me jeles dgn soojin girls day tu..jonghyun rapat dgn dia
twinkystar Post at 7-5-2011 20:00
betul2..siap cakap nak wgm dgn sojin
Sojin of Girls Day & Jonghyun went same music institute at Busan. She is the one who held JH's hand when CNBLUE won at the music show.
Apr.21 Simsimtapa, Jonghyun was asked which girl group he is interested in now. Jonghyun answered Girls Day. And he said Sojin nuna and he went the same music institute.
Apr.22 Sukira, Jonghyun was asked if he filmed wgm who he want to do with. He answered he wants to do with Sojin. And he said recently he filmed a music show(Director's cut2) with her, he really enjoyed it. He said she was a good singer.
cr saturn @ twitter
orkestra Post at 7-5-2011 20:49
jelestapi soojin nampak cam okay..okla relakanme prasan soojin tu mmg suka Jonghyun..semacam jer cara dia pandang Jonghyun masa kat director cut tu..obvious sgt fangirl moment
me baca kat mana tah, Jonghyun cakap masa radio interview..
dia dh date 8 girls..aigoo ramainyer..buat koleksi gf ker apa...semua older than him
diam2 berisi neh, merbahaya..kena ikat jer x yah kasi keluar
minit 4.37 terselit rakyat Malaysia..untung nye derang..zafran nama dia
kalau la kaka kat situ.., dah gi serbu yong,jungshin,jinwoon,changmin
amik pic banyak2..cubit2 pipi sorang2