dineo replied at 4-6-2019 11:48 PM
sugul jer nampak putera bongsu charles tu... teringat kat anak and wife kut
Ke sebab terpaksa datang and kena berdepan dgn Mnunchin aka bekas pelanggan his so beloved wife?  terpaksa tebalkan muka gitchewww |
eh, bukan princess diana tak suka pakai tiara ni ke sebab berat, tu yg dia lebih suka pakai tiara spencer.
dani-rox replied at 5-6-2019 11:49 PM
ikut protokol, raja/queen, pemimpin kemudian barulah diikuti pasangan mereka
kannnn, klu nak salam pom dia nak salam dulu ... klu kita melayu pon apa apa suami dulukan ... mana ada istilah ladies first |
ingat tak bideo masa dia org kat Morocco, MM terhegeh2 berada di depan PH dan terus greet raja negara tuh. Tak psl2 dicop 'repugnant' oleh reporter 
dani-rox replied at 5-6-2019 11:49 PM
ikut protokol, raja/queen, pemimpin kemudian barulah diikuti pasangan mereka
Boleh pilih sebab kelakuan MM berdasarkan salah satu sebab di bawah atau kesemuanya sekali.
1. PH kan dikatakan feminist gak kan - according to MM la. Senang cakap PH dah kena henpecked
2. ‘Just becoz you’re white you get to go first? No way!’ Race card activated
3. ‘I’m Meghan! It always about me, me, me!’ |

Selamat hari raya kepada bawang army kat benang ni. Semoga enjoy menyambut hari raya dan selamat perjalanan jika balik kpg halaman |
Edited by eva at 6-6-2019 07:19 AM
dani-rox replied at 4-6-2019 04:21 AM
Hasil CSI ai setelah terbaca seorg poremer dlm LSA dan tumblr mention psl US Treasury Secretary dan ...
wooow sis..
depa kata ada new video.. mcm sis ckp dlu... berak, kencing and nasty nasty things... OMG |
rosewhite replied at 4-6-2019 08:30 AM
On June 3, 2019, Queen Elizabeth II hosted a State Banquet at Buckingham Palace in honour of US Pres ...
wooow thanks sis.... Melanie looks gorgeous even without tiara... she looks like Audrey Hepburn.. OMG.. |
emptybotol replied at 5-6-2019 02:09 PM
Ke sebab terpaksa datang and kena berdepan dgn Mnunchin aka bekas pelanggan his so beloved wife? ; ...
bukan sekali dua kan.. dgn Ratner MM bg free service je utk role dlm movie.. Mnunchin klau spill some tea pd Kate, mesti mengelupar si MM.. hahaha.. |
I read kat Skippy.. Donald Trump dtg UK for several reasons termasuk la nak antar satu file dipanggil LID file kpd QE, kedua nak bw Assange ke US menaiki AF1 bersama balik ke US.LID file tu khabarnya abt dirty secrets of MM. Dorg kata wait next month mcmana  |
dani-rox replied at 5-6-2019 11:49 PM
ikut protokol, raja/queen, pemimpin kemudian barulah diikuti pasangan mereka
Kann .. MM je bingai broke the law .. Choii |
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Edited by joy_ah at 6-6-2019 06:55 PM
Content news yang i deliberately amik untuk buat meghan nampak bertambah busuk dan hina
“They add that moving away from Kate and William is that goal.”
He continued: “Meghan knows if she stays in Britain, this will always mean living in their shadow.
“Meghan is not the type of girl who is happy coming in second place.”
Buckingham Palace insiders believed Harry and Meghan did consider moving to a Commonwealth country in Africa after little Archie was born.
He continued: “After her baby shower in New York, Meghan knows she and Harry could do this, and if they did do this, they would become the unofficial King and Queen of America.”
The expert’s speculation continues the rumour of a feud between the two duchesses.
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dani-rox replied at 5-6-2019 11:49 PM
ikut protokol, raja/queen, pemimpin kemudian barulah diikuti pasangan mereka
Ewww who is this uncultured swine?
lama meols perati
kemila kenyit mata kat sapa tu
joy_ah replied at 6-6-2019 07:54 PM
lama meols perati
kemila kenyit mata kat sapa tu
Haa kann .. I pun tertanya tanya gak. Ingat kan i silap pandang. Huhu |
Masuk mencelah sambil kekenyangan juadah raya uolsss. Selamat hari raya from me to makcik2 bawang royals. |
slavehunter replied at 6-6-2019 09:35 PM
Masuk mencelah sambil kekenyangan juadah raya uolsss. Selamat hari raya from me to makcik2 bawang ro ...
Selamat hari raya sis |
Selamat Hari Raya Semua.. TTC esok minta2 meggot x join... Prince Louis punya debut esok... mak.oiii cumilnya  |
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