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Author: hhhhh

Hana Kimi - Ella, Wu Chun & Jiro Wang [PART 1]

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Post time 27-8-2007 09:43 PM | Show all posts

Reply #18139 errasazza's post

sape yg beria ambik pix tu...reporter ke artisnya....mst excited btul geng ni

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Post time 27-8-2007 09:44 PM | Show all posts

Reply #18137 errasazza's post

tak tahan le tgk pic anjing  kat tshirt Ella tu...buruk beno rupenya

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Post time 27-8-2007 09:48 PM | Show all posts

Reply #18141 tsukushi's post

tu la...tak berkenan betulla kat skarf chun tu...hehehe...tapi nasib baikla style...nampak gak encemnya...hehehe

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Post time 27-8-2007 09:56 PM | Show all posts

Reply #18144 errasazza's post

haha Chun pakai apa2 pun stylo....
Chun pakai jam yg mana satu...x clear sgt

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Post time 27-8-2007 09:56 PM | Show all posts
Chun, Jiro and Ella arriving at Incheon Airport:

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Post time 27-8-2007 10:05 PM | Show all posts

Reply #18145 tsukushi's post

akakka....memg stylo...tapi Jiro pun makin cute gak skrg ni...hehehe

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Post time 27-8-2007 10:10 PM | Show all posts
2007년 8월 27일 (월) 20:40   마이데일리

대만배우 엘라, "윤은혜와 남장연기 비교, 기분좋다"

[마이데일리 = 임이랑 기자] 대만 드라마 '화양소년소녀'에서 남장연기로 사랑받은 배우 엘라가 윤은혜와 자신의 남장연기를 비교하는 일부 평가에 대해 기쁘다는 소감을 밝혔다.

엘라를 비롯한 오존, 왕동성 등 '화양소년소녀'의 주연배우들은 27일 6시 30분 서울 여의도 63시티 국제회의장에서 열린'2007 서울드라마어워즈(Seoul Drama Awards 2007)' 리셉션에 참석해 자리를 빛냈다. 드라마 속에서 남장을한 여자주인공으로 출연해 '커피프린스 1호점'의 윤은혜와 비슷한 연기를 선보인 엘라는 시종일관 발랄한 모습으로 행사에 임했다.

한복을 입고 가야금 연주를 하는 연주단을 사진으로 찍는 등 한국에 대한 깊은 관심을 표현한 엘라는 "한국 드라마를 아주 좋아해지금 무척 흥분된다"며 방한한 느낌을 전했다. 또한 "원빈을 좋아한다. 직접 안아보기도 했다"고 좋아하는 한국배우를 꼽았다.

윤은혜가 남장 연기를 선보이는 것에 대해서는 "직접 본 적은 없지만, 이야기를 많이 들었다. 쾌활하고 재미있는 작품이라고들었다"고 말하고, "경쟁심은 전혀 없다. 비교되는 연기를 하는 것에 대해 기쁘게 생각한다"며 환하게 웃었다.

Here is the translation of the above article.

Ella,well loved for her portrayal of a character in the Taiwanese Drama HanaKimi, reveals her joy for being compared to Eun Hae Yoon for theirportrayals of being a woman pretending to be a man.

Ella, alongwith Wu Zun and Wang Dong Cheng who are the main characters of "HanaKimi" brightened the reception with their attendence for the 2007 SeoulDrama Awards at 6:30pm on the 27th at Seoul Yeo Yi Do 63 InternationalConference Center. In the drama, showing a similar character as Eun HaeYoon in Coffee Prince 1, attended very lively to the event. (Huh? thatlast sentence didn't make much sense when translated)

Takingpicture of the performers dressed in korean traditional dresses playingtraditional instruments she showed deep interested in the Koreanculture. "I love Korean drama's so I'm very excited" she also said, "Ilike Won Bin. I even got to hug him." and picked the Korean actor thatshe likes.

As far as Eun Hae Yoon's portrayal as a womanpretending to be a man she said, "I haven't seen it in person but I'veheard a lot about it. I've heard it's a very fun drama. (didn't reallysay drama more like "work" but didn't seem to make sense in english)."I don't feel in competition, I feel happy that we're being compared inour portrayals." and smiled brightly.

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Post time 27-8-2007 11:00 PM | Show all posts
stary's update


Finally I got to know which channel they are airing the awards - at MBC.
With regards to the timeslot I'll update you girls.

Because what is being shown now on MBC is as follows:
23:05 서울 드라마 어워즈 2007 (1부) 임경진
00:15 서울 드라마 어워즈 2007 (2부) 임경진

And it's being put to light grey (probably not confirmed).

- To watch live, go to and download the programme by clicking .
- Install the programme.
- Then go to韩国
- And click on MBC. There are a few MBC channels which I've just realised. I'll check which is the correct one and I'll update you all. smile.gif

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Post time 27-8-2007 11:37 PM | Show all posts

Reply #18139 errasazza's post

kak errrrraaa!!!!! huhuhuhh..rasa nak menjerit niiii!!! huhuh..walau pun ella tak pakai dresss lawa gilerrr!!! lepas tu yg excited sangat ni sebab nyer dia guna digi cam wu chun nak amik gambo.,..huhuhuhh...pastuuuu!!!! kak erra perasan takkk??? ella dan chun sesama tak pakai cincin diorangggg!!!!chun pakai dia pakai kat jari lain ella laks tak pakai nampak yg kat jari chun tu mcm cincin lain jee..hiks.tak dapat nak dipastikan lagi skang nii ..ekeke. memang sah2 dahhh niii ..kenapa diorang tak pakai cincin tuu ?? sebab nyer diorang tak nak pihak media cam yg tu seolah2 macam couple ringgg!!! huhuhuhuh!!!!aaaaaa..comel gilerrrr si ella dan chunnn!!!adess..sabo je la..time sesi bergambo pun si ella kena berdiri sebelah jiro

[ Last edited by  myst_leen at 27-8-2007 11:56 PM ]

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Post time 27-8-2007 11:54 PM | Show all posts

Reply #18146 errasazza's post

huwaaa..tak dapat tgk klip ni yg leen tauu ..ella kuar jalan sensorang ..lepas tu baru jiro dan chun kuar kat belakang diorang..and nampak sangat la yg diorang nak elakkan dari gossip ..sebab masa sesi bergambar jiro kat sebelah yg bestnyerr..tanpa diorang sedari sempat jugak amik gambo chun kat sebelah ella masa bukan sesi bergambo ..huhuh..nampak sangat la yg diorang berdua ni cuba renggangkan jarak diorang sket depan kamera jee..belakang kamera lain hal nyerrr..huhuhuhh...ahakss..

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Post time 28-8-2007 02:06 AM | Show all posts

Reply #18150 myst_leen's post

hehehe...leen akak tahu kita dah nak melompat ni....

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Post time 28-8-2007 02:07 AM | Show all posts

Reply #18151 myst_leen's post

takpela on screen CE ni nampak rengang tapi of screen mana tahu...rapat giler...hehehe

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Post time 28-8-2007 06:26 AM | Show all posts

Wu Zun being exposed, pretend to understand Chinese, becomes a laughing stock
WuZun who was born in Brunei, recently develop his career in Taiwan, andwas confident that his Chinese has improved a lot. But recently heappeared at 鈥淕uess Guess Guess鈥

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Post time 28-8-2007 06:30 AM | Show all posts
Hana Kimi's Jiro Wang and Wu Zun "Electrifies" Their Korean Fans

Ella,Wu Zun, and Jiro Wang acts in the famous idol drama, "HanazakarinoKimitachihe", and were nominated for the best young people drama inKorea, the three of them yesterday arrived in Korea to attend thepromulgation ceremony. [Then it goes on to say something about Wu Zunand Jiro and a large sum of money, but I don't get what it says...]

Ella,Wu Zun and Jiro Wang arrived in Korea yesterday at noon, attractingmany Korean fangirls at the airport, moreover, there were over twentydie hard fans who had prepared Taiwanese style treats for their idols.

Lastnight the cocktail party took place, Ella first came in with a neutralappearance, she says, "At the awards ceremony, will dress moreladylike, I'm prepared to give everyone a surprise!" Her outfit wasprepared by her designer, no need to worry about 撞衫 [what does thismean?]. Wu Zun and Jiro Wang put on well-known high-qualitywestern-style clothing to declare a position.

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Post time 28-8-2007 06:32 AM | Show all posts

Taiwanese drama,"Hanazakarino Kimitachihe" is about Ella who disguises herself as a boyto obtain the heart of her love interest. Being able to play anout-of-character role and being rewarded for it, she is very happy!

So,Ella and her co-stars Wu Zun and Jiro Wang, as well as "HanazakarinoKimitachihe"'s production team arrived in Korea at six o'clock on the27th for the "Asian Movie Awards 2007". Their presence added colours tothe scene. In the drama, with her cross-dressing character and herkindness, the drama's heroine Ella participated in the activity,showing up in an extremely mischievous and neutral appearance**.

translated by: lixiangqingren

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Post time 28-8-2007 07:21 AM | Show all posts

Reply #18152 errasazza's post

kak erra.. nanti kak erra baca pos leen yg lagi satu ..kak erra akan lebih melompat... huhhuh...

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Post time 28-8-2007 07:22 AM | Show all posts

Reply #18153 errasazza's post

hurm ..yerp ..tgk je gambo tu ..memang nampak diorang sebenarnyer cuba tak nak naikkan balik rumours ce ..sebab tu la dalam kebanyakkan gambo jiro kat sebelah bila di candid camera..chun duk kat sebelah ella..uhuks. gambo yg kak erra baru pos tu ..akhirnyer ade jugak gambo ella berdiri kat tetengah antara jiro dan chun ..huhuhu..

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Post time 28-8-2007 07:43 AM | Show all posts
hurmm ...nampak nyer memang betul instinct CE fans yg CE ni memang bercinta secara diam2..aku tak nak ckp andaian lagi ..sebab dah ade banyak sangat bukti ..huhuh..bukti yg terbaru ni ..seriously tak tau nak ckp aper lagi ..ingat tak aku pernah ckp yg ella cipta lagu lao po tu berdasarkan perasaan dia mencintai seseorang yg berasal dari luar taiwan ? uhuks..memang aku dah dengar demo yg dia cipta gunakan gitar tu ..demo ni ade dimasukkan dalam EP ella..dan bila aku baca translated lyric utk lagu tu serta menghayati nyanyian ella tu ..aku nangis..huhuh..aku tau yg aku ni sensitif .. tp ..hurm ..ok ..aku pastekan je terus link utk korang dengar demo ni ..dengar dan jugak hayati bersama dengan translated lyric nii ..uhukss...lagu lao po ni memang ella cipta utk album PLAY yg dlm EP ni adelah demo ..kira masa ella memula cipta lagu ni sebelum lagu ni diedit ..


translated lyric for lao po (mahal kita)

Sing softly sing softly
sing very softly
singing out to you the worries in my heart
sing softly sing softly
sing very softly
singing out to you the worries in my heart (she sang this part really softly)
I love you
Are you also thinking about me
In a unfamiliar country, you also have the same worries

i love you
do you also love me

I love you
Are you also thinking about me
In a unfamiliar country, you also have the same worries
i love you
do you also love me

*gasp!!! Ella ckp kat situ unfamiliar country ...uhukss!!! bila aku baca unfamiliar country tu ..terus aku dah terfikir BRUNEI .. kan chun pun ckp yg taiwanese memang tak kenal negara BRUNEI .. diorang ingatkan BRUNEI ni sebahagian dari Malaysia ..huhuh..sedeh bila dengar demo tu ..sebab boleh dengar ella nyanyikan demo tu dengan penuh perasaan ..time ni la aku imbas kembali macam mana si chun pun asik duk bagi hint psl dia dan ella..bila dia datang malaysia dia pernah ckp yg dia memang nak mencintai dan dicintai oleh seseorang dia terlalu sebuk ,sebab tu takut nak bercinta..walau bagaimana pun , kalau dia rasa dia nak jugak bercinta..dia akan bercinta secara rahsia dengan org tu ..dan chun jugak ckp yg dia sebenarnyer nak sangat bagitau kat fans dia kalau dia dah bercinta..sebab dia tak nak tipu fans dia dia rasa yg penting dia kena dapatkan izin dari pihak yg lagi satu sebelum dia reveal ttg hubungan diorang sebab tu la akhirnyer , dia terpaksa jugak plh utk bercinta secara rahsia kata2 chun masa dia kat malaysia ..lepas tu ingat lagi tak yg dia ckp pada dia the most memorable scene dalam hanakimi adelah scene accidentally touched rui xi's breast ..dan jugak scene yg dia paling suka dalam hanakimi adelah kissing scenes..lepas tu dia asik ckp kalau diberi peluang utk tukar identiti dengan seseorang ..dia nak tkr identiti dia dengan ella sebab dia rasa ella ni not fake , fillial dan jugak generous ..uhuks..dan jugak ingat kembali bila chun ckp kat barbie event yg dia tak nak congratulate ella dan dj ..sebab dia pun tak tau betul ke tak kewujudan dj ( fact dia tau yg DJ ni memang diwujudkan utk die down rumours dia dengan Ella jer) .lepas tu macam mana dia boleh ckp pasal Ella lagi bila dia shooting RP ..yg dia duk ckp pasal dia belajar bind buku dari Ella..then bila dia ckp kalau dia diberi peluang dilahirkan sekali lagi sebagai manusia , dia nak jadi seseorang yg dapat membawa kebahagiaan pada orang lain yg boleh buat orang lain gelak ..and aku ingat lagi chun pernah ckp yg ella ni memang bawak kegembiraan pada org lain sebab bila ella ade ..suasana kat shooting set akan jadi ceria dengan lawak2 ella walau pun diorang dah penat shooting ..huhuh..lepas tu dalam interview majalah jepun ,chun ckp dia pilih perkataan COURAGE sebagai motto hidup dia..uhuks. bukan ke kita pun tau ELLA tu ade lah bermakna COURAGE dalam bahasa sepanyol ..chun keeps on dropping hints pasal ella ni ..CE fans memang nampak semer ni masa tu kitaorang masih berteka teki lagi ..sampai la lepas hal DJ dah berlalu ..nampaknyer klu semakin nyata yg diorang ni memang bercinta secara rahsia ..dah terlalu banyak klu... dalam temuramah ella yg terbaru masa dia kat taiwan , sebelum dia fly ke korea semalam ..ella ade ckp yg lepas ni kalau dia bercinta lagi ..dia akan cuba sedaya upaya sembunyikan percintaan dia tu ..even if it is caught on film , she won't acknowledge it. ella dah ckp macam ni ..maknanya kita tau yg diorang memang takkan mengaku diorang dah terlampau banyak bukti ..dengan cincin nyer lagi ..dan saper masih ingat masa chun di temuramah kat barbie event tu ..chun jugak ckp yg dia suka pada perempuan yg punya keyakinan yg tinggi dalam penampilan dia , dan boleh tampil cantik walau pun dengan hanya mengenakan mekap yg tipis ..selain tu chun jugak ckp yg org tu mesti lah very friendly and kindhearted ..semer klu tu kena kat ella..huhuh..yg lg best dia tambah bahawa org yg punya ciri2 macam tu adelah BARBIE in his heart ..bila di ingat2 balik ..terasa sedeh jugak dengan kesah diorang ..terpaksa sembunyikan cinta sampai kan kena wujudkan gossip ttg DJ ..kesian giler kat Ella dan Chun ..terutama Ella yg mendapat banyak tohmahan lepas pendedahan dia dengan DJ ..padahal perkara tu tak betul pun ..sebab tu tak pernah ade gambar dia dengan DJ walau pun digossipkan bercinta selama 2 bulan lebih ..*sigh* ..bila dengar lagu lao po dan hayati lirik dia..uwaa..sdhnyer..

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Post time 28-8-2007 07:56 AM | Show all posts
paste kat cni gak...ada free time boleh try

puzzle game Chun

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Post time 28-8-2007 08:12 AM | Show all posts

Reply #18159 myst_leen's post

morning leen, tsu dan semua...

wah..wah...bestnya baca karangan leen...dh terbang di awangan dah..
sedih pun ada coz kesian kat CE kena bercinta sorok-sorok...

tak sabo nak tgk ella pakai dress plak...

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