahaha....!!! episod smlm sub da complete ke? x sbaar blk nak sedut lps tu tunggu mlm2 sambung tgk. heeee
lionsleepin posted on 29-3-2013 02:42 PM 
hahahaha....!!! episod smlm sub da complete ke? x sbaar blk nak sedut lps tu tunggu mlm2 sambung t ...
dah adaa tp kaka tak sanggup tgk yg ada subs..kaka yg raw smlm pun pilih2 adegan yg ade oh soo n youngi shj..
rosannazmia posted on 29-3-2013 02:48 PM 
dah adaa tp kaka tak sanggup tgk yg ada subs..kaka yg raw smlm pun pilih2 adegan yg ade oh soo n ...
tgk raw smlm meluap2 plak bila tgk youngi. call oppa lepas tu ckp ngn oppa mcm stranger. huhu
xkan semudah tu ko buang oppa fake ko...da ler oppa pun letak balik duit jota2 tu...
ape kejadah nak bunuh diri...baik laa mati mase surgery 
watak SoRa abis cam gitu je ke..
dia bawak lari duit 7.8B tu kan...ermmmm |
rosannazmia posted on 29-3-2013 02:59 PM 
dia depressionn..kaka paham org depression ni mmg kalau low sgt perasaan dia akan pilih jalan suic ...
nape dia nak depress cenggitu skali? kan ke dia da balas dendam ngn wang biseo & oppa dia?
oh pelakon sendiri jatuh chenta...at least dpt kiss pipi oppa drp kite2 kat sini hari menanti carold upload gifs & pics oppa.
hahahaha. oh soo mmg laa best tp xtau oppa JIS best ke x. tgk dia dlm infinite challenge wayyy back tahun bile tah mcm
malu2 jekkk
carold posted on 29-3-2013 04:45 PM 
renungan mata oppa
gif no 2 ni....bayangkan if heols langgor tiang. kita gelak ke nanges? hahahaha!
carold posted on 29-3-2013 05:26 PM 
kalau dah angau tahap tak sedor diri sama oppa..
oppa tertonggeng ke..terlentang ke
oppa tetap ...
ade legendary gif dlm what happend in bali tu yg jd bualan smp skerg msa scene dia nages tu buruk beno tu yg jd meme tu ek..aiols x tgk ceta tu so x tau tp jd meme tu femes la gak ek...kalau dlm TWTWB ni aiols tgk xde la muka gaya gitu, even nages pon aiols rase dia masih dpt mengekalkan keenseman heolss..
Last edited by rosannazmia on 30-3-2013 01:44 AM
tngok movie gay jo in sung terus tk jadi nk lyn drama ni...terbawa2  |
Dah tgk epi 15. Byk babak yg menyayat hati. Moo chul ucapkan selamat tinggal for everybody. igt mati kerana sakitnya, tapi kena tikam. Tapi tak taulah kalau ajalnya di situ. Isshhh, young pulak, hiris nadi. Tapi kalau ikut biasa2, tak boleh bawa mati. My student ada yg buat mcm ni. Dtg sekolah, tgn berbalut, tanya kenapa, luka katanya. Risik2 rupanya hiris urat nadi. Katanya, masa buat tak sakit, lagi sakit masa kena jahit. 7 jarum.
Eh, dah melalut.
Harap Young dapat diselamatkan. Dan Oh soo dpt selamatkan dirinya dari Kim. Jgnlah ending ceta ni buat kita trauma makan tahun. Hope, happy ending. |
sori ye tbe2 menyelit kt sini...
tumpang tanya... cite ni mmg dah cnfrm 16 ep je ke?? |

Writer Noh Hee Kyung of “That Winter, The Wind Blows” praised Jo In Sung and his attitude toward the drama. Currently, Jo In Sung is starring in “That Winter, The Wind Blows” as Oh Soo. His detailed acting in different emotions and sentiments have been garnering much attention since the drama started.
Noh Hee Kyung commented on Jo In Sung, “The most memorable line from him happened when we were all gathered for script reading at 1am and Jo In Sung started sobbing as he was saying this one line, that represents all the guilt and emotions Oh Soo was feeling.”
She explained, “He expresses each and every word and its meaning through his entire body with the entirety of his soul. He understands living, dying, burning passion, driven crazy, and other adverbial phrases and successfully executes them. When I watch him act, I reflect back on myself and think about why a drama should never be fake and should always be able to show the humanly aspects.”
She continued to praise Jo In Sung, “I’ve been surprised over and over again by Jo In Sung’s interpretation of Oh Soo. I will never be able to forget him, his passion, and how he was totally engulfed by his character and the drama. We are looking at the beginning of a legendary actor. All we have to do as viewers is to be smitten by him. For the industry experts, this is worth a toast.”
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