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Author: twinkystar


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Post time 8-3-2010 06:50 PM | Show all posts
bahagia sbb babies dh perform kt rancangan cekelat~~~

klu la semer bangumi mcm rancangan cekelat nih...

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 Author| Post time 8-3-2010 10:33 PM | Show all posts
tula kittie least dorg dpt perform live...
dorg nak balik jepun dh..bagus2...keep learning and improving^^

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Post time 8-3-2010 11:11 PM | Show all posts
tp okla twink2... at least derang smpt gak perform live di akhir2 promosi nih...

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Post time 8-3-2010 11:45 PM | Show all posts
bahagia sbb babies dh perform kt rancangan cekelat~~~

klu la semer bangumi mcm rancangan cekelat nih...
Kittie Post at 8-3-2010 06:50 PM

ooooooooooooo...slamer ni kat inki, mucore..mubank tu seme bukan live yer???

eh jap...rasa aritu cam kittie ada ckp sal cekelat neh... yg masa tu ef ti ai yg perform kot.....

tgh donlot yang kat cekelat tu....lambat lg nk siap

motip ai masuk umah YH??? sebenarnya dh jatuh chenta lps tgk WGM..

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Post time 9-3-2010 01:18 AM | Show all posts
dah ngntuk...... tp sblum out ~~~ nk luah pesanan jap .....

chagiyaaa ~~ jgn lahhhh rapat2 sgt ngn magnae tuuu..... iols taw lah uols dh kawen tp u promissss olok2 jer kn... ai dh jelezzz tahap gaban dh ni.... iols dh smpai tahap mkn separoh kenyang , mandi lelembap jerk, tido kdg lena kdg tido2 ayam jerk ni... kang ai bgik surat darah ayam kang .......   aik..... emo blik.....yonghwa arrr ~`!!!!


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 Author| Post time 9-3-2010 01:59 AM | Show all posts
CN BLUE MESSAGE(translation)

leader Yonghwa

20100307 Music makes me high!

This is CNBlue's leader, Jung Yonghwa.
The message I postedjust after our debut felt like it was only a few days ago but we havealready done our final stage without realizing it.
Time seems to pass by really quickly.
I am always thankful from the bottom of my heart for the huge love we have been given in this short period of time.
It is a pity that we are unable to thank everyone individually, one by one, however,
I will take my time to think of everyone individually ^^

Though we had a lot of work and issues here and there, we are here to learn constantly.
We are learning from experience.

To everyone who always looked over us and became our support when we were in times of difficulty and weary,
with my whole heart, I would like to say I love you.
We will now start all over from the beginning.
Start from the beginning with us too, everyone.

Thank you always and like how everyone rooted for us, we will cheer you on too.

Weare always working hard to meet the expectations of everyone and tillwe, CNBlue, becomes the grandpa band, please give us lots of love.

CNBlue fighting!
Music makes me high!

------------------FROM JONG HYUN----------------------

Hello, this is Jonghyun.
I had many thoughts over our first promotional activities, it was really a precious period of time.

I am very thankful to everyone who have helped us and the fans.
Though it was our last broadcast today, we will work even harder to let everyone listen to better music.

We promise to show you great development the next time you see us.

In the future too, we will be CNBLUE who works hard and grow assiduously.

Be careful not to catch a cold.

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 Author| Post time 9-3-2010 02:02 AM | Show all posts
[------------------FROM MIN HYUK----------------------


This is Minhyuk in-charge of the drums.

We have finished off the promotions for CNBLUE's first album, Bluetory, today.

I am really thankful for the huge love and support we received from our debut to the present.

Thoughwe had prepared a lot for the first album, we will prepare even moreand make up for our lacking to show a better image in front of everyone.

Iwill show everyone a good image as an MC. I still get very nervousattending an activity alone without the hyungs and Jungshin but I willput in great effort. Please give me support.

Please give us CNBLUE! Lots of love and interest in the future. We will show you a better image.


------------------FROM JUNG SHIN----------------------
Hello everyone
This is Lee Jungshin who is in-charge of the bass in CNBLUE!
We, CNBlue, have really received a lot of love from everyone with our first album, Bluetory.

Withthe showcase on January 14 as the starting point and Inkigayo as theconclusion on March 7, our album promotions for Bluetory has ended!

Beforeour debut, we had received a lot of concern and had a lot of work to dobut I want to say that I am really grateful to everyone for giving usstrength and constant support!

We will prepare zealously for the 2nd album and meet everyone again.

We, CNBLUE, promise to be a band that is always improving!

Please anticipate for our next album and give us, CNBLUE, more love too.

Thank you!

CR: 이정신 @ (original source) + CrystalHeng @ CNBlueSGFC (translation)

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 Author| Post time 9-3-2010 02:03 AM | Show all posts
JSH Love FM, [100225]

credit : sbs + cnblue baidu

[ backstage ]






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 Author| Post time 9-3-2010 02:05 AM | Show all posts


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 Author| Post time 9-3-2010 02:05 AM | Show all posts
2010.03.04 MCountdown Official Pix

credit: MNet

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 Author| Post time 9-3-2010 02:07 AM | Show all posts
[FANTAKEN PICS] Digital Seoul Culture Arts University, 2010.03.05


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 Author| Post time 9-3-2010 02:07 AM | Show all posts

credits:-as tagged | pennylanechic@codeazurro

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 Author| Post time 9-3-2010 02:12 AM | Show all posts
Post Last Edit by twinkystar at 9-3-2010 07:09

nanti me tepek hadiah2 yg fans bg dorg utk 100 day celebration of Yonghwa DC Gallery establishment..
Yonghwa Dc gALLERY neh adalah fans Yonghwa since dia berlakon YAB
dorg bg dia IPOD..
dorg bg jugak hadiah utk CN BLUE..
the boys dapat wallet yang ada initials dorg..
and lots of food and drinks..

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 Author| Post time 9-3-2010 02:14 AM | Show all posts
Let's Go! Dream Team Season 2 (Eunhyeok Super Junior, Yonghwa CNBLUE, Brian) English Subtitle


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 Author| Post time 9-3-2010 02:15 AM | Show all posts
some unseen pics of Skoolooks

C: On picture, & huttkung @

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 Author| Post time 9-3-2010 02:18 AM | Show all posts

aima, jgn jeles


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 Author| Post time 9-3-2010 02:19 AM | Show all posts

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 Author| Post time 9-3-2010 02:21 AM | Show all posts

our cool drummer


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 Author| Post time 9-3-2010 02:25 AM | Show all posts
2010.02.26 Park Myung So Radio - YongHwa & MinHyuk

credit: imbc

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 Author| Post time 9-3-2010 02:27 AM | Show all posts
TRANS] 2010.02.25.JSH Love FM part 2/3 (During the interview, Yonghwa was asked about Seohyun)
-The hosts scold the fans for demanding a divorce: "How can he divorce after just getting married?" LOL.
-Yong-hwa says that after meeting three times, their interactions are still very awkward.
-They found a house already!!!
-The host asks Yong-hwawhat Seo-hyun is like. He answers that her real personality seems to bethe same as the personality she projects on broadcasts, i.e. innocent,clear. (When he describes her as being "very innocent," the fansscream. tongue.gif) The host jokes that the fans do not look happy andthat it'd be very safe to make fun on Seo-hyun. Of course, Yong-hwa does not feed the unhappy fans at Seo-hyun's expense.
-The host asks the rest of the members what they think of Yong-hwa getting "married." Basically, Jung-shin thinks that Yong-hwa'sface has gotten clearer, his mood has gotten better (oh ho, who'senjoying this marriage? biggrin.gif), and he never betrays how tiredhe's feeling. (The host says it must be Yong-hwa growing into his role as a man.) "Overall," says Jung-shin, "I think [the marriage] was a good thing."

credits:-ljphantom@soompi>sweet potato couple thread

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